
美 [ˌɡerənˈti]英 [ˌɡærənˈtiː]
  • v.保证;保障;担保;确保
  • n.保证;担保;抵押品;保证金
  • 网络保证书;担保物;保修单

复数:guarantees 现在分词:guaranteeing 过去式:guaranteed

guarantee quality,guarantee safety,provide guarantee,guarantee success,give guarantee
solid guarantee,absolute guarantee


n. v.

1.保证;担保a firm promise that you will do sth or that sth will happen

2.保修单;保用证书a written promise given by a company that sth you buy will be replaced or repaired without payment if it goes wrong within a particular period

3.起保证作用的事物something that makes sth else certain to happen

4.保证金;抵押品money or sth valuable that you give or promise to a bank, for example, to make sure that you will do what you have promised

5.担保书a written promise to pay back money that sb else owes, or do sth that sb else promised to do, if they cannot do it themselves


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The company has established a strict quality guarantee system and obtained a few related quality guarantee certifications as well. 沈阳三浦汽车电子有限公司建立了严格的质量保证体系,已经先后通过了相关体系认证。
I'm going to take you to see a spectacle. I guarantee you've never seen it before. Come with me. 我今天要带你去看一个奇观。而且保证你原来肯定没见过。跟我走吧。
No relationship comes with a guarantee of happiness, so the best that you can do is to be honest, believe in yourself and follow your heart. 没有感情能够获得幸福的保证,所以你最好就是保持真诚,相信你自己,听从自己内心的召唤。
Plus, there's no guarantee that a climate bill could have garnered 60 votes in the Senate if it had come up for a vote after the stimulus. 此外,如果气候法案在经济刺激后提出,谁也不能保证获得参议院60张投票。
"They [western institutions] are wrong to ask Congo to remove the state guarantee. That is blackmail, " he said. “它们[西方机构]要求刚果取消政府担保是不对的。这是讹诈,”他说。
Easy-to-use and reliable, Anti-keylogger will guard your privacy and guarantee that all your confidential information remains secret. 易于使用的和可靠的,反键盘记录程序将保护您的隐私和保证您的所有机密资料仍是秘密。
With a financial guarantee, "it's easy to hire the best engineers around the country, as people mobilize much freely nowadays, " Jiang said. 只要有财务保障,就可以轻松聘请到全国最出色的工程师,现在人员流动更加自由了。
However the German government is prepared to guarantee loans on condition that an investor in the business is found. 然而,德国政府已准备好,以保证贷款的情况下,投资者在企业被发现。
One key concern was the fact that there was no explicit guarantee from CNOOC's parent for the funds parked in CNOOC Finance. 最担心的一事是,这笔存放在中海石油财务有限责任公司的资金,并未获得中海油母公司的直接担保。
Guana has no guarantee of a place in Stefano Colantuono's midfield and is attracting interest from Bologna and Lazio. 瓜纳已经不能保证在斯特法诺。克兰托诺的中场有他的位置,并且他已经吸引了博洛尼亚和拉齐奥的注意。
If this large number of products using new technology, then the quality and progress is often not easy to guarantee. 如果这个产品大量使用新技术,那么,质量和进度往往不容易保证。
modularized design make it easy to port the platform to different system, and guarantee the more research work. 同时,模块化设计使通信平台可以方便移植到不同的硬件平台之上,为进一步的研究工作提供了保障。
The players are working hard in every training session and I can guarantee they are working 100 per cent and trying to win every game. 球员们每堂训练课都非常努力,我保证他们100%付出,争取赢得每场比赛。
He said the donors must make sure Haiti gets the money it needs when it needs it. And they must guarantee that the money is well spent. 他说,捐助国必须确保海地在需要时获得所需要的资金,同时必须确保这些资金合理有效地使用。
Don't miss the boat -- I guarantee you that my investment approach will double your income within a year. 别错过机会--我向你保证我的投资方法可以使你的收入在一年内翻番。
He said he could not guarantee that people would not die. 他把它叫做“复杂的作战”他说他不能保证没有人死。
Though the local authorities had let me go, there was no guarantee I would avoid being interrogated again by Mugabe's secret police. 尽管当地政府放了我,但不保证我再度遭到穆加贝的秘密警察的审问。
As her legal guardian, I personally guarantee that she will be able to sustain herself while in the U. S. 我作为她的监护人,保证她在美期间有能力供养自己。
If western governments had not intervened to guarantee and recapitalise banking systems, it would surely have been worse. 如果西方国家政府没有介入,为银行体系提供担保,进行资本重组,现在的情况肯定会更糟。
Apart from the fact that this is mislabeled, you could not guarantee that others would recognize these conventions, or even. 不仅这种说法不对,而且你无法保证其他人会认识到这些习俗,或者甚至会遵守这些习俗。
Maybe it is time for Greenspan to revise his long-forgotten essay and turn it into a book; I guarantee it would be a best seller. 也许格林斯潘应该趁机翻出他那篇遗忘已久的论文,把它改写成书。肯定畅销。
Investors assumed that originators would perform proper risk management, but had no guarantee that this would be the case. 投资者想当然地认为放贷机构会进行适当的风险管理,却没有“情况确实会如此”的任何保证。
He gave his guarantee that he would repay the money as soon as he could. 他保证他会尽快还钱。
The truth of the matter is that this blanket notion that going to college will guarantee you a better economic future is not always true. 事情的关键是关于上大学能给你一个更佳的经济未来这种笼统的说法并不总是准确的。
To me, what we cannot do is to provide a 'guarantee' or to 'impose a demand for absoluteness upon a concept', to quote Stanley Cavell. 对我而言,我们不能做的是--引述斯坦利•卡维尔的话--“认证[某一概念]”或“要求一个概念有绝对性”。
Even though the notice was expressed to be "without guarantee" this should not be allowed to deny the notice of any contractual force. 尽管该通知有“不做任何保障”的描述,但是我们不能否认该通知的合同效力。
At the time, the ministry said the lack of a cash guarantee might not keep Mr. Polanski from attempting to flee the country. 司法部当时说,缺乏现金担保可能无法避免波兰斯基企图逃离瑞士。
A good deal of this capital is earmarked to guarantee supplies of raw materials and is frequently in partnership with local operators. 中国投入大量直接资本,用于保证原材料的供应,并经常与当地企业建立合作关系。
This method is technically correct, but I can virtually guarantee you that this class was written by an unreconstructed C++ programmer. 这个方法在技术上是正确的,但我确信,这个类是由一名保守的C++程序员编写的。
Adam did not, however, possess the guarantee that he would forever be right with God and forever righteous. 然而,亚当并未拥有这个保证,就是他会永恒地拥有在上帝面前正确的关系,他永远会保持正直。