
美 [ʃit]英 [ʃiːt]
  • n.床单;薄板;纸张;一大片
  • v.覆盖;给…铺床单;使成一大片;流动
  • adj.片状的
  • 网络表;被单;工作表

复数:sheets 现在分词:sheeting 现在分词:sheeted

steel sheet,thin sheet,blank sheet,galvanized sheet,plastic sheet


④对工作 (“Sheets”)进行操作,调用方法是 “printout”。 (3) 使用关闭文件参考号节点“Close reference” 来关闭文件。

二级结构——а-螺旋和β-折叠(β-sheets)模式;三级结构——残基在空间的布局; 四级结构——蛋白质之间的互作。


首页-百思家家纺-- 淘宝网 ... 被套 quilts 床单 sheets 枕套 pillow cases ...


剑桥少儿英语(第三级下) ... Mother used to sew me shoes. 母亲过去总为我缝制鞋子。 sheets 被单, 被褥 Singapore 新加坡 ...


Excel::Writer::XLSX模块翻译 - Perl -... ... close 关闭工作簿 sheets 工作表 type 必须的选项 ...


● 可根据薄膜放卷的方向将薄片sheets)横向或纵向送料● 适用于各种常规印刷方式(柔版,凹版,胶版)● 减少标签卷曲● …


EXCEL... ... ActiveWorkbook.Sheets 获取工作表i的名称 (Hyperlinkcell.Hyperlinks(1) ‘返回单元格中超级链接的地址并赋值 ...


剑桥少儿英语(第三级下) ... Mother used to sew me shoes. 母亲过去总为我缝制鞋子。 sheets 被单, 被褥 Singapore 新加坡 ...

I know it's got to be somewhere around here, I want you to take a look at the sheets see whether you can dig it. 我知道它就在这一带,我想让你看看这些报表,看你能否弄明白。
Often after sex he would be so comfortably stretched out, immobile, that he would not clean himself up, staining her sheets. 做完后他通常舒服地伸展四肢,一动不动,他也不去洗一洗,于是把她的床单都弄脏了。
The Sheets are easy to launder and only require light drying. Infection control is maintained for up to 100 wash cycles. 这些床单都非常容易清洁,并且只需要晒干就可以了。可循环清洗100次以内,超过则失去抗感染作用。
When you modify one of the style sheets or templates shipped with HATS, copy that file into a new file specifically for your own use. 当您修改一个由HATS提供的样式表或模板时,请复制该文件,创建一个专门供您使用的新文件。
He only remembers holding his daughter's hand and trying to run. The powerful sheets of water dragged them apart. 他只记得抓住女儿的手使劲跑,但威力无比的巨浪将他们冲开。
Defending those who constructed the weird credit instruments that are piled up on balance sheets is a tough job but I shall take it on. 为那些构造了怪异信贷工具并将之堆积在资产债务表上的家伙进行辩护是一件难事,但我将接受这一挑战。
See the sun every time sheets will always be remembered that this section of memories, like winter sunshine, warm. 每逢看见晒被单,总会想起这一段回忆,像冬日的阳光,暖暖的。
Large ice sheets did not exist across the north and south polar regions as they do today. 南北两极并不像现在一样覆盖着巨大的冰层。
the land in sheets, and lightning played like jagged snakes in the air. High above the roar of the wind crashed and burst the thunder. 滂沱的大雨横扫地面,闪电像锯齿似的火蛇在空中翻腾。在咆哮的风声之上进发出震耳的雷声。
In a jiffy I had slipped over the side, and curled up in the fore- sheets of the nearest boat, and almost at the same moment she shoved off. 眨眼间我便溜过了船舷,把身子蜷在最近的一条划子的船头板下,几乎就在同时,它就出发了。
At the side of the conveyor the sheets are aligned by an endless belt rotating through a path parallel to the sheet movement path. 在该表是一个永无休止的通过路径平行板运动轨迹转动皮带输送机一侧对齐。
Insulated containers in a good sate of repair are suitable for fumigation and do not require to BE covered with gas tight sheets. 状态良好的保温集装箱适合于熏蒸,不需要用气密性帐幕苫盖。
Day midnight, I slept in thin sheets suddenly feel cold, cold, as if with a very cold cold body to my body by. 当天半夜的时候,我睡在薄被单里突然感觉到冰冷冰冷的,好象有一具很冷很冷的躯体向我身体靠来。
A homemade banner, made of sheets, hangs over the main motorway in Reykjavik, tied to the railings of a bridge. 一条用被单自制的横幅悬在雷克雅未克高速公路主干道上,系在一座桥的栏杆上。
It set fire to the sheets, but luckily he managed to put the flames out with some water. 蜡烛点着了床单,好在他用水把火扑灭了。
I was standing beside her bed and she was sitting up between the sheets, with a great portfolio in her hand. 我站在她床边,而她裹着床单坐着,手里捧着一本大相册。
But every now and then the sky grows black, the rain comes down in sheets, and the winds threaten to obliterate our shabby encampments. 但天空不时地变黑,大雨倾盆落下,狂风威胁着我们那简陋的露营地。
Equipped with stronger balance sheets, the banks were now ready to embark on the next cycle of dealmaking. 具备更强大资产负债表的银行,正准备启动下一轮交易撮合。
However, there might be a problem if inflation is high or if deposits continue to leave the banks' balance sheets. 不过,如果通货膨胀居高不下,或者存款继续离开银行的资金平衡表,就会出现问题。
In August, the CBRC told banks that loans moved off their balance sheets up to that point must be returned by the end of next year. 8月,银监会通知银行,以这种方式从资产负债表移走的贷款必须在明你年底之前挪回资产负债表。
It was just an empty room, with an air mattress covered in what she assumed were new sheets, and some pajamas and toiletries lying on top. 这是个空房间,只有一张床,上面垫着充气垫,诶里森放了一些睡衣和化妆品在上面。
The child had been sleeping face down. His mother turned him over and tucked up the sheets. 那小孩趴着睡。妈妈把他翻个身,替他盖好被单。
LCD displays utilize two sheets of polarizing material with a liquid crystal solution between them. LCD展示利用两片使极化有在他们之间的液晶溶液的材料。
Some parents put a plastic cover on the bed, then a cloth sheet, followed by an additional set of plastic and cloth sheets. 放塑料的一些父母掩护在那之上床,然后一布料张,跟随被一另外组的塑料和布料床单。
The child had been sleeping face down. His mother turned him up and tucked up the sheets. 那孩子趴着睡觉,她母亲把他翻过身,然后塞好被单。
Between them, Felipe Massa and Fernando Alonso controlled the top of the time sheets throughout the three-day test at the Spanish track. 在他们中,飞利浦马萨和费尔南多阿隆索牢牢的控制在西班牙三天测试成绩单的首位。
The mud drying in the sheets the next morning was black, more like the soil near the cabin than the red clay of her first grave. 第二天,在床单上干成片片的泥土是黑的,更像在小屋附近的泥土而不像她第一个坟上的红土。
The asset management corporations--known as AMCs--were set up in the late 1990s to help clean up the major banks' balance sheets. 这些资产管理公司是上世纪九十年代末为帮助清理大型银行的资产负债表而设立的。
In a complex modular system, you might have dozens of sheets, each dedicated to a specific task. 在一个复杂的模块化系统中,可能需要很多表,每一个都有特定的任务。
Don't waste any of that excited energy - make up with your partner straight-away with some between the sheets action. 不要浪费任何兴奋的能量-用最直接的方法也就是床上翻云覆雨来和你的另一半和解。