
美 [poʊst]英 [pəʊst]
  • n.邮政;桩;岗位;职位
  • v.寄;邮寄;发布;张贴
  • adv.〈外〉在后;用急件[驿马];赶紧地
  • 网络开机自检(Power On Self Test);邮件;加电自检

复数:posts 现在分词:posting 过去式:posted

post letter,get post,accept post,give post,hold post
responsible post,prominent post,permanent post,prestigious post,temporary post


n. v.


1.[u]邮政;邮递;邮寄the official system used for sending and delivering letters, packages, etc.

2.[u]邮寄的信函(或包裹等);邮件letters, packages, etc. that are sent and delivered

3.[u][sing]收集(或投递)邮件的时间;邮班an occasion during the day when letters, etc. are collected or delivered


4.[c]职位;(尤指)要职a job, especially an important one in a large organization

5.派驻an act of sending sb to a particular place to do their job, especially for a limited period of time

士兵;警卫for soldier/guard

6.[c]哨所;岗位the place where sb, especially a soldier, does their job


7.[c]柱;桩;标志杆a piece of wood or metal that is set in the ground in a vertical position, especially to support sth or to mark a point


9.[c][ususing](发送到互联网讨论组的)帖子,信息;博文;网志文章a message sent to a discussion group on the Internet; a piece of writing that forms part of a blog

开机自检(Power On Self Test)

开机自检结果检测 — 对 RAC 硬件和固件运行开机自检 (POST),获取开机自检操作的结果并报告任何错误。 带内访问检测 — 检查 …


字典中 仕 字的解释 ... (6) 审察。检查[ examine] (1) 职位[ post] (4) 官宦,官员[ official] ...

后现代主义(postmodernism)中的post)因为理解的不同,使人们对后现代与现代的关系显得扑朔迷离。一些学者认为, …


初中英语单词大全(不容错过)_中考英语_读书人 ... 713 farm n 农场 714 post n 邮政,邮寄,邮件 715 office n 办公室 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... dislike 讨厌;不喜欢 post 邮件;邮递 office 办公室;事务所 ...


新东方英语口语... ... Lesson 54:Telling your Opinions 阐述观点08-31 Lesson 53:Post 邮政08-31 Lesson 55:Housing 住房08-31 ...


加电自检 (POST) 内存测试开始后按下 F2 键。选择 "Configuration"( 配置 ) 菜单中 , 然后SATADrives(SATA 驱动器 ) 菜单。

Anderson said he was going to hit it to the front post so I thought I could get it. 安德森说他要发到前点,我想我抢到了这个点。
But she wasn't all that wrong since she is the only woman to have held this post. 但是,她没有全错,因为她是拥有这个职位的唯一女性。
Once you've found a group that suits you, spend some time thinking about what you want to say in your first post. 一但你找到了适合自己的网站,花时间好好想想在你的第一篇贴上要说些什么。
Please write "I can post 123" or it will be not considered. Also, once again, please let me know how much you ask per posting. 请写“我可以张贴123”,否则将不予考虑。另外,再次说明,请让我知道你有多么每张贴问。
Greater post-trade transparency would make it harder for the opposition to complain about the opaque nature of their business. 加大交易后期的透明度将使反对者在抱怨他们的业务缺乏透明性时变得更加困难。
I will leave it up to you to determine if you are auto submitting or hand posting ads and where you post them. 我会留给您来决定,如果你是自动提交或张贴广告,并在手,你张贴。
Her post was one of the first reports of the accident that reached the outside world. 她发布的内容是该事故第一个到达外界的报道。
Prime Minister Donald Tusk said the crash was the most tragic event of the country's post World War II history. 唐纳德·塔斯克总理说,此次坠机事故是二战后波兰遭遇的最大悲剧。
She got a post as a cashier at a local bank, but she was soon fired because she proved incompetent. 她在当地一家银行找到一份当出纳员的工作,但不久便因不称职而被解雇了。
She got a post as a cashier at a local bank. But she was soon fired because she proved to be incompetent. 她得到了当地银行的出纳员的职位,但很快因为证明不能胜任而被辞退了。
Father of The Year Banner - design a father of the year banner and post it in the front yard before dad gets home on Father's Day. 父亲旗——设计一面年度父亲旗帜,在父亲回家之前把它挂在前院里。
Imbalances were a problem for another day. All that mattered then was the post-crisis fix. 当时,全球失衡是一个留待日后考虑的问题,危机之后的调整才是要紧之事。
The study also tested how much these changes had been affected by hedonic adaptation (see sustainable happiness post) and variety. 这个研究也检验了享乐适应(看可持续的幸福终点)和变化究竟能带来多大的改变。
Henry decided to quit his post when he found one of his juniors had been promoted over his head. 亨利发现他的一名下级提升到他之上时,便决定辞职不干了。
The post generated a number of requests for more-precise data, since the ultra rich list was really just a list of the largest states. 很多人看了文章后发帖请我给出更加精确的数据,因为最富裕的州基本上也就是最大的那些州。
But the creation of the post of prime minister, which had not existed, was a victory for Mr Odinga. 但是,创设一个从前不存在的首相职位,是奥廷加先生的一个胜利。
If you liked this post, please give it a thumb up in StumbleUpon. 如果你喜爱这篇文章,竖起大拇指。
All of these ads in this post manage to speak with you through a simple picture in one way or the other. 这篇帖子里的那些广告试图告诉你对一副简单的画面所使用的或这或那的方法。
Principal shall be elected from members of SB. The tenure of the post is two years, with a maximum of two terms for the same office. 校长从理事会成员中推选产生。任期为两年。同一职位连选得连任一次。
At least two courses at other law schools focus on the concept of the rule of law in post-conflict societies. 在其它法律学校至少两个课程侧重于在冲突后社会的法治的概念。
Taking his post of getting ready to attack, the sculpture is to commemorate the superstar's great achievements. 作品为纪念李小龙在电影上的成就,故以他的武打造像为蓝本。
Post-modernist theory did much to break through those boundaries, just as Modernism had done in its time. 后现代主义的理论大大突破了这些界限,正如现代主义在它的时代所做的一样。
For a more indepth discussion on why you get Out of Memory exceptions see my earlier post. 关于为什么会发生内存溢出异常的更多深入的讨论,可以参看我先前的帖子。
He was ready to stand down so that his friend might be nominated for the post. 他准备退出竞选,以便使他的朋友被提名为这个职位的侯选人。
How much is the rent for a post office box? 邮局信箱的租金是多少?
How much stress or relaxation a traveler experienced on the trip appeared to influence post-vacation happiness. 旅行中经历到的压力或者娱乐看来影响着假期后的快乐。
Lord Patten, now chancellor of Oxford University, said he would not lobby for the post but would be "very positive" if asked. 现任牛津大学(OxfordUniversity)名誉校长的彭定康勋爵表示,他不会为这一职位展开游说,但如果受到邀请,将会是件“非常好的事”。
Post-Iraq, many policymakers seem to unable to distinguish prudent precaution from madcap plans to start unnecessary wars. 伊拉克战争后,许多政策制定者似乎无法区别审慎的预防措施与妄图发动不必要战争的疯狂计划。
With half of her holiday gone, Lu suffered a series of common post-festival syndromes: stress, fatigue and a sense of frustration. 随着假期已经过去一半的光景,陆文飞开始出现一系列常见的节后综合症症状:压力、疲乏以及挫败感。
We gave you a post-office box two and a half months ago and wrote to you that day to tell you your box number . 两个半月前,我们给了你们一个邮箱,也在那天给你们写了信,并告诉你们箱子编号。