puss in boots

  • 网络穿靴子的猫

puss in bootspuss in boots

puss in boots


After that, Puss in boots had a pretty easy life of it; and he never caught any more mice except for fun. 然后呢,这只穿靴子的猫就过起了无忧无虑的生活,它除了玩,才不做捉老鼠这类麻烦事呢。
Puss in Boots was very proud of his prey, and hurried with it to the palace and asked to speak to the king. 穿靴子的猫很自豪抓抓住了猎物,他急忙带着他们跑到皇宫里,要求面见国王。
Best friend Donkey has no idea who the big green guy is; and neither does comrade-in-arms Puss-in-Boots. 最好的朋友驴不知道谁是大绿家伙,也没有和战友战友猫中靴。
Puss in Boots: [after Shrek throws Donkey out the door] Some people just don' t understand boundaries. 穿靴子的猫(史莱克将驴子扔出了窗户):有些人就是不知道什么叫做适可而止。
Recruiting Donkey and Puss in Boots for a new quest, Shrek sets out to bring back the rightful heir to the throne, Fiona's cousin Artie. 史莱克向驴和长靴猫寻求帮助,开始了新的寻觅之旅,他们出发去带回合法的王位继承人——菲奥娜公主叛逆的表哥阿蒂。
The next day, Puss-in-Boots caught two pheasants and once again went to the palace to present them to the King. 隔天,穿靴猫捉到两只野鸡,并且再次到皇宫去把它们呈献给国王。
"Welcome to the castle of the Marquis of Carabas! " cried all the servants. Puss in boots had seen them and told them what to do. “欢迎您们光临卡拉巴斯侯爵的城堡!”那些仆人们大声欢呼。因为这只穿着靴子的猫之前就去见了这些仆人,并告诉他们怎么做。
In the film Puss in Boots, the events take place before he meets Shrek and Donkey. 电影《穿靴子的猫》的故事发生在他与史莱克和驴子谋面之前。
Quite overjoyed, Puss in Boots marched before the coach, giving orders to the workmen he met along the way. 穿靴子的猫无比喜悦,他走在车子的前面,还对沿途所看遇到的工作的人们发号施令。
Soon two young rabbits jumped into his bag and Puss in Boots drew the strings and caught them. 很快,两只小兔子跳进了袋子。穿靴子的猫就拉起了绳子将它们逮住了。