
  • n.中华人民共和国
  • 网络中华人民共和国(People's Republic of China);中国;中国大陆



中华人民共和国(People's Republic of China)

中华人民共和国PRC)来的学生在所有留学生中比例最大,一直是大家忧虑的焦点。“这些学生本可以坚持下去,最终找到 …




...部分机械表;K1为韩国,生产绝大部分机械表;P1为中国大陆(PRC),生产此外的所有型号,占精工表中的绝大多数,包括所有型 …


  中国人民共和国(PRC)在有关外交政策、国防和军备控制等方面出台的一系列“白皮书”中概述了其国家战略目标。不过,这些文 …

专业管制署(Professional Regulation Commission)

...ucation (CHED) 1 and the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) 2 , and one (1) private organization, the Philippine T...

The Company hereby irrevocably waives any right to invoke jurisdiction it may have to any court by virtue of the laws of the PRC. 公司在此不可撤消地放弃任何根据中国法律调用其权限向其他法庭起诉的权利。
I am not a lawyer, but it seems to me that these requirements are going to be tough to meet under PRC law. 我不是律师,但在我看来,根据中国法律,这些要求将很难获得保护。
That can leave the PRC sitting on a huge pile of dollars and the U. S. economy as the only place big and solid enough to absorb it back. 这样就使中国坐拥一大堆美元,而美国经济则成为吸收这些美元的唯一够大,够坚实的去处。
Instead of an apology of any sort, the salesperson said, to her face, "I hate having to deal with PRC girls like you, you are a menace. " 我们没有得到任何形式的道歉,这个销售人员反而当着她的面说:“我讨厌和像你一样的中国女孩做生意,你们都是麻烦人物。”
Thereafter, the question of how Article 25 of Maritime Procedure Law of PRC is applied to the arrest of the ship concerned is discussed. 随后,就《海事诉讼法》第25条如何适用于扣押当事船舶进行评述。
The concept of warranty in marine insurance finds no place in the insurance laws of PRC. 我国保险法律未明文规定海上保险中的保证概念。
And the last part sums up the experience and lessons learned from the construction of political modernization since the foundation of PRC. 最后一部分总结了建国以来党领导我们进行政治现代化建设的经验与教训。
Article 11 Land used for highway construction shall be dealt with in accordance with the "Land utilisation law of the PRC" . 第十一条公路建设用地,按照《中华人民共和国土地管理法》的规定办理。
The objective is to apply Western policy science research experiences to a comparative study of the institution of this PRC policy. 目的在藉用西方的政策科学研究经验,比较研究大陆的该项政策之制订可值得反省的地方;
mr kwong wui chun , chairman of asia aluminum holdings said : " the prc continues to be our largest and most promising market" . 亚洲铝业主席邝汇珍先生称:中国仍然是集团最大的市场,业务前景亦最可观。
Amended in 1997, "Criminal Law of the PRC" (hereinafter referred to as the "Criminal Law" ) was added in a new crime named Medical Crimes. 1997年修订的《中华人民共和国刑法》(本文以下简称为刑法)新增设了医疗事故罪。
"Ancillary Documents" means documents required by the relevant PRC government authorities for approval and registration of the Company. “附属文件”指为获得相关中国政府部门批准与注册,合营公司所需提交的文件。
However, the system of personality right in General Principles of the Civil Law of the PRC is still unsatisfactory. 而我国《民法通则》中关于人格权的制度还存在一些不尽人意的地方。
While PRC can pretend its 'peaceful rise' for all it wants, no country in Asia, not the least India, considers that statement to be true. 当中国假装“和平崛起”的时候,亚洲没有一个国家,至少印度自己并不相信这是真的。
The provisions of the Company Law of the PRC shall apply to the organizational structure of an insurance company. 第八十二条保险公司的组织机构,适用公司法的规定。
The A-share findings indicate that there is no significant difference in the explanatory power of IAS and PRC accruals for A-share returns. 股调查结果显示出,A股收益的解释力基于IAS和PRC的应计项目没有显著差异。
The Contract price shall be free of any present or future Customs duties, sales, excise, withholding or similar taxes in effect in the PRC. 合同价不包括现在或将来的关税、营业税,消费税及在中国执行的类似税种。
From the founding of PRC to the beginning of reform and opening up, rural cadres had been the national agents in rural. 建国后直到改革开放初期,农村村干部一直是国家在农村的代理人。
Songjiang Forte has paid Social Insurance in full for its employees and has committed no breach of any laws of the PRC on Social Insurance. 松江复地全额为其员工缴纳社会保险,未违反任何中国社会保险法律。
The foreign investor has acquired more than 10 PRC domestic enterprises engaging in related industries within a year. 外国投资者一年内并购中国境内关联行业的企业超过10个。
The information problem is usually not the fault of the PRC. 信息透明不足的问题不是中国的错。
Cultural relics containing gold and silver shall be controlled in accordance with the Law of the PRC Governing Cultural Relics. 属于金银质地的文物,按照《中华人民共和国文物法》的规定管理。
Laws of the PRC shall be applied to contractual JV contract on its draft, powers, explanation, implementation and settlement of disputes. 第五十五条合作企业合同的订立、效力、解释、履行及其争议的解决,适用中国法律。
The staff and workers of the company shall pay individual income tax in accordance with the relevant PRC laws and regulations. 公司职工应按中国有关法律法规缴纳个人所得税。
Behind the various discourses about subaltern, there lies the structural change of social topography ever since the foundation of PRC. 在这一话语浮现的背后,折射的是建国六十年来的中国社会的结构化变迁图景。
After the founding of the PRC, China began to explore its own development model under the leadership of the CCP. 建国之后,在中国共产党的领导下,中国开始了探索自己的发展模式。
The PRC can take in a great deal of money from the world through its trade surplus and other activities. 中国可以通过其贸易盈余和其它活动从世界各国获取大量资金。
Party B violates the laws of PRC and gains judicial punishment or is found a guilty. 乙方违反中国法律,受到司法处罚或追究刑事责任。
Whether the PRC has the ability to do this is an obvious question which even Beijing might not be able to answer with any certainty. 中国是否拥有这样的能力是一个很明显的问题,而中国可能无法给出明确的答案。
But, if it was a dark time just before the founding of the PRC, it's definitely darker earlier in the 20th century. 但是,若说中华人民共和国建立前的时代很黑暗,那么,20世纪初期绝对要加个“更”字。