
美 [ˈpɑsəbli]英 [ˈpɒsəbli]
  • adv.可能;或许;尽可能;强调惊奇、恼怒等
  • 网络可能地;也许;或者

possibly make,possibly cause,possibly lead


1.可能;或许used to say that sth might exist, happen or be true, but you are not certain

2.(强调惊奇、恼怒等)used to emphasize that you are surprised, annoyed, etc. about sth

3.(表示委婉的请求)used to ask sb politely to do sth

4.尽量;尽可能used to say that sb will do or has done as much as they can in order to make sth happen

5.(与 can't、couldn't 等否定词连用,以加强语气)used with negatives, especially ‘can't’ and ‘couldn't’, to say strongly that you cannot do sth or that sth cannot or could not happen or be done


人教版九年级上册英语单词表 ... hair band 发带 possibly 可能地 drop 掉下 ...


新大纲四级 - xieyuchao670的日志 - 网易博客 ... possibility 可能(性);可能的事 possibly 可能,也许 postage 邮费,邮资 ...


人教版•九年级英语词汇表(附音标) - 豆丁网 ... author 作家,作者 possibly 可能地,或许,也许 drop 掉下,落下 ...


英语单词立体记忆 ... → possible 可能的,做得到的 → possibly 可能地,或者,也许 → possibility 可能性 ...


未分类 - - Nicolas’ Blog - Upholstery ... possible 可能 possibly ad. 可能地,合理地 postamble 后同步信号 ...


高中英语单词表 ... postcard n. 明信片 possibly ad. 可能地,也许;无论如何 possible a. 可能的,做得到的;合理的,可允许的 ...


高中英语单词表 ... postcard n. 明信片 possibly ad. 可能地,也许;无论如何 possible a. 可能的,做得到的;合理的,可允许的 ...

These ideas are possibly new to you now, but as you get used to us and learn more about us it will all seem so familiar to you. 这些想法对你们来说现在可能是全新的,不过,当你们适应了我们并且关于我们知道的更多的时候,一切对你们来说似乎是如此地熟悉。
Amaury also chatted about this possibly being the end of the series for Prison Break. "I think it could be a good place to stop. " 同时他也聊到了《越狱》有可能即将完结:“我觉得是时候好聚好散了吧。”
Your system clock appears to have been set back, possibly in an attempt to defeat the security system on this program. 你的系统时钟出现了回倒,有可能通过此程序攻击你的安全系统。
Hello young adventurer. I am an old woman who has no fire in her home, could you possibly help me light it up? 你好,年轻的冒险家,我一个家里没有火的的老女人,你可以帮我点上火吗?
Who could possibly produce a worthwhile piece of writing in such a short time? 谁能在这么短的时间内完成一篇有价值的作品呢?
A compound statement , usually referred to as a block , is a (possibly empty) sequence of statements surrounded by a pair of curly braces . 复合语句,通常被称为块,是用一对花括号括起来的语句序列(也可能是空的)。
Steve: Dear, I was just wondering if you could possibly spare some of your precious time with me next week? 亲爱的,我在想不知道下个礼拜有没有可能把一些你宝贵的时间留给我呢?
So I would encourage you to be as generous as you possibly can in response to what is a major catastrophe . 所以,我鼓励大家像面临任何一场重大灾难所作出的回应一样慷慨。
But a stronger impact could have sent both subs and their crews to the bottom and possibly dispersed plutonium into surrounding waters. 但更强烈的冲击可能会把潜艇和船员一起送到海底,并且把钚混进周围的海水里。
Late Tuesday the euro should turn higher and rally for a minimum of a week and possibly longer. 周二晚欧元应该会反转走高,至少一个星期,可能更长的时间。
When he called on my birthday, I knew he was in utter despair, trying to figure out what life he could possibly have without flying. 我生日那天,他登门拜访。我知道此时的他已陷入对生活深度的失望之中。我尝试着去了解他在没有飞行表演后会过一种什么样的生活?
Do you think you could possibly move your bike forward a bit, please? 请把你的自行车往前一点行吗?
Yes, you're risking you X-figure a year job, but the return that you could possibly get is way greater than this. 是的,你以你一年好几位数的年薪为赌注,但你的回报是你可能可以获得数倍的回报。
'Regardless of what happens to my credit, we've managed to put together the best safety plan that I possibly could. ' 她说,我感觉非常幸运,不管我的信用会遇到什么问题,我们毕竟已经制定了能够制定的最好避险计划。
The prognostications may possibly turn out to be true, or perhaps the only thing we have to fear are the fears of journalists themselves. 这个预兆可能真的会应验,但或许记者们自身的恐惧情绪才是唯一应该让我们感到害怕的东西。
The table contains recommendations that you can use to possibly resolve or to possibly work around the issue. 表包含,可用到可能解决可能解决问题或建议。
I try to watch as much Korean television as I possibly can and I heard that it is one of the biggest one, so I'm really happy to be here. 我尽可能的多看韩国的电视,我听说这是最大的电视台之一,所以真的很高兴能来到这里。
One of them is a willingness to work very hard all by yourself, at least for the first year or so (and possibly longer). 其中一条是,你要乐于承受一个人辛苦工作的艰辛,至少在创业的第一年里(可能会更长)。
"We're just going to keep moving and reaching out and trying to attract as many voters of all ages as we possibly can, " she said. “我们只是想要尽可能地吸引不同年龄阶段的更多选民,”她说道。
If I practice jumping, I can possibly get out of the water and feel the sun and the wind myself. " (of)" 要是我练习跳跃,或者就可以离开水底,去亲自感受那阳光和风。
The Liverpool manager said the defender will be approached with a new deal once rebuilding efforts and possibly a takeover are complete. 老霍说,一旦重建的努力完成,俱乐部完成收购后,将给卡拉提供一份新合同。
Initially, he said he was late to a taping and said the "louts" and "jackasses with cameras" who taped him couldn't possibly understand. 最初,他说他要去做节目,已经迟到了,并说那些“大老粗”和“拿着相机的笨蛋们”根本不可能理解。
The cost of any penalties to Goldman, if found guilty, is likely to be in the tens, possibly hundreds, of millions. 一旦发现有罪,高盛的惩罚成本很可能是上千万或者上亿美元。
Nevertheless, this was published with the PBoC's approval and, quite possibly, with that of people much higher up still. 然而,这条消息又是由中国人民银行同意后发出的,所以很有可能是的到了更高层的许可。
Then what you don't like is just your incomplete and possibly wrong perception of him. 那么,你对他的不喜欢只是你对他片面甚至是错误的认识罢了。
But he has also said he would sell the stores to GOME, possibly in return for equity, in order to increase his stake in the company. 不过黄光裕也表示,可能会将其私有门店卖给国美换得股权,以增加对国美的股权持有比例。
I tell you that miracles can't possibly happen, " he said, " and I'm prepared to prove it. 告诉你,奇迹是不可能发生的,我随时可以证实。
All that said, I favor being as transparent as you can possibly be with your company. 综上所述,我赞成尽你所能向你的团队做以解释。
The shot sped, traversed the hand and possibly, also, the workman, since he fell, but the ball did not strike Marius. 枪响了,子弹穿过那工人的手,也许还打在他身上,因为他倒下去了,却没有打中马吕斯。
I can fight the last moment with the team, the matter which sneaks away at a critical juncture not possibly on my body to occur. 我会和球队战斗到最后一刻,临阵脱逃的事情不可能在我身上发生。