
美 [pʊl]英 [pʊl]
  • v.拉;拉动;拖;吸引
  • n.拉;吸引力;拽;扯
  • 网络拔;拉动式;拉力

第三人称单数:pulls 现在分词:pulling 过去式:pulled

pull cart,pull cord,pull curtain,pull gun,pull tooth
gently pull,away pull,hard pull


v. n.

移动╱挪走某物move/remove sth

1.[i][t]拉;拽;扯;拖to hold sth firmly and use force in order to move it or try to move it towards yourself

2.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)拔出;抽出to remove sth from a place by pulling

3.[t]~ sb/sth + adv./prep.(向某方向)拖,拉动to move sb/sth in a particular direction by pulling

4.[t]~ sth将…拖在身后;拉;牵引to hold or be attached to sth and move it along behind you


5.[i][t]扭转;移开;抽回to move your body or a part of your body in a particular direction, especially using force


6.[t]~ sth拉上;收拢to open or close curtains, etc.


7.[t]~ sth拉伤;扭伤;抻to damage a muscle, etc. by using too much force


8.[t]~ sth扳动;拉;扣to move a switch, etc. towards yourself or down in order to operate a machine or piece of equipment


9.[i][t]~ (sth) to the right/the left/one side(使车辆)转向,打斜to move or make a vehicle move sideways

10.[i]吃力地运转to work hard and use a lot of power


11.[i][t]~ (sth) (+ adv./prep.)划;划动to use oars to move a boat along


12.[t]~ sb/sth (in)吸引;博取to attract the interest or support of sb/sth

吸引异性attract sexually

13.[t][i](informal)~ (sb)吸引异性to attract sb sexually


14.[t](informal)~ sth(耍手腕)得逞;犯下(罪行)to succeed in playing a trick on sb, committing a crime, etc.


15.[t](informal)~ sth取消,撤销(活动、广告等)to cancel an event; to stop showing an advertisement, etc.


pull a fast one (on sb)

蒙骗;捉弄to trick sb

pull in different/opposite directions

目标迥异;各行其是to have different aims that cannot be achieved together without causing problems

pull sbs leg

捉弄;和…开玩笑to play a joke on sb, usually by making them believe sth that is not true

pull the other one (─its got bells on)

(表示不相信对方的话)别打哈哈了used to show that you do not believe what sb has just said

pull out all the stops

竭尽全力;费九牛二虎之力to make the greatest effort possible to achieve sth

pull the plug on sb/sth

阻止;制止;终止to put an end to sb's project, a plan, etc.

pull your punches

言辞婉转;委婉表示to express sth less strongly than you are able to, for example to avoid upsetting or shocking sb

pull sth/a rabbit out of the hat

突然提出解决方法;突施妙计to suddenly produce sth as a solution to a problem

pull rank (on sb)

凭借地位指使(某人);弄权to make use of your place or status in society or at work to make sb do what you want

pull the rug (out) from under sbs feet

突然停止帮助(或支援)to take help or support away from sb suddenly

pull your socks up

力求做好;努力向上to try to improve your performance, work, behaviour, etc.

pull strings (for sb)

凭影响(为某人)谋利益;(为某人)活动,走后门to use your influence in order to get an advantage for sb

pull the strings

幕后操纵;暗中控制to control events or the actions of other people

pull up stakes

突然迁居to suddenly move from your house and go to live somewhere else

pull your weight

尽本分;尽职责to work as hard as everyone else in a job, an activity, etc.

pull the wool over sbs eyes

蒙蔽某人;欺骗某人to try to trick sb; to hide your real actions or intentions from sb

动态调度算法 采用客户PULL)模式 媒体流的调度首先由用户请求驱动,视频服务器根据一定的 调度算法响应用户请求;

九年级英语单词表 ... stuff 原料;材料 pull 拉;;拔 glue 粘贴;胶水 ...

九年级英语单词表 ... stuff 原料;材料 pull 拉;拖; glue 粘贴;胶水 ...


...对不会失控弹回,所以这是加弹的最佳位置。加弹后继续拉动(Pull)拉杆至扳机上勾,动作(Action)似乎略烦琐些,但安全系数 …


(1)拉动式(pull)准时化生产 (JIT)--以最终用户的需求为生产起点。--强调物流平衡,追求零库存,要求上一道工序加工 …


拉力(Pull)的两位车手(Driver)也登上了领奖台 内心阿谁爽啊! 还想说一下(About), 海费尔德有点男性方向哦 前次有人发的相片, …


基于拉式Pull)的零部件入厂物流,供应商必须按照汽车整车生产商(主机厂)的实际需求按需及时、准确地送达零部件到汽 …


字典中 汲 字的解释 ... (2) 同本义[ draw water] (4) 牵引[ pull;drag] (5) 引导[ lead;guide] ...

