
美 [prəˈdʒekt]英 ['prəʊdʒekt]
  • n.工程;计划;事业;科研项目
  • v.计划;投影;伸出;于…上映

第三人称单数:projects 现在分词:projecting 过去式:projected

pilot project,large project,entire project,successful project,ambitious project
start project,study project,implement project,project image,design project


Experience: - At least 5 years of working experience in DCS industry, preferably with background on technical or strategic projects. 工作经验:-五年以上DCS行业经验,具备技术或战略背景更佳。
Be able to drive and manage multiple projects simultaneously from beginning to completion. 能够从开始到结束掌控和管理国际化的项目。
Slowly, over time, he developed a reputation for doing what he said he would, and his projects got bigger and bigger. 久而久之,他慢慢地在自己要做的事情上培养了声誉,他的项目也越做越大。
A third source said the talks were a regular event but there were "no specific projects on the agenda at the moment" . 第三位消息人士表示,这些谈判属常规事件,但“目前没有在讨论什么特定的项目”。
It is the first time the bank's fan chart, which projects where inflation is likely to lie nine times out of ten, has encompassed deflation. 在银行预测通胀的扇形图中,90%是通胀,但也首次出现了通缩。
The result of design was given and compared with that of the original projects. 给出设计结果,并与原方案进行了比较。
Two of the projects have been signed, he said, and some of those include planned water projects. 他说,两个项目已经签署,有些项目包括计划中的水项目。
Applicable projects: the residence and hotels which don't have had or are not easy to put in integrated wiring and integrated system. 适用对象:未做好或没有便于综合布线及系统集成的小区住宅与酒店楼宇等。
Every contributor to open source projects needs to be able to feel that their time and opinions are going to matter. 每个开源贡献者都应意识到自己的时间与观点的重要性。
Note that this same class, with changes for package name and class name, can be used in each of your GAE projects. 注意,这个相同的类,只要更改包名和类名,就可以在您的每个GAE项目中使用。
Our reply: So how much time do you typically spend on projects now? 我们的回答是:那么您们现在一般在项目上花多少时间?
Last month was a bit messy because Mercury was retrograde, so I had asked you to hold back on home-related purchases and projects. 上个月由于水星逆行,生活有点乱乱的。所以我当时让你在一些家庭事务和购买或者大规划方面不要轻举妄动。
That's why scientist is often the kind of projects they work on. 这也是为什么,科学家们和研究项目密不可分的原因。
The second phase of funding is due to be announced at the beginning of April with a further 25 projects across Africa to be announced. 四月初将宣布资助的第二阶段内容:横跨非洲的另外25个项目。
It is, then, up to the enterprise PM (or an architect) to come up with an optimal set of solution projects to implement the EA. 然后由企业PM(或架构师)提出一个最佳的解决方案项目集合来实现EA。
Please include your past projects porfolio and any other references you think are valuable for consideration. 请附上您的过去的项目组合形式作和其他任何你认为有价值的参考是考虑。
The chief economist would assign the research projects, and in just a few months people began to tab me as a guy who knew all the data. 首席经济师会指定研究项目,没过几个月,大家就开始把我当成“数据通”了。
"One of the challenges I enjoy is reflecting the client's needs and spirit in projects like the BNC identity, " he said. 我很喜欢的一个挑战是思考像BNC形象设计这样项目中客户的需求以及它们想传达的精神。
For a while he just absorbed himself in short-term projects. 有一段时间,他潜心于一些短期项目。
d. The lives claimed by shoddy construction projects should be enough to put governments at all levels on the alert. 伪劣建筑夺取了很多人的生命,这一点足以使我们的各级部门提高警惕。
Can you picture yourself doing this for at least a year or more? Blogs aren't short-term projects. 你能想象你在这件事上能坚持一年或者更久吗?博客可不是一项短期项目。
Maven is a set of standards, a repository format, and a piece of software used to manage and describe projects. Maven是一个标准,一个知识库格式,是一个管理和描述项目的软件。
The goal of this article was to take you through the Galileo release train and showcase some of the projects that are part of the release. 本文的目的是带您遍历Galileo发行版系列,并展示该发行版中的一些项目。
GVO is one of my favorite websites and I am happy to be part of its Global Voices Advocacy and Lingua Arabic projects as well. GVO是我最爱的网站之一,我也很高兴能成为全球之声推广计划和阿拉伯语翻译计划的一份子。
Dan worked as a consultant for object-oriented development projects throughout the U. S. As well as four years in Europe. Dan作为面向对象开发项目的顾问走遍了美国,并且还在欧洲工作过四年。
It is doled out only to properly drawn-up projects, where the home country is sharing at least a bit of the cost, and with audited results. 它只会发放在那些草拟适当的项目上,并且,根据审计结果,本国至少要分担一部分费用。
One of its selling points was that in contrast with many other projects, it had a fairly clear idea about what was needed. 其不同于以往的卖点之一,就是该计划对于需要采取那些措施有着较为清晰的认识。
The U. S. needs to spend on long-term infrastructure projects to move the economy forward, he said. 他说道,美国需要增加长期基础设施的投资以推动经济成长。
Or they may be a matter of preserving personal "face" or national dignity, as is often the case with natural resource development projects. 或者是顾及个人面子或维护国家的尊严的问题。这种情况常常出现在与自然资源开发项目。
He even tries to involve himself in projects that will bring 'more of that contact. 他甚至试图让自己参与到开会更多的项目中去。