
美 [ɪl]英 [ɪl]
  • adj.有病;不舒服;坏的;不良的
  • n.疾病;厄运;问题;弊端
  • adv.恶劣地;讨厌地;差劲;不足
  • 网络有病的;生病的;不健康的

比较级:worse 最高级:worst 比较级:worse worst 复数:ills

ill health
feel ill,look ill


1.[nubn]有病;不舒服suffering from an illness or disease; not feeling well

2.[ubn]坏的;不良的;有害的bad or harmful

3.不吉利的;不祥的that brings, or is thought to bring, bad luck


ill at ease

局促不安的feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed

its an ill wind (that blows nobody any good)

没有绝对的坏事;任何坏事都会有利于某些人no problem is so bad that it does not bring some advantage to sb


小学六年级毕业英语复习资料 ... healthy 健康的 ill 有病的 high 高的 ...


人教版八年级上册英语单词_百度文库 ... town n. 镇,城镇 ill adj. 生病的,不健康的 worry v. 担心,担忧,焦虑 ...


人教版八年级上册英语单词_百度文库 ... town n. 镇,城镇 ill adj. 生病的,不健康的 worry v. 担心,担忧,焦虑 ...

馆际互借(inter-library loan)

馆际互借及其意义馆际互借(ILL)是一种资源共享方式,各个独立的图书馆相互达成某种协议,当读者所在馆的文献不能够达到需求 …


n理发师 - 豆丁网 ... ignore vt. 忽视, 不顾 ill a. 有病的, 坏的, 不良的, 有害的; illness n. 病, 疾病 ...

'He's not dead, 'he said, 'but he' s very ill. Let' s move him to the nearest house. Someone must go and call his son. ' “他没有死,”他说。“可是他病得很重。咱们把他抬到最近的房子里去吧。必须把他的儿子叫来。”
In excuse of his failure, he said he had been ill. 为给他的失败开脱他说他一直生病。
who always used to say she would wait till he got married and had a son, then come look after him, was now ill and bedridden. 只有自己的乳母,从前常说等自己婚养了儿子来抱小孩子的,现在病得不能起床。
Please just a minute , Ill write a receipt for you . 请您稍等一下,我给您开张收据。
If he had not been ill terribly, he would not have to stay in bed for a week. 如果他没有生重病,就不用卧床一周了
when a whale strands , it is nearly always very ill . as such , there is often little option but to end the stranded whales suffering. 由于搁浅的鲸鱼几乎都已身患重病,因此人类通常都在别无选择的情况下把它们人道毁灭。
If it invades the body again the immune system should be able to remember it and fight it without the person getting ill. 之后,如病原体再侵入人体时人体免疫系统能够记住它,并在人不再生病的情况下排除病原体。
Once known as the "sick man of Asia, " China is no longer Ill. 中国,曾经的“东亚病夫”,如今正在崛起。
He said he couldn't come to work because he was ill, but I doubted about it, I thought he went to see his girlfriend. 他说因为他病了不能来上班,不过我有点怀疑,我认为他是去看女朋友了。
But the current crown prince, Sultan, is in his 80s and said to be very ill. 但现在的王储,苏尔坦(Sultan),已经八十多岁且据说病得很重。
It's not as if I'm terminally ill. I am an athlete with a serious injury who has the capacity to make a complete recovery. 我好像不是得了什么绝症,我是一个有能力复出的受了重伤的运动员。
At all other times, they appear as normal humans, though will often seem to be ill as the full moon approaches. 平常的时间,他们和正常人无异,只是随着月圆的临近会表现出一种病状。
Instead, he devoted himself to an ill-conceived series of blood transfusion experiments that would eventually result in his own death. 后来,他又贯注于一系列失败的输血实验,其最终导致了他的死亡。
This was an ill-conceived statute that grew out of the quasi-war with France and which expired three years later. 这是从与法国的短暂冲突中产生的一项先天不足的法律,它在三年后失效。
She did it for her sick son. In 2002, her son became very ill. She wanted to win medals for money to take him to the best hospital. 因为在2002年,她的儿子病的很严重,她想通过赢得奥运会奖牌来获取奖金去送她的儿子到最好的医院去治疗。
'I hope you'll be kind to him, Mr Heathcliff, ' I said. 'He's weak, and ill. And he's all the family you've go! ' “我希望你对他好一点,希斯克利夫先生,”我说。“他体弱多病,况且他也是你唯一的家人!”
When I wrote to her for money, she said she was ill in bed, and put me off to another day. 我写信向她要钱,她推三阻四说病着不能起床,要到第二天才能还我。
The NT Rights of the Terminally Ill law has left physicians and citizens alike trying to deal with its moral and practical implications. 澳大利亚北部各州所通过的晚期病人权益法使得医生和市民都必须尽力去处理它的道德和实际的意义。
The moment I saw her, I knew that she was ill. 我一看见她就知道她病了。
All this isn't to say that you can simply wish away the ill effects of coronary disease. 当然这项研究并不是说你靠单纯的良好愿望就可以治愈冠状心脏病。
He decided to give up the chance of going abroad, not because he did not want to but because his wife was ill. 他决定放弃出国的机会,不是因为他不想去,而是因为他妻子病了。
Her pale looks suggests that she might be ill, and her parents advise her to take a medical examination. 苍白的脸色表明她生病了,她父母建议她做一下医学检查。
Prof Jones said the "trick" e-mail "caused a great deal of ill-informed comment" but had been taken out of context. 琼斯教授表示,这封含有“手法”一词的电子邮件“引发了大量一知半解的言论”,但都是断章取义。
When he arrived at the train station, he hurried through his breakfast, manifestly ill at ease and keeping a sharp eye about him. 到达火车站后,他匆忙吃完早餐,显然很不自在,并警惕地注视四周。
She was one of the few stay-at-home moms in Ramsey Hill and was famously averse to speaking well of herself or ill of anybody else. 她是拉姆齐山为数不多的几个全职妈妈之一,出了名的不喜欢说自己的好话,也同样出了名的不喜欢说别人的坏话。
But I think he would be really ill if he thought you loved Linton, whose father would like to see Mr Edgar dead. 但我想如果他认为你爱上了林顿,他会真的很痛苦,林顿的父亲盼着艾加先生死呢。
When he told the lie that Mr. Gorbachev was ill, his hands shook and his hairpiece began to slip. 他说戈尔巴乔夫先生生病了,但他在编造这一谎言时,双手在颤抖,戴的假发也开始下滑。
that boy pretended to be ill when he knew i would ask him for help. 那个男孩知道了我要他帮忙的时候就假装病了。
Had he not been ill, he might have come. 要不是生病,他会来的。
I should be sorry, you know, to think ill of a young man who has lived so long in Derbyshire . 你知道,在德比郡住了这么久的一个青年,我是不忍心说他坏话的。