great way

  • 网络达威国际报关行;服务性学习;大威

great waygreat way

great way


China E Cool... ... 金达捷运 GOLDEN TRANS LINES 达威国际报关行 GREAT WAY 鸿运仓储‧运输公司 HONG YUN PACKIN…


服务性学习(great way)和社区的关系应该是前者有助于后者,符合文意的只有A选项。 53.D “我不认可强迫人...


...(内地第6大货代公司,收购价3.5亿元)、美国加州大威(Great Way)贸运公司,并拥有如宝洁、西门子在内的重要客户。


Digital Dictionary of Buddhism -... ... 大过失[ great error] 大道[ great way] 大道心[ mind of great enlightenment] ...

If you're feeling frustrated or overwhelmed by the news of a disaster, volunteering to help can be a great way to cope. 如果你因为一场灾难而变得灰心丧气或不知所措,那么成为一个志愿者帮助他人将会是一个不错的解决方式。
Having breakfast, lunch and dinner together can be a great way to help develop your team into a really close group. 在一起吃早餐、中餐和晚餐是帮助整个小组的关系变得真正亲密的一种好方式。
Namespaces can be a great way to build up a pragmatic URL structure that's easy to remember with continued usage. 命名空间可以作为一种很棒的建立实用的URL结构的方式,这种结构在后续的使用中很容易被记住。
Notifiers are a great way of coupling parts of a system that are interested in state changes but don't want to be bound to one another. 事件通知是一种很好的方法,可用来将对系统中各部分状态变化感兴趣但是又不想限制在一起的各部分分开。
7A great way to see if your script actually works when spoken aloud, is to actually have some people act it out for you. 检测你的脚本在上演时是否真正有效果的最佳办法是组织一些人将它真实地表演出来。
You know that postcards are a great way to keep your customers up to date, and how effective postcards can be at bringing in business. 您知道使用明信片是保持与客户联系的一个好方法,并且了解明信片在商务应用中的有效作用。
Writing regularly is a great way to track your thoughts in a more informal way; it helps clarify what you think about any topic you choose. 日志可以帮你你理清你所选择的任何一个话题的思路。
It's easy to use and can be a great way to keep track of information you want to read but just don't have the time to. 它简便易用,不失为一种记录你想读却暂时没有时间的信息的好方法。
So it would be a great way for me to just get that out of my system. 因此对我来说,要把那些概念从我的脑子里取出来,这会是个很棒的方法。
"Active video games, where kids need to jump up and down or dance about as part of the game, are a great way to get kids moving, " he said. “孩子们在游戏中需要上蹦下跳、手舞足蹈,这是一种不错的让孩子们参与运动的方式。”他说。
Although it might be a push to call X-Plane "useful" , it's certainly a great way to kill a few minutes of spare time. 虽然这可能是一个推动呼叫X-Plane的“有用”,它肯定是一个伟大的方式来杀死业余时间几分钟。
Clearing your desk (at least the surface of it) can be a great way to start. 整理你的桌子(至少是桌面)会是一个良好的开始。
A spokesman for the company said: "Not only is it a healthier option to a car, it's a great way of reducing your carbon footprint. " 该公司的一位发言人说:“它不仅比驾车更健康,而且也是减少碳足迹的一个有效方法。”
They also provide a great way for customers to stay up to date on the changing content of an app without having to log in repeatedly. 它也是客户无需一次次地登录就能获得一个应用的内容的最新变化的绝妙方法。
"SEO has been a great way for web sites to acquire new users, and will continue to be, " said CEO Seth Sternberg in am email last night. “SEO(搜寻引擎优化))是网站获取新用户的一种不错的办法,而且它在将来仍将是。”首席执行官SethSternberg在昨天晚上的一封电子邮件中这样称。
This sort of contrast between the two boxes is a great way of setting visual precedence between elements. 这种两个方框的对比方式可以很好用来表现元素之间的视觉差异。
As the Now Do This creator said, it's a great way to get things done, "because nobody wants to hold a piece of paper all day. " 正如“现在就做这个”应用程序的开发者所言,这个程序使得事情更容易完成,“因为没有人会愿意一整天握着一张纸”。
They're a great way to generate group-think and pack mentalities, but the end result is often missing the nuance we're looking for. 他们有一个很好的方法去创造群体思考和汇集智力,但是最终的结果往往是丢失了我们想要找的微妙的地方。
Being an SEO, it quickly dawned on me that this was a great way for a business to build links and also help a charity at the same time. 作为一个搜索引擎工作者,我们想到这对于公司而言,是一个很好的方法,既能建设链接又能帮助慈善机构。
It was narrow but very charming and I thought it was a great way of living in such a busy city as London. 它虽狭窄但很迷人,而且我觉得在伦敦这个繁忙的城市里这样的生活方式很棒。
White papers are a great way for prospects to see how you think, to evaluate your knowledge and perspectives. 白皮书是一个前景很好的方式,看你怎么想,来评估你的知识和观点。
We were thrilled with this. So I got to Princeton, and I thought this is a great way. 为此我们兴奋不已,之后我上了普林斯顿,而这是在是一件好事。
Identifying worms might be a great way to punch up headlines, but quite frankly, it has no effect on stopping the attacks. 对蠕虫进行识别命名或许是上新闻头条的极好方法,但坦白地说,这对于阻止攻击毫无用处。
A wiki is another great way to make it easy to facilitate user feedback and to provide program documentation and information. wiki也是一种很好的方式,它可以方便收集用户反馈和提供程序文档和信息。
A great way supposedly to see if any of your friends are around and about. 一个观察你的朋友是否在附近,将要做什么的最佳方式。
Although soaring like a hawk is a great way to feel the enormity of the landscape, driving is still my favorite way to experience it. 尽管像鹰般飞翔是体验美景的最佳方式,但是我更喜欢自驾游。
Keeping in touch with your college friends who might be in different companies and industries is a great way to populate your network. 和大学朋友保持联系,他们可能供职于不同公司从事不同工作,但这是开拓交际圈的一种好办法。
A great way to do it is to break out of your mode with a complete shift. 要这样做的一个很好的方法就是,打破自己常规的心态,来一个大转变。
"Listening to others really helped me to say I'm not alone, " Sanders said. "I thought to myself this is a great way to be an advocate. " “倾听别人确实帮我说出了我并不孤独我暗自想这是让我成为提倡者的一个很好的方式”,桑德斯说。
A great way for your homeschoolers to conquer the fear of public speaking is to have them practice speaking early and often. 有一个很棒的办法可以让学童们不再惧怕在众人面前演说,那就是让他们尽早地开始练习演说,并坚持下去。