still you

  • 网络依然是你;还是你;还差你

still youstill you

still you


上海... ... 《向前看——男人与女人》( Looking Forward - Man and Woman) 《依然是你》( Still you) 《美人鱼》…


心电乐(heartones) - StreetVoice ... 新机器( New machine) 还是你( Still You) 靠近( Close) ...


帮忙中译英一下.有重赏!!! - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... 餐点齐了: Qi meals a 还差你Still you 一对鸡腿: A pair of chicken legs ...


韩剧灿烂的遗产线上看 ... 【日剧】警视厅安积班5 Hancho 5 【韩剧】依然爱你 Still You 【韩剧】无子无忧 Childless Comfort ...

You study as hard as you know how, but still you get a poor grade. 你拼命努力学习,但成绩仍然很差。
But still you end up to be so close to the service line and you can hit the shuttle almost the same high as the top of the net. 但还是要靠近发球线,要能在和网同样的高度打到球。
Priest : Still. You seem a little wealthy to be a simple peasant , don't you think ? 尽管如此…你不觉得对于一个普通的农民来说这样有一点儿过于富有了吗?。
And deep down you know this is true but still you waste your effort and energy trying to get what you know cannot make you happy. 尽管心知肚明,你还是浪费精力去追寻那些不能使你快乐的东西。
When you left me I met many people, some of them were better than you, but I found that what I love is still you. 在你之后,我遇到了很多很多人,比你好的也有,却依旧爱你。
If you were reincarnated, I hope God will bring me into a good man, and you still you, and not just you, or my dear love, my "buddy" ! 如果有来生,希望上帝将我造就成一个优秀的男人,而你还是你,又不仅是你,还是我亲爱的爱人,我的“伙计”!
You think the price is reasonable, but still, you want it to be even better. And one thing: never accept the first offer. 你认为价格合理,但是你希望它能够更加优惠。只要掌握一个要点:永远不要接受第一个报价。
Still, you know how much I miss you and your cooking? 还是那样,您知道我有多么想念您和您煮的美味吗?
If still you think me mad, you will think so no longer when I describe the wise precautions I took for the concealment of the body. 如果你仍认为我疯了,你会这样想不再当我描述我的身体隐瞒了明智的预防措施。
Then he saw his wife Dana standing next to him, saying, "You're still you, and I love you. " 但这时他看见妻子达纳站在他身边,对他说:“你依然是你。我爱你。”
It's impossible to pick the lock of that gate. But still you must get out of this. 无法用小钩开锁,可是你必须出去。
Still, you may be right, she has no manners, but she'd make an attractive mistress all the same. 不过,即便那样也不能怪您,她没有教养,但她是一个值得弄到手的漂亮的情妇哪!
That I was wrong, even if my love for you to pay so much, you still you, I or me. 原来我错了,就算我的爱为你付出那么多,你还是你,我还是我。
You know not the limits of this kingdom, still you are its queen. 你不知道这个王国的边极,但你仍是这王国的女王。
But God, you and my parents are not chosen by me; still, you all love me so much. How could I expect a stranger to love me? 但是上帝,你和我的父母不是由我来选择的,可是你们仍如此爱着我,我怎么能够期望一个陌生人爱自己?
If still you think me mad, you will think so no longer when I describe the wise steps I took for hiding the body. 如果你还想我疯了,你会这么认为不再当我描述我的智慧的步骤,隐藏的身体。
Maybe just be thick clouds of sand, maybe you happen to see into the eye, I feel so warm, but still you. 也许只是被浓云遮住,也许刚巧风沙飞入眼帘,我看不见你,却依然感到温暖。
But still, you know you see the same trend, the same power, the same intensity. 不过你还是能看到同样的倾向,同样的力量,同样强烈的情感。
It's tough because (as the Western Conference Champions) everyone's gunning for you. But still, you're not the champs . 说它激烈是因为每个人都在将目标瞄准你,显然,现在你已经不是西部冠军了。
Presumably a lot of women have laughed at it, but still you're not spending your life with any of them. 大概有很多女士都因此而被逗乐了,但你还是没有来花时间陪她们吧。
But it is as I said to you: you have seen me, and still you have no faith. 只是我对你们说过,你们已经看见我,还是不信。
Emotionally, you're still - you know what I'm dealing with? 从情感上讲你仍然--你知道我现在的情况么?。
Young man, sit down and keep still; you will have plenty of chances to make a fool of yourself before you die. 年轻人,坐下安静一会儿;你死前还有大量的机会让自己丢人现眼。
I don't know and is that I thought too much still you are too much miss, but I may definitely tell you, we are friends. 我不知道是,我认为仍然太多太多你是小姐,但我可能告诉你,我们是朋友。
It's what happens when you've worked like crazy all day, and still you have the sense that you haven't been productive. 当你每天疯狂地埋头工作,却仍感觉效率不高时,就是这种情况。
But still, you should not allow use of your photos without monetary compensation; there is NO excuse for that. 但是,不要让人免费使用你的照片,没有任何借口。
You may resist injustice and fail, or seem to fail, and still you have done right. 你们反抗非正义也许失败或者表面上失败了,但你们仍然做得对。
You've done your sit? ups and cut down on fatty foods, but still you can't beat the battle of the belly bulge. 你做仰卧起坐或少吃富含脂肪的食物,但仍不能使鼓起小腹有所改变。
But still, you know, I really enjoyed being there. 但是尽管如此,你知道我在那儿真的很愉快
You can memorize the entire textbook and still, you are not going to be a good manager! ! So~~SARCASTIC. 管理就是尽管你背了整本书,你还是成不了一个好经理,有够讽刺的。