"I'll pull out the laptop, and when I'm on Michigan Avenue here in Chicago, put it on a garbage can or on the seat of a bus stop, " he said. 在芝加哥这里的密歇根大街时,我会掏出笔记本,把它放在垃圾桶上或公交车站的座位上。
Even with a flurry of online traffic, retailers appeared to pull off Cyber Monday without a glitch. 不过零售商们还是经受住了在线星期一的流量冲击。
This will give you a warning and a little bit of time to pull out your secondary and prepare for a firefight. 这会给你换成备用武器并准备火拼的一点警告与时间。
"You can't lay cable, " he says. "It's difficult, expensive, and someone is going to pull it up out of the ground to sell it. " “不可能铺设电缆,”他说,“困难、昂贵,而且有人会将它从地里拔出来卖掉。”
Internet gambling's explosive growth has made it the Web's killer app. Now critics are trying to pull the plug. 爆炸性增长的因特网赌博使它成为网络上的杀手程序,而现在严厉的指责正试图终结它的生命。
They took their oars and began to pull from the shore, then spread their sail, and drove merrily across the firth. 他们先摇了一阵橹使船离岸,接着扬起帆,驾着小船欢乐地渡过河口。
When the baby approaches a certain point, the mother reaches out to seize the end of its tail and pull it back to her. 当宝宝接近了一定距离,母亲就会伸出手去抓住它的尾巴,把她带回到身边。
Lunch is nothing to write home about, though some of the boats buy catches from the fishermen who pull up to them on the river. 午餐没有什么值得大书特书的,尽管多数船购买渔夫捉到的鱼,通常提供面条、饺子和菜肴。
The format of the file makes it easy to pull out the information you want. 文件的该格式使提取所需信息变得更加方便。
Then he handed Samuel the forceps and told him to pull up on the skin between the rear legs to separate it from the muscle. 随后他递给塞缪尔手术钳,告诉他先把后腿之间的皮肤扯起来,使之与肌肉分离。
Those who feel themselves as a part of this Tao cycle will feel drawn to help Terra heal and pull together for this purpose at this time. 那些感觉自己就是这个道周期一部分的人们,将感到被吸引来帮助Terra疗愈,并在此时为此目标而在一起齐心协力。
You don't want to pull up in your driveway with a new Mercedes when you know your neighbour is suffering. 当你知道你的邻居日子并不好过,你不会想在你的车道停上一辆新的梅赛德斯。
Pull a passed-down antique out of the closet and give it a place of honor. 把橱柜里那些老古董取出来给它一个好位置。
Legs & Back Get ready to squat, lunge, and pull for a total-body workout like no other. 05腿&回来准备蹲下,冲刺,对于一个楼,把锻炼没有像其他地方一样。
Pull the top half through the hole in the bottom half until it looks like this. Tie the lead rope to the lower loop of the inner tubes. 把上一半的内胎拉过下一半孔直到如图中所示。把牵引索绑在下面的内胎圈里。
PULL BACK to see RALPH, JR . and his friends sitting in a corner of the ice rink. People skate in the background. 镜头向后拉,看到,小拉尔夫和朋友们正坐在溜冰场的一个角落里。人们在溜冰。
Hence I cooperate to pull a cordage with him, the thing in the bottom of river the gradual son Long Be near the shore to come. 于是我和他合力拉着绳子,把河底中的东西渐渐儿拢近岸来。
Throw the ball for me. I'll pull on your leg all day. 扔球给我,否则我就咬住你不放。
Rather, pull out some stalks for her from the bundles and leave them for her to pick up, and don't rebuke her. 并要从捆里抽出些来,留在地下任她拾取,不可叱吓她。
"I really should go back inside, " she thought. "Mother will be worried. But I'm having such a good time. I just can't pull myself away. " 她心想,「妈妈会担心的,不过,我玩得好开心,真的很难掉头就走。」
"I still have to be careful, " he said, before the phone crackled loud enough that I had to pull it away from my ear. “我仍然要小心,”他说,在电话的杂音大到我的耳朵得远离的听筒的程度之前。
That appears to be a winter, the snow will not Gone with the Wind Gone with the Wind, a black wooden wheel to pull me in the South. 那好像是一个冬天,雪花将飘未飘的时候,一辆黑色的木轮车把我拉往南方。
If you will pull a dollar bill out and take a look at it, you will notice that it says "Federal Reserve Note" at the top. 假如你拿出一张美元,注意看上面的字,你会发现最上面写着“联邦储备银行券”。
He informed me that alot of his customers had sick dogs and he was going to pull the food off the shelves. 他告诉我,他的很多客户狗已病了,他要拉过货架上的食品。
However, those sundered parts had never anticipated that the Sun was the most powerful and that Jupiter would be unable to pull them back. 只是那些分离份子万万想不到,太阳的力量还是最大,木星拉不过去。
South African diplomats said they did not know in advance that Mr. Tsvangirai would pull out of the runoff. 南非的外交官们说,他们事先并不知道茨万吉拉伊将退出决选。
Small moonquakes, originating several kilometers below the surface, are thought to be caused by the gravitational pull of Earth. 发源自月球表面以下几英里的轻微月震据估计是由地球引力的牵引造成的。
If I told you I'd love to see earnings up 20 percent, what would be the levers we could pull to do that? 如果我告诉你我很想看到有20%的收入增长,我们应该撬动哪些杠杆?
A man a pull her to sit down, he said good, you sit to eat. 男人一把拉她坐下,他说挺好啦,你快坐下吃吧。
Even in defeat he may, like Samson, be ready to pull down the pillars of his rickety regime on his hapless people. 即使被击败,他也可能像参孙那样,随时准备拉倒利比亚摇摇欲坠的政权支柱,砸在不幸的本国人民身上。