
  • 网络信息服务(Internet Information Services);网际网路资讯服务;信息服务器(Internet Information Server)



信息服务(Internet Information Services)

制作信息服务(IIS)中的386是在哪里??制作信息服务(IIS)中的386是在哪里?? 就是说386文件夹在哪里找到?? 我按装时尝试了很 …


如需在网际网路资讯服务 (IIS) 中装载这个通道和格式子组合的完整范例,请参阅 远端处理范例:在网际网路资讯服务 (IIS) 中 …

信息服务器(Internet Information Server)

互联网信息服务器 (IIS) 一直以来都是黑客攻击的热点目标。将IIS的日志文件移动到一个远程路径可以有效地增加系统被黑客攻 …

The preventive approach of IisShield is an added value preventing IIS from even trying to interpret requests trying to break-in. 在IisShield预防的方法是增加值阻止,甚至还试图解释的请求试图打破在IIS。
Since the header is for the virtual host name, not the name of the IIS server, it rejects the request and sends a "401" back to the client. 由于此头与虚拟主机名(而不是IIS服务器)对应,因此会拒绝请求并向客户端发回“401”。
As a solution , use the IIS management utility ( MMC ) to set the application to run out-of- process before starting the debugger . 作为一种解决方案,在启动调试器之前,使用IIS管理实用工具(MMC)设置应用程序以使其在进程外运行。
Be aware that it is possible for the SMTP Service to be running, but the Default SMTP Server in IIS to be stopped. 请注意,有可能SMTP服务在运行而IIS中的默认SMTP服务器停止运行。
Because of the stateless nature of IIS and ASP. NET, a method decorated with this attribute might be called more than once per test run. 由于IIS和ASP.NET的无状态特性,用此属性修饰的方法在每个测试运行中可以多次调用。
Log on to the IIS server as the domain account that your browser was trying to use, and then run the code. 以域帐户的身份登录到您的浏览器尝试使用的IIS服务器上,然后运行该代码。
Indicates that the worker process did not respond to a ping from the Internet Information Services (IIS) process. 指示辅助进程没有响应来自Internet信息服务(IIS)进程的Ping。
Internet Information Services (IIS) is an integral part of every server running Exchange 2003 Server. Internet信息服务(IIS)是每一台运行Exchange2003Server的服务器所必不可少的部分。
If your Web site is not an IIS application , and therefore has no entry in the IIS metabase , type the following at a command prompt . 如果您的网站不是IIS应用程序,并因此IIS元数据库中没有项,请在命令提示符处键入以下命令。
Set Application Root enables you to set the directory or subdirectory as an IIS application root within your site. 设置申请根目录,允许您设置一个目录或子目录作为您网站的IIS申请根目录。
Because you are using IIS for this walkthrough , do not use impersonation for the authentication for your site . 因为将在本演练中使用IIS,所以不要对您的站点身份验证使用模拟。
In the latter case , you should set debugger options manually for your IIS applications to be able to debug server script . 在后一种情况中,应手动设置调试器选项,以使IIS应用程序能够调试服务器脚本。
If you change the user to your own user account , you do not need to be an Administrator on the IIS server machine . 如果将用户帐户更改为您自己的用户帐户,则在调试时不需要成为IIS服务器计算机上的管理员。
At this point, transferring that issued certificate back to IIS requires an export and import process from the CA to the IIS Manager. 针对这一点,传输的颁发证书回到IIS需要导出和导入过程从CA到IIS管理器中。
Cassini is a sample Web server developed by the ASP. NET team that filled this need and allowed you to run ASP pages without IIS. Cassini是由ASP.NET团队开发的一个示例Web服务器,它可以满足这种需要,并允许您在没有IIS的条件下运行ASP页。
Second, as described in the next section, integration with IIS is the only way you can secure a cross-process . NET Remoting call. 第二,与IIS集成是确保跨进程.NETRemoting调用的唯一途径,如下一节所述。
The presence of these two parameters causes ASP. NET to run the code under the credentials that are passed to it by IIS. 通过提供这两个参数,可使ASP.NET使用IIS传递给它的凭据运行代码。
However, the protocols must be able to transfer data rapidly between IIS and the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service. 但是,协议必须能够在IIS和MicrosoftExchangeInformationStore服务之间快速传输数据。
In some environments, it may not be possible to have IIS running on the machine that must host the Web service for a variety of reasons. 在某些环境下,可能有各种原因导致无法在必须宿主Web服务的计算机上运行IIS。
Resolved an IIS log file permission Issue which caused diagnostics to be unable to transfer IIS logs to Windows Azure storage. 解决了IIS日志文件的权限问题,它会导致诊断程序无法把IIS日志传送到WindowsAzure的存储上。
NOTE: Before you edit the file, be sure to stop the IIS service first or else you won't be able to save the file. 提示:在编辑文件前请停止IIS服务,否则无法保存修改后的文件。
If you are not able to install IIS locally on your development environment, you can develop your application using a shared IIS Web server. 如果无法在开发环境中本地安装IIS,则可以使用共享IISWeb服务器开发应用程序。
Application pools are restarted individually by the utility, although Internet Information Services (IIS) does not have to be restarted. 应用程序池由该实用工具逐个重新启动,但Internet信息服务(IIS)无需重新启动。
IIS allows you to throttle applications , which means that it limits the number of requests it will serve . 使用IIS,您可以调节应用程序,即,它会限制将为其提供服务的请求的数量。
An important feature is that you do not need to have IIS installed to run pages in a file-system Web site. 一个重要特征是无需安装IIS便可在文件系统网站中运行网页。
This error indicates that the debugger was unable to change an in-process IIS application to run out-of-process. 该错误指示调试器无法更改进程内IIS应用程序以使其在进程外运行。
This parameter specifies the name of the Internet Information Services (IIS) Web site under which to create the virtual directory. 此参数指定要在其下创建虚拟目录的Internet信息服务(IIS)网站的名称。
A thorough discussion of how IIS manages incoming requests is a bit beyond the scope of this article. 讨论IIS如何管理传入请求稍稍超出了本文范围。
However, IIS security mechanisms are very generic, in that the same mechanisms are used for all applications. 但是,IIS安全性机制缺乏针对性,因为所有应用程序都使用相同的机制。
Be sure to use the forums to ask questions and discuss problems with the IIS team and the IIS community. 请确保使用论坛提问并与IIS团队及IIS社区一起讨论问题。