Six days

  • 网络六天;六日;六日耐力赛

Six daysSix days

Six days


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早在上个世纪70年代后期,宝马参与了一系列着名的国际赛事,比如“六日耐力赛”(Six Days)和欧洲越野摩托车锦标赛等。在 …


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He told me that his mother had been killed six days before, by having a nail driven through her throat. 他告诉我他母亲已于六天前被害,一颗钉子穿过她的喉咙。
After six days she was fixing her gaze on her mother's face (in preference to mine) and opening her mouth to help her nurses clean it. 六天后,她能盯著母亲的面孔看(对我的面孔就不那麽有兴趣了),并能张开嘴,方便护士为她清洁口腔。
When Hazen's team put oil samples in a laboratory setup designed to mimic Gulf conditions, it had a half-life of between one and six days. 当黒曾团队将油样放入模拟的海湾背景下的实验室,油样有一个在一天和六天之间的半衰期。
Elira: Six days a week! How much is the pay? 一周工作六天!薪水多少?
His eyesight is still sharp, and not only that, he still goes to work six days a week at a post office in the eastern state of Maryland. 他的视力仍然很好,不仅如此,他每星期还在马里兰州东部一个邮局里工作6天。
So what prompted Mr Bush to come out with such a tough response against his erstwhile ally, after six days of dithering? 布什在不知所措了6天之后,发出如此强硬的回应,这究竟是什么原因呢?
Barack Obama is spending five out of six days in Ohio, a state no Republican has won the White House without. -We intend to win Ohio. 巴拉克•奥巴马在共和党不拥有就不能入主白宫的俄亥俄州花费六天中的五天时间。-我们旨在赢得俄亥俄。
The alarm clock arrived at my house safely six days ago and worked well for the first few days but now there was something wrong with it. 闹钟在六天前顺利送达,一开始的几天它运作正常,不过现在出了点问题。
To prepare for her role as the sexy Daisy Duke, Jessica Simpson worked out for two hours a day, six days a week. 为了扮演性感的黛西杜克,杰西卡辛普森每周锻炼六天,每天两个小时。
She said some of the mothers had walked up to six days with no food to try to find help. 她说有的母亲没有东西吃,还要走六天来寻求帮助。
Einstein is trying to do his scientific work at the same time that he's working six days a week. 爱因斯坦尝试去做他的科学工作,与此同时,他一星期工作六天。
To treat someone with MDR-TB takes two years of daily work, the drugs need to be directly observed and taken five or six days a week. 治疗一个耐多药结核病患者需要两年的日常工作,对药品要进行直接观察并且一周要服用五或六天。
And as her wages went up, so did her hours, she said, to as many as 16 a day, five to six days a week. 随着工资上涨的,还有她的工作时,达到了每天16小时,每周5~6天。
He planed to have a rest for a period of time, as he used to work six days a week, eleven hours a day, and it's cycling for a decade. 他说,每天十一个小时的工作,每周六天,周而复始,十年了,他打算休息一段时间。“来了十年,还没过过圣诞节呢。”
His surgeons perform two or three procedures a day, six days a week. They typically work 60 to 70 hours a week, they say. 谢蒂手下的外科医生说,他们每天做两到三台手术,每周工作六天,一般每周工作60到70个小时。
He worked hard six days a week and looked forward to his day off as an oasis of rest and relaxation. 他一星期艰苦工作六天,盼望有个假日,作为憩歇和轻松的慰藉。
B: "I now see two students every evening, six days a week, and we're usually fully booked, " she said. 现在,我每天晚上都会给两位学生作心理辅导,每周六天,而我们的预约通常都是满的。
By his late seventies, in spite of swimming and working six days a week, my dad had noticeably dwindled in strength and energy. 然而,尽管父亲每星期六天的游泳、工作,接近八十岁时,明显的他的体力精力都下降了。
The succession of life in the geological record did not correspond to the acts of the six days of creation. 地质记录中的生物继替和六天创造的活动不相符合。
The average amount of time spent on virtual networking is nearly three hours a week, or six days a year. 宽带用户用于虚拟网络社交的平均时间为每周近三个小时,相当于每年六天。
The patient laughed. "Yes, " he said. He was dead six days later, a few months shy of his 80th birthday. 病人笑了。他说,“是的。”他在六天后去世,离他80岁生日只有几个月。
And after six days Jesus took with Him Peter and James and John his brother, and brought them up to a high mountain privately. 过了六天,耶稣带著彼得、雅各、和雅各的兄弟约翰,暗暗地领他们上了高山,
Unable to walk after six days of torture and stress positions, the young man was taken to see the prison doctor. 在六天的折磨之后,年轻人已无法行走,被带到了监狱医生那里。
The brothers said they worked 12 hours a day, six days a week, for $120 to $200 a month, far less than they are required to be paid by law. 哥俩每天都要工作12小时,每周六天,月工资120美元至200美元,远远低于法律所规定的工资。
and I'm standing in front of this wood barricade we built in front of our first retail store that's going to open in six days. 我现在站在即将在六天后开业的我们第一家零售店前的我们建造的木制栅栏前。
There are six days left and I don't want to make myself exhausted. If all comes to the origin point, let me to end this game. . . No regret! 还有六天…我不想让自己劳累下去…如果一切都是最初的样子,那就让我来终止这场游戏…我无悔!
Mr. Oigawa says the call came six days after the quake struck and that his son will likely work at the plant for two or three days. Oigawa说,召唤令是在地震发生六天后接到的,儿子可能会在电站工作两到三天。
Today, after having been gone for six days, I've confirmed my suspicions that I'm the only one in my family who does any of the chores. 今天我出门六天回来,证实了我之前的担心是对的:全家人只有我一个人做家务。
In one study, for instance, subjects did six hours of aerobics per week and trained six days per week for a year. 例如,在某个研究中,研究对象每周进行6小时有氧训练,为时一年。
After dating for six days, he asked me to marry him. I said yes, on condition that he would go to Taiwan and get my dad's permission. 约会六天之后,他向我求婚,我也答应了,但前提是他必须到台湾来徵求我父亲的同意。