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名字 中国人姓名_百度文库 ... 葛 : GE : GENG 公良 : GONG LIANG ...


广东话学习技巧 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... (mi) 不要(咪搞我!) (geng当然(梗系啦!) (bei) 在(你喺边喥啊?) ...

粤音检字法 cantoneseAID ... 夹 Gep Geng 叫 Giu ...

广州音字输入_动力火船_新浪博客 ... 嘅 ge3 geng6 喼 gip7 ...


NewHSKLevel5 ... 337 根本 根本 gen1ben3 338 更加 更加 geng4jia1 352 沟通 沟通 gou1tong1 ...

汉字宝典 ... gua[ 剐] geng[ ] huan[ 换] ...

汉字拼音对照表_合法权益_新浪博客 ... gen 耕 geng gong 钩 ...

追认教会罗马字提案与教罗台语音节表 - 豆丁网 ... jiang─ ㄧㄥ -eng keng─ kheng 庆 geng heng 形 ...

Kang In, Ki Bum and Han Geng did not show up in all the award ceremonies. 强仁,起反,韩庚在年末颁奖礼上并没有出现。
LIN Geng set up his own unique Tang poetry system, and at least in the aspects: texture and diction he has closed to the front of our epoch. 林庚先生构筑了自己独具特色的唐诗学体系,在义理与辞章两方面已站在了时代的前列。
After the dinner the official invited us to his apartment and he gave Ji Geng and Shenqi a chance to take a shower in his place. 吃过饭,官员邀请我们去他的住处,他还让冀耕和沈绮在他那里洗了个淋浴。
The bird loyalty Xi finally realizes that this is the gold farmland one Geng to help to establish the next trap intentionally. 飞鸟忠熙终于察觉到这是金田一耕助刻意设下的陷阱。
Mr. Geng Lei, your archery is really worthy of its reputation! It seems there is no one in the world who can match up to you. 更羸先生的箭术真是名不虚传啊,看来天下是没有人可以和您相比了。
I fell in love with the country often take her mother's cosmetics play, said his mother is white fairy Wu Geng Lin. 我爱上了那个国中常常拿妈妈的化妆品来玩,还说他妈妈是白妖精的吴庚霖。
" Within a short while out of the money if Geng, next to the Church saw the goose said: " The goose has a confession. 不一会钱若赓出来,到堂下看过鹅后说:“鹅已经供状了。”
In particular, the overall campus teaching building construction, the construction of wireless LAN Geng Shiba referred to the agenda. 出格是校园讲授楼地整体建立,更是把无线局域网地建立提到啦议事日程。
Han Geng does not stay in China often. But in Beijing I get a chance to see him if he comes to perform. 韩庚不常在国内,但因为我留在北京,所有如果他回国演出,我就能见到他。
Some of you here knew him as Geng Mu Shi, Hai-Lin, Pastor Keng, Geng Hai, and many others, but I was given the honor of calling him my Dad. 这里的各位知道他是作为耿牧师、海琳、牧师等,还有很多其他的称谓,但我有幸称他为爸爸。
The interest ground prepares to leave, gold farmland one Geng helps but hurriedly obstructs her. 趣地准备离开,金田一耕助却赶紧阻止她。
Yes, the policeman comes to ask just whether have calls gold farmland one Geng help of does the person leave here? 是的,巡警来问刚才是不是有位叫金田一耕助的人离开这里?
Today I return to Singapore soon, but I do not trust is the only Geng Yue, but how can I be? 今天我很快就要回去新加坡了,但是我不相信仅仅是因为耿月,但是我又能怎么样呢?
I love that afraid of the dark, ghosts, afraid of heights, fear of insects, Wu Geng Lin. 我爱上那个怕黑,怕鬼,怕高,怕昆虫的吴庚霖。
Han Geng, better known by his Korean name, Han Kyung, stands out more than any of the other 12-members in the band, because he is Chinese. 韩格嗯,更好地了解他的韩国名字,韩京,身高超过任何其他12个成员的乐队,因为他是华人。
I love that there are mothers drive their children to elementary school, also turn out to be super good piano Wu Geng Lin. 我爱上了那个国小就有妈妈开车接送上学的,钢琴也练得超好的吴庚霖。
I love that cheat her to the middle school, actually went to his girlfriend of Wu Geng Lin. 我爱上了那个国中骗妈妈去学校上课,其实都是去找他的女朋友的吴庚霖。
Be honest with you, I am one of them; i don't have a gut to publicly support Han Geng against my own country. 坦诚地说,我也是他们中的一员,我没胆量反对我的祖国去支持韩庚。
Maybe the gods smiled down on him, Because one sunny spring day Geng Le's dream actually came true. 也许是上天的眷顾,耿乐的梦想在初春午后的阳光中变成了现实。
Liu Chi-geng had stressed that the economic situation is still next year, the city's top and bottom to overcome the difficulties. 刘志庚强调,明年经济形势依然不容乐观,全市上下要做好克服困难的准备。
when you call on someone but find the door closed , or you are not welcomed , this is called chi bi men geng. 你去拜访某人,人家不在家或不欢迎你而不让你进屋,这就是“吃了闭门羹”。
Then we went further away from the main road up towards the hills, as we walked I talked a bit with Ji Geng and Liu Yang. 然后我们去离大路更远的一家,朝着山上走。路上我和刘洋、冀耕说了一会儿话。
I fell in love with a ghost press that had to hide in fear of her sister's room to sleep with Wu Geng Lin. 我爱上了那个被鬼压床,曾经怕到要躲到妹妹的房间一起睡的吴庚霖。
Geng Jianyi creates mechanical book installations to call attention to the physical methods in which we read books. 耿建翌为这次展览创作了一系列机械书,以引起观者对读书过程中物质方式的关注。
Professor CUI Geng of Lingnan University also shared his personal experience in Phuket during the recent tsunami disaster in South Asia. 岭大市场及国际企业系崔耕教授也分享了他在南亚海啸身处布吉的亲身经历和感受。
Han Geng carries himself as a professional and a gentleman. 韩庚的表现很是专业和具绅士风度。
I love that Junior and his girlfriend broke up, the grades plummeted Wu Geng Lin. 我爱上了那个国中和女朋友分手后,学习成绩一落千丈的吴庚霖。
Mr Geng however cautioned that such an offer was conditional on Taiwan's acceptance of the 'one-China principle'. 但是耿先生警告说,这种提议是有条件的,台湾要接受“一个中国政策”。
Li Geng Tang Club is a very quiet and refined place. They supply very delicate Suzhou food, and also offers tea, wine, coffee service. 礼耕堂会所是一个非常安静和精致的地方,这里供应精致的苏帮菜,也提供茶、酒、咖啡的服务。
He released his first solo album, The Heart of Geng on Tuesday. 他在星期二发布了首张个人专辑《庚心》。