
美 [sɜrv]英 [sɜː(r)v]
  • v.服务;提供;接待;任期为
  • n.发球
  • 网络招待;供职;为…服务

第三人称单数:serves 现在分词:serving 过去式:served

serve purpose,serve tea,serve community,serve cause,serve dinner
faithfully serve


v. n.


1.[t][i](给某人)提供;端上to give sb food or drink, for example at a restaurant or during a meal

2.[t]~ sb/sth够…吃(或用)to be enough for sb/sth


3.[t][i]~ (sb)接待;服务to help a customer or sell them sth in a shop/store

有用be useful

4.[t]~ sth/sb对…有用;能满足…的需要to be useful to sb in achieving or satisfying sth

提供provide sth

5.[t](向某地或某群体)供应,提供to provide an area or a group of people with a product or service

适合be suitable

6.[i]~ (as sth)可用作,可当…使(尤指别无选择时)to be suitable for a particular use, especially when nothing else is available

产生某种结果have particular result

7.[i][t]产生…的效果(或结果)to have a particular effect or result


8.[i][t](为…)工作,服务,履行义务,尽职责to work or perform duties for a person, an organization, a country, etc.

9.[t][i]任期为;担任(职务)时间达;培训期为to spend a period of time in a particular job or training for a job

监禁时间time in prison

10.[t]~ sth服(刑)to spend a period of time in prison

正式文件official document

11.[t]把…送达;向(某人)送交to give or send sb an official document, especially one that orders them to appear in court

体育运动in sport

12.[i][t]发(球)to start playing by throwing the ball into the air and hitting it


it serves sb right (for doing sth)

咎由自取;罪有应得used to say that sth that has happened to sb is their own fault and they deserve it

serve your/its turn

(在某方面或某期间)发挥作用,派上用场;足以满足…的需要to be useful for a particular purpose or period of time

serve two masters

侍奉二主(同时支持两个敌对的党派);徘徊于两种对立原则之间to support two opposing parties, principles, etc. at the same time


新概念英语单词表带音标(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... manager 经理 serve 照应,服务,接待 counter 柜台 ...


网球规则 ... •Back spin 下旋球 •Serve 发球 •Net 触网球 ...


九年级英语单词表 ... hard 坚硬的;坚固的 serve 招待;端上 fair 公平的;公道的 ...


四项修炼:500强高薪求职密码 - MBA智库文档 ... double 加倍,翻一番 serve 服务,供职 earn 获得,赚取 ...


星火考研词汇 - 豆丁网 ... sensation n. 感觉;轰动 serve v. 为…服务;符合 service n. 服务;公共服务 v.维修 ...


高中英语第一册词汇表 ... inspect vt. & vi. 检查;视察 serve vi. & vt. 服务;服役 whenever conj. & adv. 随时 ...


必备单词BEST2 - 豆丁网 ... completely 完全地 serve 供应;服务 Unit16 Free time make good use of 很好地利用 ...


《趣味背单词》(免费) - 豆丁网 ... reserve( 预定) 享受专人来 serve( 伺候) 这一切我都 direct( 直接的) 错误善于 ...

