
美 [prəˈtest, ˈproʊˌtest]英 [prəˈtest]
  • v.抗议;声明;讲;【商】拒付(票据)
  • n.抗议(书);(期票等的)拒付说明;声明

第三人称单数:protests 现在分词:protesting 过去式:protested

make protest,protest innocence,lodge protest
loud protest,mild protest,strong protest



保龄球英文_爱问知识人 ... 申诉 appeal 抗议 protests 吸烟 smoking ...

Elling protests, but he is still pretty happy as he is transformed into a new man, clean, fully rested and well dressed. Elling虽然反对,但仍然相当高兴,因为他已经洗心革面,成了整洁,精神饱满和穿着得体的新人。
They marvelled at the protests in Tunisia, wondering if they dared to dream that this was the beginning of a new era. 它们惊叹突尼斯的抗议活动,揣测自身有无勇气梦想,这股抗议怒潮,就是一个新纪元的开端。
Mr. Boucher said he was unaware of any U. S. citizens being injured in the protests. 鲍彻先生说他不知道是否有美国公民在示威中受伤。
He tried to overrule protests by the presidential plane's pilot, that the trip into a war zone was unsafe. 他试图不顾总统专机驾驶员关于飞入交战地带是不安全的抗议。
The most vigorous protests, in London and Paris, were played out for prime-time newscasts. 最强烈的伦敦和巴黎抗议报道在黄金时段播出。
He said the protests represent a backlash to Beijing's efforts to stifle human rights and religious freedom in Tibetan areas of China. 他说,抗议活动是对中国政府在西藏地区压制人权和宗教信仰自由的反弹。
Despite the protests of the Irish doctors, I said that I wanted to leave the hospital immediately. 尽管遭到了爱尔兰医生的反对,但我还是告诉他们,我想立刻出院。
Protests have taken place in major cities in Spain against the detention in Britain of the Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange. 抗议活动在西班牙的各大城市发起,反对英国拘留维基解密网站的创始人阿桑奇。
The company had not issued a statement on the protests as of Sunday night and couldn't be reached for comment. 截至周日晚间,晶科未就抗议活动发布声明,记者也未能联系到晶科置评。
In what proved to be a tactical mistake, China decided to hold the relay in Western countries, where protests then took place. 中国决定在西方国家进行火炬接力,这被证明是一个策略性的错误,火炬传递过程中发生了抗议活动。
To put it in perspective, it took over a year of protests to oust the Shah of Iran in 1979. 相比之下,伊朗革命经过了一年的抗议示威,才在1979年迫使伊朗国王下台。
On the fourth day, the young man again overheard the guards, this time talking about how the protests had begun to spread across Syria. 第四天,年轻人听到狱警们说,示威抗议已经蔓延到叙利亚。
The death of Montazeri has galvanised the opposition Green Movement, which had been seeking to keep alive protests over the election. 蒙塔泽里的去世已经激发了反对派绿色运动,这项运动一直对选举保持着抗议。
Egyptian voters came out in force Saturday for the first ballot since popular protests swept away the previous government. 埃及选民出来投票周六生效以来的第一次群众性示威活动一扫上届政府。
Syrian activists say security forces have killed at least six people as they continue to try to crush protests against President Assad. 叙利亚活动积极分子表示,安全力量继续镇压反对阿萨德总统的抗议活动,造成至少6人死亡。
With a revived opposition mounting a number of large protests, the Islamic Republic ought to be looking across the region with trepidation. 当重新活跃起来的反对派力量发起一些大规模抗议活动,伊朗这个伊斯兰共和国本应该战战兢兢地审视着整个地区。
"But the best action for twitter might be to let us continue to use the service to organize our protests" , he said. “但Twitter所能做出的最好行动也许是让我们继续使用其服务来组织我们的抗议。”他说。
Whether or not the protests evolve into a more coherent set of demands, or even become a more lasting political force, remains to be seen. 抗议是否能够演变为一组更有条理的诉求、甚至变成一支更为持久的政治力量,还有待观察。
Barring some sort of accord between the pro- and anti-Thaksin factions, the streets of Bangkok are primed for a new round of mass protests. 除非支持他信和反对他信的人可以达成某种协定,否则曼谷街头还是会爆发新一轮的大规模抗议。
Protests are proliferating across the world. Their aim is not obvious. Nor is how much they matter. 抗议活动正扩散至全世界。这些活动没有明确目标,也没有太大意义。
Since Japan had become an ally of Germany a year earlier, Rabe hoped this would give weight to his protests to the Japanese government. 自从日本在一年前成为纳粹德国的同盟国之后,他就希望这能使他的抗议足以引起日本政府的重视。
He hated to lie any more than necessary, and yet he wanted no protests until he was out of danger. 除非不得已,他不愿意多撒一句谎,但是在他脱险之前,他不想嘉莉有任何抗议。
Yesterday, a huge crowd showed up in the downtown square where a lot of these protests have been going on. 昨天,一群人出现在抗议者发起抗议的市中心广场。
This month's anti-banker protests in London initially found a friendly base for their tent city at Saint Paul's cathedral. 本月发生在伦敦的反银行家抗议活动起初在圣保罗大教堂发现了一个友善的基地,可以安营扎寨。
Mr. Bush tried to put the protests in the most positive light, saying they were a sign of a vibrant democracy. 布什试图极其积极、乐观的看待那些抗议呼声,并认为这是民主动荡的表现。
But as public protests continued to dwindle without actually ending, the authorities said the incumbent would be sworn in early next month. 但是随着公共抗议声逐渐减少(事实上并未停止),政府官员称,在任者将在下月早期进行宣誓就职。
The army has been called in to help. Police have been using water cannon and rubber bullets to break up the most violent protests. 军队已被调遣来应对这些局面,警察开始使用水枪和橡皮子弹来驱散激进的暴力抗议分子。
Small groups of up to a few hundred people staged protests in at least five Chinese cities, according to the state-run Xinhua news agency. 官方的新华社报道称,中国至少五座城市出现了多至数百人的小规模抗议活动。
We were taken to the Chickasha jail, over my repeated protests that I was just a hitchhiker. 我们被带到切克沙镇监狱。我一遍遍抗议说我仅仅是个搭便车的旅行者。
One of the largest protests of the suffrage movement happened the day before Woodrow Wilson was to be inaugurated as President in 1913. 妇女选举权运动最大的抗议活动之一就发生在1913年伍德罗·威尔森总统就职典礼的前一天。