
美 [pjʊr]英 [pjʊə(r)]
  • adj.纯的;清一色的;单一的;道地的
  • 网络纯净的;浦力适;这洁净

比较级:purer 最高级:purest

pure gold,pure love,pure oxygen,pure speculation,pure light



王璐807单词 ... catering 饮食 purest 纯净的 harbor 港口 ...


中国商标数据库.商标翻译实例 ... 普佳 PUJA 浦力适 PUREST 普拉恩 PRIME ...


你的心脏搏动使用这洁净(purest) 光和爱的神圣元素,和你在家出现的最终光那是超过全部概念的。 停留於这安定. 停留於这合 …

Many of those who have had, as we say, all that this world can give, have yet told us they owed much of their purest happiness to books. 我们说,许多人拥有这个世界能给予的一切,然而他们却告诉我们,他们真正的幸福在很大程度上还是得之于书籍。
This perception, visible in the UK as well, has obvious racist foundations but does not always represent racism in its purest form. 这种观感(在英国也很明显)具有明显的种族主义根基,但未必代表纯粹的种族主义。
You once referred to the Wave Principle as the "purest form of technical analysis. " Why? (问)你曾提到波浪理论是“最纯正的技术分析方式”,为何这么说?
The silent pictures were the purest form of cinema; the only thing they lacked was the sound of people talking and the noises. 无声电影是电影最纯粹的形式,它唯一缺少的就是人物的谈话声以及噪音。
Friendship is the purest love. It is the highest form of love as it does not require anything and has no any conditions. 友谊是最纯粹的爱。它是爱的最高形式,它不要求任何东西,它没有任何条件。
if it were crystallised, it would wipe out a quarter of these banks' tangible common equity, their purest form of capital. 如果这些亏损计入财报,它将抹去这些银行有形普通股权的四分之一,而有形普通股权是银行最有价值的资产。
How we desire to be able to let you understand in a blink of an eye that which this PUREST LOVE is all about. 我们如何让你明白就算在一眨眼的瞬间,它也表露着“最纯然的爱”呢。
Adobe is soil that contains at least 40% clay. In its purest form, clay can be shaped and stretched and used to make objects. 土坯的土中粘土含量至少40%,用这种纯粹的方式,粘土可以成形、延伸,并制造物件。
My life feels so empty. I don't think anyone knew how much we loved each other. The purest most giving love I've ever known. 人们不会了解我们的感情有多么深,这是世间最纯净的爱,上帝啊,我会想死他的。
whatever happen to me , I shall never be able to say that I have not experienced the purest joys of life! 将来的命运不论怎样安排,我都不会说自己没有享受过人生中最纯洁的快乐。
Yea, thou purest back the edge of his sword, And hast not made him to stand in the battle. 你叫他的刀剑卷刃,叫他在争战之中站立不住。
The beginning of the day, people thought the most active, the purest state of mind, language understanding and acceptance of the strongest. 一天之始,人的思维最活跃,心境最纯净,语言的理解力和接受力最强。
Bask in all knowledge and see around you nothing but LIGHT of the PUREST HIGHEST vibration. 在所有的知识中畅游,明白在自己周围除了【神圣之光】的最高振动别无其他了。
His skull was rimmed in purest gold and used for years by the kings of the Ashanti as a ceremonial drinking vessel. 他的头盖骨用纯金镶上了边,多年来都被阿善堤国王作为正式仪式的饮酒容器。
Think of that purest unease between us, I hope we have no longer extravagant, estrangement. 怀念那段我们之间最纯真的流年,我奢侈,希望我们不再有隔阂。
Australia is known as the purest region in the world with the best preserved ranch and the least radioactive source and post-war pollution. 澳大利亚是世界上植被最好,最纯净的地区:无任何放射源、农药和战后污染。
Mortal sins to follow Deadly grow to hear The Armageddon's call The joy of redemption Preachers of the holiness Purest sorrow bringers. 致死的罪的致命成长听到世界末日的号召赎回最纯净的圣洁的悲哀使者传教士的喜悦。
Trance is music in it's purest form, containing a truth that was already inside you, ready to reveal itself to the world. Trance是形式最纯粹的一种音乐,含有一个深埋在你内心的真理,并且愿意向世人去表露。
The location of The Maple Landis allows it to provide only the purest spring water to its separate male and female public bath houses. 由于所在位置得天独厚,饭店为男女分开的大众池提供最纯净的原汤温泉。
Indeed, altruism would be a bulwark against arrogance and envy, two features that are incompatible with happiness in its purest sense. 事实是,利他主义将是对抗自负和嫉妒的壁垒。在幸福纯粹的定义里,自负和嫉妒是与之不相容的。
Far out in the ocean, the water is so blue, like the most beautiful cornflower petals, and as clear as the purest glass. 在海的远处,水是那么蓝,像最美丽的矢车菊花瓣,同时又是那么清,像最明亮的玻璃。
The moon advanced upwards in a heaven of the purest clearness , outshining in her passage the twinkling light of the stars . 月亮在一尘不染的天空里慢慢地走着,一路上把闪闪的星火都熄灭了。
By then, mainstream academic economists had long ago lost faith in market rationality, at least in its purest form. 那个时候,主流学派的经济学者却在很久以前,就在市场理性中丢失了信仰,至少在其最纯正的构架内。
In its purest form, JSPs do not contain any Java code, but only custom tags that are called to perform non-HTML operations. 其最简单的形式中,JSP不包含任何Java代码,但仅包含自定义标记,调用这些标记以执行非HTML操作。
Before we take our leave at this time we wish to extend our thoughts of the purest Love to each one of you. 在我们离开之前我们希望延伸我们最纯然之爱的想法给你们所有人。
Children and animals are the purest expressions of that life force, and as such are held sacred and precious in the eyes of the Satanist. 儿童和动物是生命力的最纯净体现,因此在撒旦教徒眼里是神圣的。
Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. The air around him seemed the purest and freshest he had ever sensed. 在他的周围,万事万物好像都在以慢动作运动着,而且,他从来都没有感觉到周围的空气像现在这么纯净,这么新鲜。
He was daring; he scaled the Eiffel Tower to find the purest air for a study of electric currents in the atmosphere. 他很有勇气,他爬上了埃菲尔铁塔为了大气里的电流研究找到最纯的空气。
In its purest form, socialism is government ownership and control of the means of production. 从最抽象的角度来说,社会主义,就是政府所有制,就是对生产资料的控制。
One of the most often heard sayings about friendship is that friendship in its purest form can only be found in childhood. 关于友情常听人说,人世间最纯净的友情只存在于孩童时代。