in your head

  • 网络在你的脑海里;在你的幻想中;在你脑里

in your headin your head

in your head


求一首女声英文歌曲_百度知道 ... In your head they are cryin' 他们在你脑海里哭泣 in your head 在你的脑海里 Zombie 行尸走 …


enter sandman_百度百科 ... In your closet,in your head 在衣橱,在你的幻想中 Grain of sand 沙粒 ...


肉唐僧,你一定... ... What's in your head,in your head 什么在你脑海了,在你脑里 Another mother's breakin' 又一位母亲被强暴 ...


梦想启程~出发拉: Zombie... ... It's not my family. 也不是我的族人 In your head,in your head 在你的记忆中,你的记忆中 ...


... It s not my family 也不是我家人的过错 In your head,in your head 在你脑中,在你脑中, They are fighting 他们在激战 ...


... Hey,hey. What's in your head 嘿!你脑中到底装了什麽? In your head 在你脑子里 Zombie,zombie,zombie? 是行屍走肉吗? ...


fuckin... ... Change the voices 改变那些 In your head 在脑海中的声音 Make them like you 让他们更喜欢你 ...

By this time you have got to be regarded as not quite right in your head, and pity is the only thing felt for you. 这一回,你肯定会被看作脑子有毛病,人们对你只有怜悯。
For a short time after your Ear-Lighting session you may feel lightness in your head and noises may seem to be much louder to you. 亮耳之后的一小段时间内你可能会感到头脑轻松和声音变大。
Make a list of them in your head or write them down in journal at the beginning or end of the day. 最好列份清单,每天早晚在脑海中梳理,或者写在日记本里。
Now what girl wants to be seen with you with a meat cleaver stuck in your head, and the stink man here riding piggy back? 你想让一个什么样的女孩去见让切肉刀砍在脑袋上的和这个发臭的骑小猪回去的男孩子?
But let me share a little secret to happiness and self-improvement here: all that stuff? It's just in your head. 在此,让我与你分享一个快乐和自我完善的小秘诀吧:
But what if I told you that all of the insecurity and anxiety you are getting is all in your head? 可是我要告诉你,你感觉到的不安和焦虑都是你自己的臆想!
The echoes of what someone else has said about you keeps repeating over and over in your head. You can't seem to shut it out. 别人说的话一遍又一遍地在你的脑海中回荡着,而你却似乎不能使它停止下来。
Rather than trying to figure it all out on paper or in your head, get out into the real world and test out your rough ideas. 还在尝试在脑中或者纸上找出你的想法?请回到现实的世界来,考验你并不成熟的想法。
She told us to think of him as Bobby Burns. Now get in your head a picture of a London policeman, a bobby in flames. 她告诉我们把他当作博比·彭斯,让你的脑海里闪现出一个伦敦警察的形象,燃烧着的警察。
When you look at it that way, sort of detached like, you get funny notions in your head. 你这样以超然的态度看着它,脑子里便会产生一些古怪的念头。
She cannot do anything about the images in your head. It's up to you to replace those troublesome pictures with something else. 她无法处理你脑子里的这个场景,你应该抛弃掉这些令你烦恼的景象而去想想别的。
In addition to all this, your expectations powerfully influence the final vote in your head over what you believe to be reality. 除了这一切,当我们相信所认为的事实时,我们头脑的期望会影响大脑的最终决定。
You may be able to keep all the knowledge in your head, but knowing when to apply which rules is the mark of a true professional. 也许你可以把书本上的一切知识都装入脑中,但知道在何时应用何种规则,这才是真正高手的标志。
It's all fucked up in your head. He said you owe him, you owe him. 你脑子里进水了,他说你欠他的,你欠他的
Is it a, it seems like would be a nuisance, to have that in your head, right? 这是一个,似乎在你脑海中让你很讨厌的一部分,对吗?。
Of course, sometimes when you're going at it you'll be picturing things in your head to help yourself get off. 当然,有时在你做事的时候,你会在头脑里想象一些助情的东西,来帮助你驰骋交战。
In many cases, the more competition the better. The fear of competition is all in your head. 老实说我们不该惧怕竞争,在多数情况下,竞争越是激烈,往往情况越是有利。
It will start to notice opportunities that you might have missed had you not had that picture in your head and the belief it could happen. 它将开始注意你可能会失去的机会,虽然你脑海中不会出现那幅画,但信念可以使它出现。
Working memory enables you to perform simple calculations in your head or retain phone numbers long enough to dial them. 工作记忆使你能够在脑中进行简单的计算或记住要拨打的长的电话号码。
Memories are stored in your head, so if you really think about it, you don't actually need the thing to be with you forever. 记忆伏于脑海中,你无需每时每刻与之作伴便可忆起它来。
You are the director of your thoughts. What you put in your head is what you will get out. 你是自己思想的主宰者,你对自己的大脑投入什么就会产出什么。
The KEY is to WRITE YOUR ANSWERS DOWN ! ! I cannot emphasize this enough . Don't think you can do it all in your head . WRITE IT DOWN. 关键是把它们写下来!!我非常强调这个。不要认为可以在你头脑里做这一切。写下来。
All day long you ve been dragged down by the negative power, listening to bad stuff, and then repeating this trash in your head. 整天你们都被否定的力量拉下来,听不好的资讯,然后在头脑里一直重复这些垃圾。
Don't let important decisions drift aimlessly in your head: treat them exactly like any other of your tasks. 不要让那些重要的决定漫无目的地盘旋在你的脑海里:像对待你的其它任务一样好好重视它们。
What creative ideas are trying to come through the noise in your head? 何种富有创造性的念头正尝试着从你喧闹的脑海中溜走呢?
Say you just can't remember the name of that movie. Recite the alphabet (aloud or in your head). 如果你记不起来电影的名字了,背字母表(出声或者默念)。
I heard a clever saying recently that said, "no thought lives in your head rent-free. " It's kind of true, don't you think? 我最近听到一句有智慧的名言:思想在脑中是需要地租的,这句话有些道理,是不是?
"Have you got a picture in your head of what you're going to do? " asks his mother, Michelle. 她的妈妈米歇尔问:“你已经构思好要画什么了么?”
There will be that tiny voice in your head that says, "what's the point of money if you can't enjoy life? " 有一个小小的声音总是在你的头脑你回荡,“如果不可以享受生活,那钱还有什么用呢?”
One day you may catch yourself smiling at the voice in your head, as you would smile at the antics of a child. 有一天你也许逮住自己朝着头脑中声音微笑,就好比对一个孩子滑稽动作时的微笑。