He might suddenly find himself in a fight--initiating one--and the smallest incident may serve as a trigger. 他会突然发现他自己变得一触即发,极小的事情会成为导火索而引爆。
I'll start out with a quick example of a standard Java Archive file procedure, which will serve as a foundation for the tips that follow. 我将以一个标准JavaArchive文件产生过程的简单示例开始,这将作为以下技巧的基础。
On Monday, a State Department spokesman said he doubts Mr. Ahmadinejad's appearance before the council would serve a positive purpose. 美国国务院发言人星期一表示,他对艾哈迈迪内贾德在安理会上露面是否有正面效果表示怀疑。
A trainee also has his own moral duty to serve for the country of his origin as the country has spent huge sum of money for his education. 一个新人有他自己的道德义务,既然国家将大笔支出用于他的教育,那他就应该为自己的国家服务。
It is an honor to serve you and Our Creator and I AM returning soon to bring YOU home with Me to God's higher places which we have prepared. 这是一种荣幸为您服务,我们的创造者,我很快就回我回家给你带来与神的更高的地方,我们有准备。
The winning bid is expected to shape India's air power for the next three decades and serve as the bedrock of a strategic partnership. 胜出的投标方将在未来30年塑造印度空军的格局,为胜出国与印度建立战略合作伙伴关系奠定基石。
Though Murray faced up to four years in state prison, it isn't clear how much time he will actually serve. 尽管默里面临着州立监狱最高四年的有期徒刑,但他实际上会服刑多长时间目前尚不清楚。
Knowledge is going to have to serve as the fulcrum of progress or provide the key to a decent survival. 知识必将成为发展的支柱,也将是改善生存环境的关键所在。
Mr Putin is well placed to serve two back-to-back presidential terms that would keep him in power until 2024 at which point he would be 71. 普京已经为连续两次的总统任期做好准备,这样就能使他一直当权到2024年,那时他将71岁。
Letting customers help themselves. Provision of a self-serve site, easy to use without assistance, can help in this respect. 让顾客自助。供应自助服务的站点,不用协助就可方便使用,可对这方面有所帮助。
Training received by a public servant and his academic record shall serve as one of the bases for his assessment, appointment and promotion. 公务员培训情况、学习成绩作为公务员考核的内容和任职、晋升的依据之一。
I remember one man who kept ordering me to get his food and demanding things we did not serve. He was also very critical. 我记得一个男人不断地支使我为他拿食物,并提出超范围的服务要求,非常吹毛求疵。
He said the three plants also would help Volvo more easily serve different regions of China. 他说,这三个工厂同时也将帮助沃尔沃更方便的服务中国不同的区域。
Last time I did some pleasant shopping in hangzhou tower. The shop assistant went out of his way to serve me. 我上次去杭州大厦做了一次愉快的购物,营业员不厌其烦的为消费者服务,特别的好。
Medical students with previous hospital volunteer experience did not indicate greater willingness to serve as a hospice volunteer. 曾担任过医院志工的医学生较不愿意参与安宁疗护志工工作;
No more wimpy returns on second serve, Andy Roddick promised. No more going into a defensive shell when the balls are not in his hands. 安迪罗迪克承诺,不再有懦弱的回球。在对手发球局中,不再退而防守。
I mourn sincerely the death of my dear uncle, the King, but I know I may count on you to serve me as loyally as you served him. 我为我叔父--国王的死感到深切的哀痛,但我坚信你们会服务于我,如对他那般的忠诚。
In 1958, just as he finished making the movie "King Creole, " Elvis received notice that he had to serve in the United States Army. 1958年,正当他演罢电影《克里奥尔王》的时候,他接到通知必须在美国军队中服役。
We need not think in terms of excessive fortes at all times; the thrust can serve mezzo forte or piano sonorities as well. 我们不必考虑一直保持着过度的强音;推力可以适合钢琴的中强音或弹奏响亮的强音。
If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. 即便如此,我们所侍奉的神能将我们从烈火的窑中救出来。王阿,他也必救我们脱离你的手。
We seem to be determined to support politicians and policies that do not serve our best interests regardless of the outcome. 看起来,无论结果如何,我们总是坚定地支持着那些使我们的最大利益无法实现的政治家和他们政策。
The author thinks that this work will help to save the history, enrich the collection of document resources and serve the readers better. 作者认为这项工作有助于补充既有文献的不是,丰富馆藏文献资源,更好地为读者服务。
Have I been persecuting Jesus by a zealous determination to serve Him in my own way? 我是否曾热切地决心用自己的方式来事奉主,实际上却逼迫了主?
My neighbors speak Spanish, and I find myself trying to learn a new language among the people God has given me to serve. 由于我们这个小区说西班牙话,因此我要在神带领我去服侍的这群人当中,学习一种新语言。
The second, that the weapon, in his torpid hand, was no defense at all, but would merely serve to justify his murder. 其次,这件武器在他笨拙的手里非但起不了防护他的作用,反而给人以杀死他的理由。
It all began because Philip had found Christ and was willing to serve Him in any capacity and anywhere. 腓利一生的转捩点,在于他认识基督之后,决意在任何境况、任何地方事奉祂。
I believed that this would best serve the long-term interests of both the Tibetan and Chinese peoples. 中文版是“我坚信这是实现藏汉两个民族长远共同利益的最好途径。”
But just as no nation can wall itself off from the consequences of a global crisis, no one can serve as the sole engine of global growth. 但是,如同没有任何国家能够在全球危机中独善其身一样,没有任何国家能够单独成为全球发展的动力。
Just so. After your capers are concluded, you will help serve and pour. See that you do not spill on the guests, or it will go ill for you. 就这样吧。你们的小丑秀结束后,还有端茶倒水的工作。到时候小心点别洒到客人身上,否则有你好受。
The answer was negative, since the old chat channels were quite generic and did not serve their purpose. 答案是木有。老式的那种聊天频道太废柴了,和我们的设计意图不符。