to continue

  • 网络继续;无法继续;继续进行下一程序

to continueto continue

to continue


GO是什么意思?_百度知道 ... To take place;happen: 发生;恰巧发生: To continue: 继续: To proceed: 继续进行: ...


非主流可爱的图案... ... I really inadequate 我真的力不从心了 To continue 无法继续 I fell into your trap 我掉进了你的圈套, ...


6010紫外可见分光... ... to comtinue…( 继续进行下一程序…) to continue…( 继续进行下一程序…) Set up a curve…( 建 …


Sing Heartless... ... 不 下去 to continue;to descend;to go down;to go on 喝 什么 anything;something;what?;who? ...


生活英语对话... ... to do something without delay 开始做... to continue 继续做... to distract someone 打断某人做事 ...


东城区课改-东城区课改论文... ... To end( 终止阅读) To continue继续阅读) Reason( 原因) ...

At this point, if the racer were to continue pressuring the outside ski, he would end up moving too far across the hill and slowing down. 在这个时点,如果选手继续给外侧板压力,他将会沿着那个小半径的弧运动,并造成速度下降。
When you want to continue to go on, and the other party issued a "let the voice" of the signal, you can ignore the views of his eloquence. 当你想继续讲下去,而对方发出了“让出发言权”的信号时,你也可以无视他的意见口才。
I believe he is an extremely intelligent man and I can't believe a man of his character will allow this to continue. 我相信他是一个非常睿智的人,我不相信以他的性格会让这种事情继续下去。
Li, despite limited asset-management experience, was able to continue the pursuit on his own due to his strong cash position. 不过,尽管李泽楷在资产管理领域经验有限,他仍然凭藉着强大的现金实力继续独自推进交易谈判。
The only way that you're going to accomplish that purpose is for you to continue to grow. 达成这一目标的唯一途径即你个人的不断成长。
He said the Libyan government has announced ceasefires several times before only to continue attacking civilians. 他说,利比亚政府已经数次宣布停火,但仍然继续对平民发动攻击。
Hi, I'm Bob. I'm the spokesperson for the Coca-Cola Company. I'm here today to ask you to continue buying Cokes. 你好,我是鲍波,可口可乐的代言人。在这里我请你继续购买可乐。
Mr. Mulally said Thursday that he was now expecting the company to continue increasing its share through the rest of this year and beyond. 穆拉利总裁在周四发表声明说他希望公司在今年下半年以及以后能够继续保持市场占有率的持续增长。
Hurd said the decision to go was a "painful" one but admitted the investigation had made it difficult for him to continue. 赫德表示离开的决定是“痛苦的”,但又不得不承认调查使得他难以继续留下。
The cave narrowed after a while, but we were able to continue through a narrow gap by crawling into a water-filled fissure in the rock. 爬了不久,山洞变得越来越窄,爬过一条满是水的岩石裂缝,穿过狭窄的山口,我们得以继续前行。
"The Best" is an end. As long as you intend to continue, you could always pursue "better" . “最好”是终点。只要你准备走下去,应该是不断追求“更好”。
So she may have decided to breastfeed, but if there's no support in place that helps her to continue that, then she may not even start. 所以,或许她决定母乳喂养,但是如果没有足够的支持帮助她继续进行母乳喂养,她可能根本不会开始。
And going forward, I urge the military to continue its efforts to help ensure that this time of change is peaceful. 在此,我还想敦促埃及军方继续确保改革进程和平进行。
Nelson said the company's high export earnings provide the company the clear basis to continue the business. 尼尔森表示,该公司的高出口收益为公司提供了继续经营的明确基础。
Medvedev showed his willingness to continue to perform this role should Mr. Putin choose to leave him in the Kremlin. 由此看出,如果普京先生愿意将他留在克里姆林宫里,梅德韦杰夫总统愿意继续做这个“代言人”。
It is up to you to live your dreams. For now I'm going to continue to plan my round the world trip and continue to follow my dream. 追寻你的梦想完全取决于你自己。对我来说,我会继续计划并追寻我的环游世界之梦。
To continue the journey for some, more than behalf of a strong sense of acceleration is always looming . 继续一段旅程后,一种比上代强劲的加速感总是隐约出现。
Containment and eradication has to continue to be our policy and we have to make sure we keep it out of Victoria. 他说:“我们的方针是必须继续遏制和扑灭以保证马流感远离维多利亚。”
Yes, if the animal is in pain and is suffering, it is all right to offer it rest and allow it to continue its lessons in another way. 是的,当动物们遭受痛苦,可以让它们安息,用另一种方式去继续它们的课程。
If he were to survive, he must persuade himself to continue believing some of this. 只要一息尚存,他就必须迫使自己继续相信其中的一部分内容。
If that policy were to continue into higher versions, your stylesheets might have problems with obsolete guarding code. 如果在更高版本中继续沿用这一策略,样式表可能会遇到过时的保护代码问题。
We use all the means. half-way. the baton in a high out of the hands of the students go. but we did not blame him. to continue to sprint. 我们大家使用了浑身解数。中途。接力棒在一个高的的同学手里掉了下去。可是我们都没怪他。继续冲刺。
The fact is, though, that they are going to have to continue to do that if the euro is going to continue to exist in its current form. 虽然事实上如果欧元将持续作为当前的货币形式存在的话,他们不得不这么做。
Indeed, your way of life passes by a decisive stage which will enable you to continue by and for what you are with deepest you. 事实上,你的生活方式进入到了一个决定性的阶段,将会让你继续和通过最深的交流来增进彼此间的感情。
Argentina is ready to continue pushing forward China's relations with regional organizations in Latin America. 阿根廷愿意继续推动中国同拉美地区组织关系发展。
Yet my experiences with animals have provided me with an excellent foundation to continue my studies of human health and well-being. 我和动物的经验为我提供一个优良的基础让我继续我的人类健康的研究。
'There's no question that China is going to continue to be an increasing percentage of the total global petroleum market. 他说,毫无疑问,中国在全球石油市场的占比将持续加大。
Step 5: related reference customers in watching you after the article, will choose to leave or to continue browsing. 第五步:相关推荐用户在看完你的文章后,会选择离开或继续浏览。
I told him if he wanted the relationship to continue he had to let me teach him to kiss. 我告诉他,如果他想继续发展的话,就必须让我教他如何接吻。
Three years later, I returned to Russia and found that I would be unable to continue with my studies due to lack of funding. 三年后,我回到俄罗斯,由于缺钱,我不得不中断学业。