president hu

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president hu


喜剧小品:优妹汉哥(第一集) ... 司法部长: Minister of Justice: 胡总President Hu: 温总: Prime Minister Wen: ...

President Hu said the Communist Party, to continue its rule, must adapt to a changing nation and a changing world. 胡主席表示,共产党要维持其领导地位,必须适应不断变化的国内外形势。
The announcement comes one day after President Hu Jintao denounced what he said was a lack of integrity among finance officials. 就在政府宣布这项消息的一天前,国家主席胡主席谴责财政官员中存在他所说的缺乏正直。
If you know President Obama, president Hu Jintao or any other dignitary who can influence the process, please help. 如果你认识美国总统,或中国总理,或任何政客权贵,我们需要你的帮助。
President Hu is intellectually brilliant but seems to have no vision for China 20 years from now. 胡总书记本人智识过人但是似乎对于20年后的中国没有远见。
In the G20 summit, President Hu's speech regarding the reform of international monetary system got to the point. 在5次20国集团峰会上,胡主席讲话都强调改革国际货币体系,是切中要害的。
Translation: President Hu is closing the distance with us, I can almost feel as if he is right by my side, this is so incredibly moving! 总书记和我们大家拉近了距离,我感觉到胡总书记就在身边,很感动!很激动!
PRESIDENT OBAMA: I just want to say that it's a great pleasure once again to have this bilateral meeting with President Hu. 奥巴马总统:我要说的是,很高兴再度有机会与胡主席举行这次双边会谈。
The U. S. -China Strategic and Economic Dialogue that President Obama and President Hu initiated in April is the next stage in that process. 奥巴马总统和胡主席在四月份动议的美中战略和经济对话是该进程的下一个阶段。
He also said he fully agreed with President Hu's suggestion to address the differences between Japan and China through dialogues. 他还表示完全同意胡主席的建议,通过对话解决日中间存在的分歧。
Kaifang offered no proof of a power struggle, and Wen seems to retain President Hu Jintao's full backing. 《开放》没有提供证据证明此事涉及权力斗争,胡主席应该仍然在全力支持温。
So what was the purpose of his meeting with President Hu at this time? 那么,这次胡布会的目的到底是什么呢?
President Hu and I both felt that it was important to get our relationship off to a good start. 胡主席和我都认为两国关系有一个良好的开端很重要。
The breadth of our engagement will be on full display next week when President Obama welcomes President Hu to the White House. 奥巴马总统下周将欢迎胡主席前来白宫访问,届时两国接触的广泛性将得到充分的展示。
"Today, the Malian people are welcoming President Hu's visit in the most friendly and warmest way, " he said. 他说,马里人民今天以最友好最热烈的方式欢迎胡主席来访。
So with that, I'd like to just turn it over briefly to President Hu, and then maybe we can hear from some of the leaders around the table. 我就讲这些,我现在请胡主席来讲一讲,然后我们也许可以听听在座的一些领袖的发言。
President Hu, in contrast, is a hydraulic engineer (he worked for a state hydropower company). 相反,胡主席是一位水利工程师(他曾在国家水电公司工作)。
We are pleased with the commitments that came out of President Hu's visit earlier this year. 胡主席在今年年初访问时提出了一些承诺。我们感到十分高兴。
After the greeting, President Hu, accompanied by President Obama and his wife, went to the banquet hall and were seated. 迎宾结束后,胡主席在奥巴马夫妇陪同下前往国宴厅就座。
And the statements of both President Obama and President Hu at the UN Climate Summit, I think, reinforced this sense of mutual commitment. 我认为,奥巴马总统和胡主席在联合国气候问题首脑会议上发表的讲话,进一步明确了这个共同承诺的精神。
'My hope is that President Hu will recognize as well that this is an example of Pyongyang going over the line. ' 我希望胡主席也会承认这是平壤越界行为的一个例证。
When I met President Hu in New York, he said that China would bring more balance in our trade and protect intellectual property. 我在纽约同胡主席会晤时,他表示中国将使我们之间的贸易更平衡并保护知识产权。
The Queen welcomed Liu as the new Chinese Ambassador and asked him to convey her best wishes to President Hu. 女王欢迎刘大使履新,并请刘大使转达她对胡主席的致意。
But there are few signs that President Hu is in a hurry to put his democratic pledges into practice. 但没有什么迹象表明胡主席对于把他的民主承诺投入实践有任何急迫心情。
"I take President Hu at his word that . . . the test had nothing to do with my visit, " Gates said. “我相信胡主席的话…试飞和我访华之旅毫无关系。”盖茨说。
In 2004 a spate of violent incidents at schools prompted President Hu to call for better security measures. 2004年的一连串校园暴力事件促使胡主席要求制定更严格的安全措施。
President Hu urged the party to fight corruption and create what he described as a clean government. 胡主席敦促共产党加大反腐力度,创建廉洁政府。
That tension eased slightly following Chinese President Hu Jintao's state visit to the United States earlier this year. 在今年早期中国胡主席访美之后,这一紧张局势才稍为缓和。
Chinese President Hu Jintao appeared at the opening ceremony to hail college athletes from across the globe. 中国国家主席出席了开幕式,欢迎来自全球各地的大学生运动员。
PRESIDENT OBAMA: It's wonderful to see President Hu once again. 奥巴马总统:非常高兴能够同胡主席再次见面。
President Hu and Mr Wen will face considerable pressure to do more to help farmers and the urban poor. 在为农夫和城市贫民提供更多帮助方面,胡主席和温先生面对像当大的压力。