
美 [prəˈɡres]英 [prəʊˈɡres]
  • n.进展;进步;进程;前进
  • v.进展;进步;前进;改进

第三人称单数:progresses 现在分词:progressing 过去式:progressed

make progress,monitor progress,report progress,achieve progress,check progress
great progress,current progress,rapid progress,good progress,steady progress


n. v.

1.进步;进展;进程the process of improving or developing, or of getting nearer to achieving or completing sth

2.前进;行进movement forwards or towards a place


in progress

进行中happening at this time

He said that Afghanistan is making progress in every reconstruction effort and is faced with an opportunity for further development. 他说,阿富汗各项重建工作正在取得进展,现在面临着进一步发展的机遇。
These considerable changes match the progress each of you is making toward the point where first contact is definitely required. 是你们相当大的变化与进步让我们向着完全准备好第一次接触这一时刻推进。
And I believe that if I do as what I said , I can make a great progress in the next term! 我相信如果我做什么,我说,我可以做出很大的进步在下学期!
Post your goal and a chart of your progress up in your office or other public place. 把你的目标和进程表放置在你的办公室或其他公共场所
I told someone that show makes me a little more optimistic because you can see how much progress society can make in a short period of time. 我告诉别人这个节目让我更乐观了一些,因为你可以看到社会在很短的时间内产生了多大的进步。
Web sites make it easy to track work that your team needs to complete. You can enter items and track their progress . 问题跟踪问题跟踪网站使您可以很容易地跟踪小组需要完成的工作。您可以输入项目并跟踪其进度。
Jones says the situation represents progress from a few years ago, when the Taliban appeared to have the upper hand and was gaining ground. 琼斯说,几年前塔利班还有优势而且地位在得到巩固,但现在形势发生了对联军有利的变化。
It will show the world our motherland, it will show the world how much progress we made, how proud we are to be Chinese. 它将会向世界展示我们的祖国;它将向世界展示我们所取得的进步;它将向全世界展示,作为中国人我们是多么的自豪!
Starved of sweet fuel, the bugs cannot work hard enough to break up great wads of vegetation as they progress through the animal. 由于甜燃料匮乏,这些寄生虫工作再努力也不足以分解通过动物肠道的大团植物。
Aphrodite: Kratos, the gods are pleased with your progress, but your current skills will not be enough to defeat the minions of Ares. 阿芙罗狄蒂:奎托斯,众神满意你的进展,但是你现有的能力根本不足以打败阿瑞斯。
Duality has been a hard lesson to go through at the levels you are in, but your progress up the spiritual ladder has been phenomenal. 在你们所处的水平上,二元性是一堂需要去通过的艰苦的课程,但是你们在灵性的阶梯上的进步一直是显著的。
From Beijing's perspective and that of the migrants, they are bringing money and progress to an underdeveloped region. 北京和这些移民的观点的观点是,他们给这个不发达地区带来资金和发展。
This could reverse years of progress, and is nothing less than an emergency for development. 这可能会颠覆多年取得的进步,对于发展来说不亚于一场紧急事件。
" Every time I am a little progress, I said to myself: " What kind of results this point, and then insist on is victory. 每当我有点进步时,我总自己说:“这点成绩算什么,再坚持就是胜利。”
It's just as well, as Rio Ferdinand is said to be "making progress" with his back injury, but is not looking at an imminent return. 据说费迪南德现在情况也不错,但最近还看不到他。“费迪南德还在康复中,”弗格森爵士说。
This year, we've made it easy for you to track the progress of your favorite college men's and women's basketball teams. 今年,跟踪您最喜爱的大学男子和女子篮球队的比赛进程将变得很容易。
I am Very Proud of All of You and I am Very Proud to be a part of your progress towards Ascension! 我大家感到非常自豪,我感到非常自豪,您对阿森松岛的进展的一部分!
China is ready to adopt a package of measures to promote the progress of its new high-tech companies and development zones. 中国准备采取一系列措施,促进发展其新生的高科技企业和开发区。
No doubt many participants will be at pains to stress how much progress has been made over the past year in response to the AIG shock. 毫无疑问,许多参与者不遗余力地强调,作为对AIG冲击的回应,过去一年取得了诸多进步。
In short, the Enlightenment-style concept of a fundamental inability of linear progress the fact that test. 简单来说,启蒙式的直线进步观根本禁不起事实的考验。
it is to save chemical system to advance in difficulty completely, develop in reform, a year when each job and career progress ceaselessly. 1999年,是全省化工系统在困难中前进,在改革中发展,各项工作和事业不断进步的一年。
You can review the report to determine how many stories are ready to release and to better understand the rate of the team's progress. 您可以检阅报表,判断已准备好发行的本文数目,并更了解小组的进展速度。
As a spiritual aristocrat, he has no truck with the complacent notions of progress and conquest of a Whiggish middle class. 他本人是一个精神世界丰富的贵族,他不会对国家的经济发展洋洋得意,也不会花心思去研究如何战胜辉格党中产阶级。
The best way to grab the user's attention is to display the progress indicator on the top of every page of the application. 把进度标识放在页面最上方是抓住用户注意的最好方法。
But in any case, he said, the issue remains the main obstacle to progress in the talks. 但是,他说,无论如何,边境问题依然是谈判取得进展的主要障碍。
If I hadn't mailed that monthly bill today, I'd have lost all my progress so far and I'm about to set a high score! 如果我忘了在今天邮寄应该每月一寄的单据,我将丧失我的程序及我即将创造的高分记录。
Do me a favour. He has stood in the way of any progress for seven years -- everyone is waiting for him to leave. 请帮帮忙,他已经挡在路上七年了--所有人正在等他走开。
But at meantime, we should cognize how much progress they have made. 但也要想想他们取得了多大进步。
India and Pakistan have continued to push on all-round dialogue and achieved some progress since the beginning of 2007. 2007年以来,印巴继续推进全面对话,取得一些积极进展。
But nobody knows the degree to which these things drive them to the Taliban, or what sort of progress might win them to the government. 但是,无人知晓这些东西严重到何种程度才迫使他们加入塔利班组织,或者取得何种程度的进展才能将他们拉回到政府这边。