
美 [ɡlæd]英 [ɡlæd]
  • adj.高兴;乐意;愿意;愉快
  • 网络高兴的;乐意的;欣喜

比较级:gladder 最高级:gladdest

glad news


1.[nbn]高兴;愉快pleased; happy

2.感激;感谢grateful for sth

3.~ to do sth乐意;情愿;愿意very willing to do sth

4.[obn]令人愉快的;使人高兴的;充满欢乐的bringing joy; full of joy


七年级(上)英语单词表一. ... 218 age n 年龄 219 glad adj 高兴的,乐意的 220 why interj (表示惊讶,不耐烦,恼怒等)嗨 ...


七年级(上)英语单词表一. ... 218 age n 年龄 219 glad adj 高兴的,乐意的 220 why interj (表示惊讶,不耐烦,恼怒等)嗨 ...


欣字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 欣悉〖 begladtolearn〗 欣喜glad;joyful〗 欣喜若狂〖 rejoice;delight;exult;bewildwithjoy〗 ...


初中英语单词表大全2182个带音标 - 豆丁网 ... age 年龄 219 glad 高兴的,乐意的 220 [fə'gɔ t]的过去时)忘记 222 ...


INO 考研词汇速记039 -... ... girl n. 少女,姑娘,女孩;女职员 glad a. 高兴的,快活的;乐意的,情愿的 sad a. 悲哀的,忧愁 …


三国志11人物头像_百度知道 ... Giggle 傻笑 Glad 感到高兴的 Glare 怒目而视 ...


[推荐]外贸常用英语[旺旺英语论坛] ... giver 给予,付出 n.让步 glad 快乐的,高兴的 glance 看一眼 n.一瞥 ...

I hesitated for a few days, but I need to tell you that I'm so glad that I found your fan club pages last week. 我犹豫了几天,但我必须告诉你我好高兴在上礼拜发现你的官网。
I am just glad that people on the platform were able to, you know, let me know, you know, something was going on. 我只是很高兴在月台上的人能够让我知道有情况发生了。
So I come today. Hebei, I come. (smile) So glad to be here today to meet with you and the netizens. 所以今天我来了,河北,我来了。(笑)所以很高兴今天能够在这里跟大家见面,跟网友们见见。
I am glad to introduce myself to you and I have a strong desire to make friends with you. 我非常高兴能将我自己介绍给大家,悲切我还有强烈的意愿要和大家成为朋友。
But he was always so genuinely glad to see her, like it was new. And she would just kind of smile back. 不过每当他看到她,总会发自内心的感到开心,而她对他,只是笑笑回应。
I, for one, am glad to engage in a conversation about women and porn and I'm glad that Lady Porn Day inspired me to do so. 我现在就非常乐意参与到关于女人核色情的谈话中。我想这是女人色情节激励我这么做的吧。
Lisa was glad to see Yu's present with his welcome. She said Yu is so kind and wish he wasn't annoyed since waiting for such a long time. 丽莎见到来迎接她的于彬很开心,说于彬是个善良的人并且希望于彬没有因为等她而烦恼。
Even as I spoke on these grave subjects, my eyes would take a glad bit of a run over the prospects, and my heart jump with pride. 甚至当我说着这些严重的问题时,我的眼睛会快活地望着这些景色,我的心因为得意而跳跃着。
If I get a honey here, I be to expect he to be the kind of man, which's loving, biking or glad which le the time. 假如我有个刚出生的宝宝的话,我期望他成了那种有爱心、懂得关怀、永远愉快的人。
Even last night, she was saying how she was glad to see China becoming such a strong nation. 就在昨晚,她还在说她是多么的高兴,当她看到中国正在变为一个如此强大的国家。
He replied, "I don't know dear, but I am glad we were blessed enough to see another one together. " 丈夫回答说:“我也不知道原因,亲爱的,但是我们是如此的幸运又一起看到了这样圆圆的月亮。”
I was glad not to be lodge-bound, but it was harder than I expected: I couldn't catch my breath and my knees felt like glass. 不被困在家里真是令人兴奋,但滑雪却比我想像中的困难:我呼吸困难,而且我的膝盖就像玻璃一样。
You know, Mike, I've been meaning to call you for a long time. I'm so glad I ran into you today. 迈克,你知道吗,很久以来我一直想给你打电话。真高兴今天能遇到你。
Very glad once more, Tithonus jumped about in the fields all day, chirping happily to Aurora. 泰索尼斯很高兴能再自由行动,就整天在田野里乱跳,同时很愉快地对欧洛拉叫着。
The General Manager added, "I am glad to see Kempinski Hotel Suzhou as it is now. It is like watching a kid grow up quickly and healthily. " 蒲克南先生说,“酒店能有今天的这样一个成果,我感到很高兴,就像看着一个小孩在健康快速成长”。
m glad to hear that. I'd like to make an appointment with you, if I may, Mr. Wilson. 您这么说我很高兴。威尔逊先生,如果可以的话我想跟您订个约会。
After each of our sessions, I was just glad I didn't have to debate them; the election might have turned out differently. 每次模拟辩论之后,我都庆幸不必与他们过招;不然的话,选举可能是另一个结果。
Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad for her, all you who love her; rejoice greatly with her, all you who mourn over her. 你们爱慕耶路撒冷的,都要与她一同欢喜快乐。你们为她悲哀的,都要与她一同乐上加乐。
When you receive this flower, I will be glad to tell you that someone wants to go to see a film with you tonight. 当你收到这束花的时候,很高兴地告诉你,有一个人想约你看电影,时间是今天晚上。
It was very bitter. She said she was glad I knew, that she hated all the sneaking around. She said she wanted a divorce in Reno. 很激烈。她说她很高兴我知道了一切,她讨厌总是偷偷摸摸,她还说她想在雷诺离婚。
I'm glad to hear that, I hope you can change yourself from now on, the only thing I can say is stick to yourself. 听到这我可真高兴啊。我希望你们都能从现在开始改变,而且我也会督促你们的。
H is for hello, which is something nice to say, it means I'm glad to see you, any time of a day. H代表你好,一句彬彬有礼的问好,意思是我在一天的任何时候都很高兴见到你。
If you think I can fill the position after you have read my letter, I shall be glad to talk with you. 读完此信后倘您认为敝人可补缺,敝人愿和您一谈。
we are glad to inform you that the quality of the goods ex s . s . " captain " is up to that of the contracted standard. 我们很高兴地告知你方由“船长”号轮运来的货物品质合乎合同订立的标准。
Yeah, you'll be back in a few days. I can't wait to see ya. What? You're glad Rebecca's here? 是,你过几天就会回来。我等不及要见你。什么?你高兴丽贝卡在这儿?
"The men are all following the rule, they even seem to be quite glad, " she said. 她说:“在场的男士纷纷摘掉领带,他们看起来甚至非常高兴、(很乐意配合)。”
They're proud of me and I'm very glad that I can be a good assistant of my parents. 他们都以我为荣,我也很高兴我可以成为父母的好帮手。
He had looked into Amelia's bedroom when he entered; she lay quite, and her eyes seemed closed, and he was glad that she was asleep. 他向艾米莉的卧室看进去,她平静地躺着,看起来眼睛闭着,看到艾米莉睡着了,他觉得很高兴。
If you call tomorrow morning, I shall be glad to see you. 如果你明天早晨来访的话,我很乐意接见。
We'll be glad to hear from you, and take any proposal that facilitate trade into account. 我们会很高兴地听到你方消息,并慎重考虑能达成交易的任何建议。