turn over

  • na.£ 500 a week 每星期卖得五百镑
  • 网络移交;翻转;翻过来

第三人称单数:turns over 现在分词:turning over 过去式:turned over

turn overturn over

turn over


英语必备短语_百度文库 ... think over 仔细考虑;思考一下 turn over 翻开;翻身;移交 go over 越过;细看;复习;转向;被 …


日与夜_百度百科 ... Crystallize 晶化: Turn Over 翻转: Change 变换: ...


初中短语_百度文库 ... turn off 关(电灯等) turn over (使)翻过来 turn against 背叛 ...


英语必备短语_百度文库 ... think over 仔细考虑;思考一下 turn over 翻开;翻身;移交 go over 越过;细看;复习;转向;被 …


常用英语动词短语 ... 76.point out 指出、说明; 77.turn over 打翻; 78.go against 违背、违反; ...


快快加入我家 ... turn on 接通,打开 turn over 翻过来,翻倒;移交,转交 turn to 变成,求助于,借助于 ...


英语作文常用词组_百度知道 ... 505. to the point 切中要害,切题 506. turn over 倾覆 507. typical of 是典型的,特有的 ...

Four cards with same number, after turn one of it over with face down, the other three will also turn over automatically with face down. 四张卡片以同样数字,在轮一个以后它与面孔下来,其它三自动地并且将移交与面孔下来。
When you, my first, were born, I had to turn over all the pictures I had of her because to see her made me cry and miss her more. 当我第一次当母亲时,我不得不把所有她的照都收起来,以免看到这些照片我又要哭泣,更加思恋。
Originally, I wrote the article that will log you know I know I've done something wrong, and now to turn over. 最初,我写了将采伐您知道的文章我知道我错误做了某事和现在移交。
He may not turn over his wrists until the bar passes the top of his head. 直到杠铃经过头顶,他才可以翻转手腕。
Let me tell you a story that happened around me. After hearing this, I'm sure you will decide to turn over a new page in your life. 让俺给你讲个身边的故事,你听了一定会洗心革面、重新做人的。
I used to out every evening but I've decided to turn over a new leaf and stay at home more to concentrate on my studies. 我以前每天晚上出去玩,但我已决定改过自新,多多呆在家里,集中精力学习。更详细。
The chapter of life is so short , when you turn over a page , all things of that will disappears except for leaving love for ever. 人生的篇章苦短,每翻过一页,凡事都将消亡,唯有爱永生
The patient can comfortably turn over towards both sides and in a supine gesture, and is always on the central axis of the bed body. 患者能舒适地完成两侧与仰卧姿势的翻身。并始终处于床身的中轴线上。
One of the teens said he had a handgun and demanded the trick-or-treaters turn over their Halloween loot. 警察称,其中的一个少年拿这个手枪,要挟这两名恶作剧者上缴他们的万圣节战利品。
The classmate is in manage engineering course when maths sees no less than going to, turn over political book, it is one kind rests. 理工科同学在数学看不下去的时候,翻开政治书来,是一种休息。
How much revenue do you turn over, or generate, for each dollar of inventory? 每一美元的存货,你能带来多少收入?
Previously, our steward is to rely on to turn over a brand to come commonly witting oneself go up to arrange. 以前,我们的乘务员一般都是靠翻牌子来知晓自己的上作安排。
She told him Lehman would have to turn over the $5 billion in collateral that J. P. Morgan had asked for days earlier. 她告诉托鲁西说,雷曼兄弟必须提供摩根大通几天前要求的50亿美元的担保。
He felt like a sinner overcome with remorse and decided to turn over a new leaf. 他感到像一个痛悔过去的罪人,决心重新做人。
And if found a has been punished site to do search a chain (or to turn over a version), more or less to your site will have certain effect. 而要是找到一个曾被搜索惩罚的站点来做友链(或者改过版),多多少少会对你站点有一定影响。
They decided to give him a last opportunity to turn over a new leaf ? 他们决定给他最后一次机会,让他重新做人。
You know John will never turn over to the dark side; he is completely loyal to me. 你知道约翰永远也不可能投向那一边的,他完全忠于我。
But he said the United States government retained the right to resume its legal efforts to force banks to turn over names. 但他也指出美国政府保留使用法律手段,迫使银行提供(避税者)姓名的权利。
You can't tell me that now God is will in' for you to turn over his church to those money-grubbin', power-crazy Philistines. 你不能告诉我,说上帝现在愿让你把祂的教堂转交给那些挖取金钱而又对权力狂热的菲利士人。
After nine years of fierce watchfulness , it would be restful to turn over her life to others, wouldn't it? 在保持了长达九年的高度警觉之后,现在她的生活该转为和他人一样平静了不是吗?
Going into his office, he began to turn over certain accounts, awaiting the departure of the bartenders and the cashier, who soon left. 他进了办公室,开始翻阅一些帐本,等着堂倌们和出纳离开。他们很快都走了。
Men carried corpses in blankets away from the scene and a dozen others tried to turn over a car with two bodies beneath. 人们用毯子卷起尸体搬离事发地点,十几个其他人试图翻转一辆汽车,车下压着两具尸体。
Fall is here and these fluffy pets are ready to turn over a new . . . leaf. 秋天来了,这些毛茸茸的家伙也将翻开新的一“叶”。
She decided to turn over a new leaf after her mother's death. 她母亲去世一个月后,她决定开始一段新生活。
When however, the tomato garden has not been able to turn over a new leaf, the copyright big stick fell! 然而,还未等到番茄花园能够“重新做人”,版权的大棒就落下了!
In a shoe store, shoes of medium width turn over quickly, but a pair of narrow shoes may not be sold FOR years. 在鞋店里,中型鞋卖得特别多特别快,可是一双窄型鞋也许好几年也卖不掉。
It occurred to her, too, that she was unable to swim, should the boat turn over. 她曾想到,自己不能游泳,要是船翻了怎么办。
"I will not be ashamed or afraid to turn over the levers of control over the country to the hands of such a person. " “我将不会羞于或是害怕将国家的控制权托付于这样一个人。”
His wife of five years asked him to turn over a new leaf and quit smoking. 他的五年婚龄的妻子要求他开启人生的新页并戒烟。
In an effort to turn over a new leaf, Chen has also changed the middle character of his name. 为了翻开人生的新篇章,陈九霖把原来名字中间的“久”改成“九”。