
美 [ˈpʌblɪʃ]英 ['pʌblɪʃ]
  • v.发布;出版;公布;发行
  • 网络发表;刊印;公开

第三人称单数:publishes 现在分词:publishing 过去式:published

publish report,publish book,publish article,publish paper,publish research



1.[t]~ sth出版;发行to produce a book, magazine, CD-ROM , etc. and sell it to the public

2.[t]~ sth(在报刊)发表,刊登,登载to print a letter, an article, etc. in a newspaper or magazine

3.[t]~ sth(在互联网上)发表,公布to make sth available to the public on the Internet

4.[t][i]~ (sth)发表(作品);使(作品)出版to have your work printed and sold to the public

5.[t]~ sth公布;发布to make official information known to the public


发布 (PUBLISH):Andy 通过向 Presence Server 发送 PUBLISH 请求提供其在线状态信息。Presence Server 将 Andy 的在线 …


字典中 揭 字的解释 ... (4) 肩负;担;扛[ carry] (6) 披露;发表;公布[ announce; publish; disclose] (8) 掀起; 拿开[ take off] ...


英语词汇的奥秘 ... vanish 消逝 publish 公布 finish 结束 ...


发字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 发信〖 postaletter〗 发行〖 issue;publish;distribute〗 发硎〖 sharp〗 ...


2012自考英语二词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... employment 使用;2.雇佣;3.职业,工作 publish 出版,刊印;2.公布,发表 appoint 任命…


新大纲四级 - xieyuchao670的日志 - 网易博客 ... pub 酒吧,酒馆 publish 出版,刊印;公布,发表 punish 惩罚,处罚 ...


公开(Publish) / 草稿(Draft)ALLOW COMMENTS 接受留言 有效(1) / 无效(0) CONVERT BREAKS 自动换行 有效(default) / 无效(…

But their chest all publish to disc of have the breeze Yi the sign of the alliance, look is all friend of alliance meeting. 而他们的胸口处都印记的有风逸盟的标志,看起来都是一个盟会的朋友。
As soon as you have signed your ClickOnce manifests, the application is ready to publish to your install location. 一旦完成对ClickOnce清单的签名,应用程序就准备就绪,可以发布到安装位置。
It is difficult in this case to pin down how much is too much because many SWFs do not publish accounts. 而在此情况下,界定多少钱算太多也很困难,因为许多主权财富基金并不公开账目。
How much did they offer for the right to publish the book? 他们出了多少钱取得这部书的版权?
The reason why it's a surprise was that I never intended to publish this story as a standalone book. 这么说是因为,我从来没有打算将此作为一本单行本出版。
After just two years, we're beginning to get some of those findings back, which we will publish in a Wharton sports business review. 仅仅过了两年,我们就开始收获了一些研究成果,我们将在一份沃顿体育产业论估中发表这些成果。
If TI had the courage to ditch its score-card, or at least publish it in a less misleading form, its other work might fare better. 如果透明国际有勇气抛弃现在这套评分体系,或者至少用一种减少误导的形式发布,那么它的其他工作或许会更加顺利。
If he has FM access due to his Project A role he would be able to publish packages based on Project B data as well. 如果他由于项目A的需要有权访问FM,就也能够发布基于项目B数据的包。
Being in poor health, it was no longer a question of money nor of the writer's creed "publish or perish. " 对于健康状况极差的他来说。重要的问题并不是钱或者作家的信条“出版或毁灭”。
US officials had been discussing whether to publish pictures of Bin Laden's body to counter conspiracy theories that he did not die. 美国官方曾讨论了是否公布本拉登尸体的照片以平息关于他没有死亡的各种传闻。
Depending on what publish options that you specify, you might have to recompile the site if you change it. 根据所指定的发布选项的不同,在对站点进行更改后可能需要重新编译该站点。
publish the address of litterers and legally allow the public to litter the litterer's home for a week. 公布违法者住址,允许民众在一周之内在他家门前丢垃圾。
Raise a finance report the usefulness of the contents, have to the point increment publish several of accountancy's information. 提高财务报告内容的有效性,必须重点增加披露几个方面的会计信息。
If someone wants to publish a book, he can pay for it out of his "credit" account and receive royalties. 如果有人想出版图书,他可以先在他的信用账户之外支付并取得稿酬。
Was it wrong for a while to refrain from publishing any positive views or to publish only a few and to let erroneous views go unrefuted? 在一个期间内不登或少登正面意见,对错误意见不作反批评,是错了吗?
The FASB wants to force firms to publish detailedinformation about what they might get sued for and how much it might cost them. 委员会想强制公司公开他们可能导致他们被诉的情况的详细信息以及由于诉讼所致的代价几何。
Sign up for a free account, and you can develop and publish your application for the world to see, at no charge and with no obligation. 注册一个免费帐户,您可以开发和雄布您的应用步骤让全世界都瞧到,不与任何权利。
nobody knows exactly what was going on, but you can guess that there must have been a lot of pressure not to publish it. 当时没人确切地了解发生了什么事。但你可以猜测到,为了不将这个评论发表一定有很多的压力。
At the time of his arrest Mr Sik was about to publish a book on the influence of the Gulenists within the security forces. 而艾哈迈德在他被捕的时候正准备出版一本关于葛兰支持者在安全部队影响力的书。
Also under consideration is the question of whether the NRC will publish rankings or adopt another format for presenting its evaluations. 目前他们也在考虑是否将排名出版或者用另一种模式来公布他们的评估结果。
The Bank of Spain said it would soon publish the results of "stress tests" that will reveal whether Spanish banks have adequate capital. 西班牙银行称将在近期公布“压力测试”的结果,这个测试会揭示西班牙的银行是否有足够的资本。
Franklin created a similar character in Poor Richard Saunders, the pseudonym he used when he began to publish an annual almanac. Franklin还创作了一个人物穷查理(PoorRichardSaunders),在出版他的年鉴时,就使用的这个笔名。
Since the truth of this report was discounted, I was not in a position to publish it for you. 既然这篇报道的真实性要打折扣,我不能给你发表。
The CC said it was still likely to be able to publish its provisional findings by the end of next month. 消委会表示,他们仍然可能能够公布其调查结果的临时下个月底。
It didn't take long until Bloomberg decided to publish a report of its own on the iPhone 5, complete with its own set of anonymous source. 过了没多久,Bloomberg就决定综合它自己的匿名情报网提供的信息,发表一篇有关iPhone5的原创文章。
Many scholars believe Lewis took his own life as a result of depression, alcohol abuse, or failing to marry or to publish. 很多学者相信刘易斯是自杀,原因是长期的沮丧、滥用酒精、婚姻和公共形象的失败等等。
The chief editor said they'll publish your paper if you can just fill it out a little. 主编说,只要你把论文内容稍加充实,他们就刊登。
When he dared to publish a criticism of the older masters, he lost his standing at court. He had almost decided to leave Germany. 当他敢于对老一辈的大师发表评论意见时,他也就失去了宫廷的位置。他几乎下决心要离开德国。
Stanford promises to publish soon, but in the meantime, he says, "I'm trying to get people to think more broadly. " 史丹福答应很快就会发表,但同时他是这样说的:“我想让人们思路更开阔些。”
Publishers were eager to publish the inside story of how Hughes spent his days, knowing such a book would be an instant best seller. 出版社更是着急想要出版一本关于休斯的内部生活故事的刊物,因为知道这样的书会是一个瞬间的畅销书。