
美 [ɡræb]英 [ɡræb]
  • n.猛然的抓取;突然的抢夺;抓取(或截获、采集)的图像;抓斗
  • v.抓住;攫取;(试图)抓住;抓住(机会)
  • 网络夺取;强夺

过去式:grabbed 现在分词:grabbing 第三人称单数:grabs

grab chance,grab opportunity,arm grab


v. n.

1.[t][i]抓住;攫取to take or hold sb/sth with your hand suddenly, firmly or roughly

2.[i](试图)抓住,夺得to try to take hold of sth

3.[t][i]利用,抓住(机会)to take advantage of an opportunity to do or have sth

4.[t]~ sth(尤指匆忙地)取,拿,吃,喝to have or take sth quickly, especially because you are in a hurry

5.[t]~ sth(尤指自私、贪婪地)捞取,赚取,抢占to take sth for yourself, especially in a selfish or greedy way

6.[t]~ sb/sth引人注意;吸引to get sb's attention


how does…grab you?

你对…有兴趣吗;你喜欢…吗;你认为…如何used to ask sb whether they are interested in sth or in doing sth


字典中 绰 字的解释 ... (2) ——见“宽绰”( kuānchuo) (1) 抓取[ grab] (2) 同本义[ ample;spacious;enough] ...


大学英语精读单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... abridge vt. 缩略, 删节 grab vt. 抢夺, 攫取 portable a. 手提式的 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... gown 长袍 grab 抓住 grace 优雅 ...


英语单词的奥秘 - luozhong10的日志 - 网易博客 ... engage( 聘请,雇佣); grab抢夺,抓取); give( 给予,交给,托付…


岩土力学与工程 3 - 大观园的日志 - 网易博客 ... government slope 政府斜坡 grab 抓斗;抓货斗 grab dredger 抓斗式挖泥船 ...


初中英语单词大全(不容错过)_中考英语_读书人 ... 2112 two-story n 两层 2113 grab v 抓取…,夺取 2114 crash v 坠落,冲 …


新概念英语第三册词汇_百度文库 ... camera n. 摄像机 grab vt. 强夺 bomb vt. 轰炸 ...

