give it a go

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  • 网络试一试;放手一搏;放心一博

give it a gogive it a go

give it a go


360教育网-... ... 48. sit out the rock climbing 坐在外面旁观攀岩 49. give it a go 试一试 50. put on my helmet 戴上头盔 ...


排舞 放手一搏 ( Give It A Go ) - 专辑:梅瑜排舞 pq236598雪 关注 播放 国际排舞三十二拍四个方向梅瑜演示2013 搜索更多 详情>>


林心如_完美百科 ... 01. 爱一个人快乐 Love One's Happiness 02. 放心一博 Give it a Go 03. 半生缘 18 Springs ...


Seeking Part... ... ) be shy about 对……害羞的,不敢做……的,对……感到不好意思 ) give it a go 尝试一下 ) in a row 连续, …


9月22日Tom's Club活动回顾:老板来了 ... Diaper 尿布 Give it a go 搏一搏 Proactive 积极主动的 ...

So why not give it a go and see how the GDS can support increased hotel distribution. 那么,何不尝试一下,看看GDS能够如何提高酒店分销?
Ooh, bit touchy today. D'you want me to give it a go? 今天的貌似有点棘手想要我试一下吗?。
I must confess that I have never actually eaten a grey squirrel, but I am prepared to give it a go. 我坦承自己从来吃过灰松鼠,但我做好了大胆尝试的准备。
I'm not so sure I'll be able to fix your skateboard, but let's give it a go and see if it works. 我不敢保证一定能把你的滑板修好,但我们试一试吧,万一要是可以呢。
But deep inside of that confidence told me to give it a go make a decision later! 但内心深处的那份自信告诉我要搏一搏之后再做决定!
I was too scared to ask what this meant, but said I would give it a go. 我太害怕了都没有去问那是什么意思,而是说我会试一试。
If you or someone you know is looking to make the switch to Gmail, check the list of supported email hosts and give it a go. 如果您或者您认识的人正好需要把邮箱迁移到GMail,先查阅一下支持的email主机服务列表,然后赶紧试试吧!
Having had it recommended by a few friends and family I decided to give it a go and I am very glad I did. 经过一些朋友和同事的推荐,我决定给孩子报一个早教班,而且我很庆幸我做了这样的决定。
Taxied up and down the runway a few times, just to flatten it out a bit, and he said, "Right, I'm going to -- I'm going to give it a go. " 刚刚好,很惊险的着陆--飞机实际上飞过了4次,我有点担心它根本就不会试着着陆。
After weeks of preparations we were finally ready to give it a go. 继多个星期的充分准备后,我们正式上台表演了。
Wang Fei: No, I think I will sign up for an online account. Give it a go. 不去了,我想申请网上银行。试一下。
If you give it a go, let's hear how the download goes for you in the comments. 如果你试了的话,那么在评论里面给我讲讲你是如何下载的吧!
So Dr Harrison's team decided to give it a go in mice. Harrison博士的团队决定在老鼠身上试一下。
And the cost of iteration is so cheap that you might as well give it a go. 重复操作是如此简单,你也许会想也试一把。
This time we intend to at least give it a go. 这一次我们一定要一雪前耻。
But despite his reservations, we decided to give it a go. 虽然他持怀疑态度,但我们还是决定要试一试。
I'm not so sure I'll be able to fix your MP4, but let's give it a go and see if it works. 我不敢保证能够修好你的MP4,但是让我们先试试看吧。
It was just a case of we've just got to give it a go now and see what happens. 那时只是有个我们刚进入的牢笼而我们需要冲破它,期待能发生什么。
"Even if face end, or are willing to give it a go, and not for it that the firm faith" . “就算面对末日的来临,还是愿意放手一博,明知不可为而为之的坚定信念”。
Diarmuid : All right. Let's give it a go. . . Hello, I'm Diarmuid. I seem to have lost my phone number. Can I have yours instead? 好的。这就去试试……你好,我是圣保罗。我好想忘记了我的电话号码。我能用你的代替下吗?
"My entrepreneurial spirit was lit during the programme and I decided to give it a go while the fire was still in me, " he enthuses. 他满怀热情地表示:“就读MBA点燃了我的企业家精神。我决定在仍然怀有激情的时候把它释放出来。”
The project is called IronNails and is ready for developers to give it a go today. 这个项目被被称为IronNails,已经为向开发者发布做好了准备。
It is very easy to try, won't hurt anything. Give it a go. 尝试一下是很容易的,也不会带来什么损失。试一下。
A friend alerted me to the advert for Castaway, saying I'd be the only person they knew mad enough to give it a go. 朋友提醒我留意这个广告,说我是他们认识的疯得够可以而且愿放手一搏的唯一一人。
Following area few examples of light trail shots as well as some practical starting point tips for those wanting to give it a go. 以下是一些光線軌跡的拍攝實例,以及一些給那些想試一下的攝影者們起步摘要。
But he decided to give it a go and slipped on his mother Georgie's bra and a tight pink slinky dress, a wig, and towering heels. 不过他还是决定,穿上母亲的胸罩,带上假发,穿上粉色紧身连衣裙和高跟鞋,去尝试一下。
Winning is never easy, but I'll give it a go. 想赢得比赛从来都不是简单的事,但我会去尝试。
I decided to give it a go. 我决定了去试一试。
If you've got clothes you're not wearing because they need a new zip or need taking up, then dive in and give it a go. 如果你有些衣服是因为拉链坏了或需要修补而无法穿时,你应该找它们从衣橱里找出来修补后重新穿着。
If you put something new in, it might encourage new people to give it a go. 如果你增加了新的设施,可能会鼓励新人去尝试。