
美 [peɪnt]英 [peɪnt]
  • n.油漆;绘画颜料;油漆涂层
  • v.在…上刷油漆;用颜料画;把…描绘成;往(指甲、嘴唇等上)施化妆品
  • 网络涂料

复数:paints 现在分词:painting 过去式:painted

paint picture,paint wall,paint portrait,apply paint,strip paint
wet paint,fresh paint


n. v.

1.[u]油漆;油漆涂层a liquid that is put on surfaces to give them a particular colour; a layer of this liquid when it has dried on a surface

2.[pl]绘画颜料tubes or blocks of paint used for painting pictures


建筑学常见英语词汇 ... building hardware 建筑五金 paint 油漆 k. other architectural terms 其它建筑术语 ...


AE中英文对照 ... 动态草图 ← Motion Sketc 绘画Paint 段落 ← Paragraph ...


消防专业英语词汇表 ... pain 疼痛,痛(苦) paint 涂料,油漆 pancake collapse (楼板)平倒塌 ...


剑桥少儿英语一级词汇表_英语网 ... our pron 我们的 paint v 颜料;涂颜色; painting n 画; ...


yhn232x的博客 - yhn232x - 网易博客 ... 81,phon=sound 声音 82,pict=paint 画,描绘 83,plen=full 满,全 ...

If you asked me for my dream photo shoot, I'd be in a treehouse, in a wild costume, war-paint and I'd be playing with my pet dragon. 在那之前如果你问我梦想的照片拍摄,我会希望在一个树屋,穿着野外服装,涂上油彩,与我的宠物龙一起玩。
Because of this seemingly random accumulation of paint, there is often no dividing line between the stages of a work. 由于这看起来似乎在随意地堆积颜料,所以这种绘画的每一个步骤就变得不明显了。
Today, even with a fresh coat of gray paint, the resort feels as if it is quietly fading into the forest. 如今,即使喷上一层新灰漆,该景区给人的感觉是静静地消失在远处的森林。
Mrs Flinders: Paint me with diamond earring, a diamond necklace, emerald bracelets and a ruby pendant. 福林德斯夫人:画我戴着钻石耳环、钻石项链、祖母绿手镯,还有红宝石垂饰。
Paint one color at a time onto the surface of the mold and allow it to harden before moving on to the next color. 在模具表面每次着一种颜色,并让其在着下一种颜色前变硬。
My face felt as if it had been splashed with hot pink paint. 顿时,我感到脸上象是被人泼满了粉红色的热涂料。
One re painting a year is usually sufficient in normal circumstances, but damage to a room may make a special paint job necessary. 在正常的情形下,通常一年刷新一次就足够了,但是对一间损坏的客房而言,就必须进行一次特别的油漆工作。
So, one day I had the opportunity to meet one of these guys, and I said, "How do you paint like that? Who taught you? " 所以,当我终于有一天碰到一个画家的时候,我问他:“你是怎么做到的?谁教你的?”
It was the result of some wall paint lying around. It has no meaning at all. 这是随手可得的墙壁涂料造成的结果,根本没有含义。
Use a scrub brush if it looks as though the latex paint isn't coming off of your skin. 用板刷如果它看起来好像乳胶漆不来你的皮肤脱落。
It has missed the last four coats of paint so that the little chalk marks with dates opposite them would not be lost. 它已经错过油漆的最后四件外套,以便一点的粉笔以日期相对事物他们作标记不被遗失。
Kone said many Tuaregs who work with him in the government, and he did not want to paint the attacks as an ethnic conflict. 科内表示许多柏柏尔人与他一起为政府工作,他不想以种族冲突为导火索挑起争端。
Use cinnamon paint and a liner brush to sketch the face of the sun. Paint yellow rays between the half circles. 用肉桂色描绘太阳的五官。在半圆见涂上禁止词语射线。
"We're ready to go to Paris and extract a tiny bit of paint from the numbers and see whether they match the rest of the painting" he said. 我们现准备去巴黎,从该画像的数字区域上提取少量的颜料来看看他们是否和其他的画像相匹配。
Apply lipstick, and paint her nails, and he holds her elbow and walks with her around their grounds and talks to her in a soft, sweet voice. 唇膏、油漆她申请,他抓住了她的指甲周围着肘部和他们的理由,会谈到她的软,甜美的声音。
While carrying the paint can from the garage to the house, Marry was afraid that some of it might spill on her new skirt. 当玛莉从车库把油漆罐搬到屋里时,她担心油漆会溅到她的新裙子上。
Van Gogh had failed in several careers before he began to paint. 在梵高开始作画之前,他也有很多次失败的经历。
The artist coats her models with paint, obscuring the body while intimately exposing it, creating raw account of the person. 艺术家用绘画覆盖她的模特,模糊化其躯体并将其直接地展示,描绘出人的自然状态。
It was an old, beautiful Victorian style house painted in a light blue paint with white trim, any other time I might have admired it. 这是一幢美丽的古式维多利亚风格的房子,房身漆成淡蓝色伴有白色修边要是换了别的时候,我没准会驻足好好欣赏一番。
If you give me a hand clearing the rubbish from my garden I'll help you to paint your house - you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. 如果你帮助我把这些垃圾从我的花园中清除出去,我会帮助你粉刷房子-投桃报李嘛!
Above: To make the garden brighter, J decided to paint the back wall white, and he sourced the gravels from the Internet. 图上﹕为了令花园更光猛﹐J决定把后面的砖墙涂上白色﹐然后从网上订购了白色闪碎石。
Moody's did not return phone calls. Standard & Poor's responded, saying it's not as bad as critics paint it out to be. . . s则不回答任何电话。标准普尔响应了,说它不像批评人士指出的那样坏…
You see them trying to paint the town red while out on a weekend out pass but their efforts are doomed to failure. 你看到他们试图在周末狂欢作乐但他们的努力注定是要失败的。
He stood the paper up against a backing, put the paintbrush in his mouth and began to paint. 他把纸贴到一个支撑物上,把画刷放到自己的口中开始作画。
Rob Fyfe, along with seven of his brave airline staff, carry out their usual aircraft duties wearing nothing but body paint. 罗布·伊夫同他的七名勇敢的员工,除了身体彩绘外,片布未穿完成正常的飞行服务职责。
In the paint program, paint over the particles so they get covered with a gradient like this, and save the image. 在绘画程序中,描绘整个粒子,这样他们将被一种渐变色覆盖,然后保存这张图片。
therefore, it is possible for a lower privilege application to paint over the surface region of a higher privilege application window. 因此才使低权限应用程序能够对高权限应用程序窗口区域进行绘图。
It is often politically expedient to paint China as an adversary, or worse, a future enemy. 将中国描述为一个对手,甚至是未来的敌人,往往是政治上的权宜之计。
A new car with a factory paint job can be waxed the moment it is rolled out of the manufacturing plant. 新车可以立即进行打蜡,它在出厂时是包着金箔的。
Other times, he rotated into the paint to steal rebounds from Hornets forwards and casually lay the ball back in. 他还经常在黄蜂队的三秒区里从黄蜂队前锋手中抢下篮板,然后轻松的扔进篮筐。