But aside from trying to grab a little more shut-eye, what exactly can you do to try to improve your memory? 但除了试图争取多一点睡眠时间,你究竟可以怎么做,来提高记忆力呢?
That way, you can jump in and check your important messages, while your dedicated mail client is frozen trying to grab that huge file. 这样,你可以进去看看重要消息,当你专用的邮箱快满了时尝试把大的文件移走。
If your life is beginning to feel like a runaway train, grab a hold of the emergency cord and jump off. 假如你的生活开始变得像一列失控的火车,抓住急救绳,赶紧跳下去。
My translator suddenly dashed out of the mosque, told me to grab my bag and, seconds later, we were roaring off in a car. 这时我的翻译突然从清真寺里冲了出来,他让我抓起自己的包,几秒钟后,我们驱车飞快逃离了这里。
Because people aren't accustomed to being greeted, I found it a sneaky way to grab their attention and get what I wanted. 我发现,因为人们已经不适应别人的问候,要想达到我的目的就要暗暗地抓住他们的注意力。
If she wants all the time to sort of grab the child and the child to grab the mother, then it is suicidal. 如果她想所有的时间抓住孩子,孩子也抓住母亲,那么这是可能导致自我毁灭的。
Pakistan is not able to take control of its own territory (FAT), China has no problem to grab some more from Pak; a perfect marriage. 巴基斯坦不能控制所有的领土(FAT=领土分配计划),而中国要从巴基斯坦夺取更多的土地也不在话下。真是天生的一对。
"When it comes again - it's gonna come again - and I'm gonna grab what I can grab and get out of here, " says Kring. “当它又来了-它会再来-我要去抢我能抓住什么,离开这里,说:”Kring。
If I did not answer her or said I don't know, she would grab my school satchel and refused to let me pass. 她会抢你的书包,不让你走,假如我不答应,或是说声不知道。
Rather than trying to resolve disagreements through thoughtful discourse, people are trying to grab power to beat and suppress opponents. 人们不是通过富有思想的谈话来解决分歧,而是试图攫取权力,以打击和镇压反对者。
When selected, decorations are drawn with a " grab handle" in the bottom right corner of the windows; otherwise, no grab handle is drawn. 选中时,装饰会在窗口的右下角绘制“缩放柄”;否则不显示该缩放柄。
Join us for a relaxed walk along one of the oldest parts of the Wild Great Wall then grab lunch in a local village. 与天井·越洋一起领略北京最古老长城的风采吧!我们将在当地村民家进行午餐。
The rest of the time, he would only set foot in the kitchen to make a cup of tea or to grab a beer from the fridge. 其余的时间,他只是走进厨房泡杯茶或者从冰箱里拎瓶啤酒。
Justin followed it with his 'eyes' and moved his arm down to grab it when a researcher threw it in his direction. 当研究人员向他投球时,贾斯丁会用眼睛盯着球然后移动他的手臂接住球。
In all the tests carried out by Mr Cohen the virus managed to grab the right to reach any part of the system in less than an hour. 在科恩所做的所有实验中,该病毒能够在一小时之内渗入到系统的任何一个部分。
Mr Thompson himself is said to prefer John McCain. But any of these candidates could grab some of his supporters, as could Rudy Giuliani. 据说汤普森个人支持约翰·麦凯恩,但这些参选人都可以瓜分他的支持者,就像瓜分朱利安尼的支持者一样。
Well, you know, if I was you, I would get myself to the Bahamas, grab a fistful of that slut's hair and take back my man. 如果我是你我会自己去巴哈马扯掉那个荡妇的头发然后把我的男人抢回来
Cranes grab boxes off the ship, lower them on to the flatbed trailers behind tractors, then swivel back to get the next box. 吊车的机械手将集装箱从船上吊起,卸在牵引车身后的平板拖车上,再转回来吊装下一个集装箱。
Rogozin accuses the Georgian leader of trying to grab the laurels of fame by provoking great nations into war just as Gavrilo Princip did. 罗戈津指控这位格鲁吉亚领导人就像普林西普一样,试图激起世界大国发动战争,让自己声名大振。
But grab hold of the focused, steely professional who turns up with an open mind ready to perform, does so, and then quietly moves on. 但要紧紧抓住那些专注而坚定的专家,他们怀有随时准备行动的开放心态,完成行动,然后悄然继续前行。
"I'll not do which first lot time, " the man complained to his mother which night. "I don't grab a thing. " “我以后再也不会带她去钓鱼了。”当晚,男孩向他的母亲抱怨道:“我什么都没吊到。”
With all that hair suddenly covered, I realized how striking long hair can be -- how it really does grab a man's attention. 当头发突然被头巾遮盖起来,我意识到长头发是多么醒目和吸引男人。
The amount of money and effort required to grab them depends on how much your rivals are putting in. 而你为了获得它们而必须投入的金钱和努力完全取决于竞争者为此投入了多少。
One wrong step and I could either make a desperate, flailing grab for the boat or be over my head in water! 要是一步踏错,就可能扑腾着连小艇都够不着,要不就是在水里来一个倒栽葱!
Grab a copy of the ad from our site and print it out, circle what you want and keep it on your side at all times. 从网站上复制一份广告并将之打印下来,圈住你想买的产品,并随时带在身上。
At this point, let's say the Falcons game is over and you're ready to grab a bite to eat. 那么现在我们假设猎鹰队的比赛已经结束,而现在你想去弄点东西吃。
Grab an apple, an orange or any other fruit as you head out the door. 出门之前拿一个苹果、一个橙或者其它的水果。
Halfway through, it almost lost the race but the rabbit was lucky enough to grab hold of a floating log that later washed him to shore. 半路上它几乎要输掉比赛了,但是很幸运的兔子抓紧了一块父母,然后它被冲上了岸。
There was a living air about the grieving angel, as if its arms could really reach out and grab you if you weren't careful. 有关于追悼的天使的生存空气,好象它的胳膊可能真正地提供援助和劫掠您,如果您没有小心。
Along the way, the children tried to grab the money package, thinking it was a game. 路上,小孩子们把他脖子上挂的金币包当作一个游戏来玩,试图夺下来。