
美 [ˈkwɪri]英 [ˈkwɪəri]
  • n.询问;疑问;问号
  • v.询问;怀疑;表示疑虑
  • 网络查询;质问;问题

复数:queries 过去式:queried 现在分词:querying

answer query,raise query


n. v.

1.疑问;询问a question, especially one asking for information or expressing a doubt about sth

2.问号a question mark to show that sth has not been finished or decided


查询翻译就是将用户提出的查询( Query) 翻译成为目标文档所使用的语言,即将源语言翻译为目标语言,进而利用单语言信息 …


英语单词联想记忆法 - 搜搜百科 ... 16,Precise 精确的;正确的 17,query 询问;质疑 18,Remedy 医治;n.治疗法 ...


疑字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 疑团〖 doubtsandsuspicions〗 疑问〖 doubt;query;question〗 疑问句〖 interrogativesentence〗 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... conquest n 征服 query n 质问,疑问 disquiet v 使…不安 ...


数控英语词汇 - 淡淡心情的日志 - 网易博客 ... PWM n. 脉宽调制 query n. 问题,疑问 quit v. 退出 ...


英语单词联想记忆法 - 搜搜百科 ... 16,Precise 精确的;正确的 17,query 询问;质疑 18,Remedy 医治;n.治疗法 ...


oracle 怎么导出表空间_百度知道 ... FILESIZE 各转储文件的最大尺寸 QUERY 选定导出表子集的子句 USERID 用户名/口令 ...


本函数用来送出查询字符串 (query) 到后端的 MySQL 数据库中。而可省略的参数 link_identifier 若不存在,程序会自动寻找其 …

But since the temp tables had not been defined and realized in IWA, Informix handled the second query as a normal query. 但是,由于在IWA中无法定义和实现临时表,所以Informix像处理普通查询一样处理第二次查询。
One of the earliest activities of the Query working group was to draw up a formal statement of requirements for an XML query language. Query工作组的早期活动之一就是起草XML查询语言需求的正式声明。
Clients can connect to it and query certain status or runtime information; at the moment only configuration items seem to be available. 客户端连接到系统中,查询特定状态或运行时信息;目前似乎只能获取配置项。
It is possible to call any method in the context of a query expression. 可以在查询运算式的内容中呼叫任何方法。
Within the body of a subquery, it is often necessary to refer to the value of a column in the active row of the main query. 在子查询的正文中,通常需要引用主查询的活动行中的列的值。
To query the database, a user or application can connect to any server instance to which the database is attached. 若要查询数据库,用户或应用程序可以连接到任意一个附加有数据库的服务器实例。
Click OK in the form of a query and you've indicated that you are prepared to pay for a database operation. 点击查询表单的OK按钮,表示你确定准备为GAE的数据库操作而付费。
One of my tests used a query to select records into a temp table and then a second query to further refine the results from the temp tables. 我的一个测试中使用了一个查询,该查询将一些记录挑选出来放入一个临时表中,然后另一个查询将进一步筛选临时表中的结果。
If you do this, you will not be able to limit the data sources to which data mining model users can query. 如果执行此操作,将无法限制数据挖掘模型用户可以查询的数据源。
Typically, REST forms a request by beginning with a service entry URL and then appending search parameters in the form of a query string. REST通常从服务入口URL开始形成一次请求,然后以查询字符串的形式追加搜索参数。
Bear in mind that the point-in-time data can and likely will change each time you query it, as the state of the server changes. 请记住,时间点数据可以,并可能会更改每次查询其服务器更改的状态。
The difference is subtle, but fundamental: it is now possible to further refine the result of a query through a second query. 差别虽细小但很重要:现在可以通过第二次查询提炼查询结果。
Name and telephone number of responsible person who may be contacted by the Monetary Authority in case of any query. 金融管理局有疑问时可联络的负责人姓名和电话号码。
This section contains examples of expressions that you can use to create a calculated field in a query or to supply criteria to a query. 本节包含的表达式示例可用于创建查询中的计算字段或向查询提供条件。
You see that there's a control parameter, query, that's bound to the Text property of the txtQuery TextBox. 您可以看到,有一个控件参数query被绑定到txtQueryTextBox的Text属性。
This parameter enables you to limit the total number of users that are returned by the enclosing staff query. 使用此参数可以限制由所附的人员查询返回的用户总数。
Make changes to your original query one at a time, and test to see if the performance has improved (decreased response time). 一次修改原始查询的一个地方,并进行测试,以查看是否提高了性能(减少了响应时间)。
The next query, shown in Listing 7, says "find concepts represented by the word bear and find the glossary entries for those concepts. " 清单7中显示的下个查询的意思为“查找单词bear表示的概念,并查找这些概念的词汇条目”。
In particular, the query returns the company's ID and name, as well as the name and email address of the company's contact person. 该查询返回公司的ID和名称,以及公司联系人的姓名和电子邮件地址。
In various contexts, it's useful to be able to send a query to a server and receive a response containing a list of matching results. 在许多场合下,如果能提供发起一个查询请求来获取相匹配的结果列表的服务,这是很有用的。
When a function or stored procedure is entered into a query, its complete syntax and arguments are shown in a ToolTip. 将函数或存储过程输入查询中时,工具提示中将显示其完整语法和参数。
One interesting example is called Hive, which is a data warehouse infrastructure with its own query language (called Hive QL). 一个有趣的示例称为Hive,它是一个具有自己特定查询语言(称为HiveQL)的数据仓库基础结构。
Summary: Adding an index to a DB2 database is often the best way to improve query performance, but the addition can have trade-offs. 简介:向DB2数据库添加索引通常是改善查询性能的最好方法,但添加索引也是有代价的。
It is often used outside of any relational databases to query XML data, which may be stored in text files. XQuery常用于在关系数据库外查询XML数据,这些数据可能存储在文本文件中。
The output of the optimizer is a query execution plan, sometimes referred to as a query plan or just a plan. 优化器的输出称为“查询执行计划”,有时也称为“查询计划”或直接称为“计划”。
If the query references at least one table without a unique index, the keyset cursor is converted to a static cursor. 如果查询引用了至少一个无唯一索引的表,则键集游标将转换为静态游标。
This SPARQL query includes a bit of logic to identify which data from the various files goes together, but that's fairly simple. 这个SPARQL查询包含一些逻辑用于识别来自各个文件的哪些数据组合到一起,但是这也相当简单。
The only operations allowed on LONG BINARY columns are to insert, update, or delete them, or to include them in the select-list of a query. 允许对LONGBINARY列执行的操作只有插入、更新或删除,或将其包含在查询的select-list中。
If you try to get a SearchResult property that your query did not specify for retrieval, the property will not be available. 如果尝试获取查询没有指定进行检索的SearchResult属性,则无法获得该属性。
One of the interfaces that Bank B provides its application developers is a means to query by how much a given account is overdue. 银行B为其应用程序开发人员提供的接口之一可以查询某个给定帐户的过期程度。