in time

  • na.经过一段时间以后;早晚;在恰好的时候;和…合拍
  • 网络及时;钟点战;时间规划局

in timein time

in time


初中英语短语大全 ... 11. wait for 等待 12. in time 及时 15. first of all 首先,第一 ...


钟点战(IN TIME)这部科幻电影题材非常特殊,描述未来世界中不再有货币,改采用时间来当作金钱交易买卖的媒介,刚出生 …


奥利维亚·维尔德_百度百科 ... 最长的一周/ The Longest Week 时间规划局/ In Time 黄油/ Butter ...


潜逃时空(in time ) 电影图片库 photo gallery


最新英语新课标必修3英语单词表_百度知道 ... in one's turn 轮到某人;接着 in time 及时;终于 indeed adv. 真正地;确实;实 …


新概念第三册精解 ... burn the midnight oil 开夜车 in time 最后,终于 that 引导定语从句 ...


高中英语常用固定短语_百度知道 ... in the meantime 与此同时 in time 及时地 in turn 轮流 ...


中国英语教师... ... 1. to begin with 以……开始;由……作为开头;首先 2. in time 及时;最终;迟早 3. in one’ s turn 轮到某人…

It's considerate of you to inform me of that matter in time. 你即使同志我那件事,真是考虑的太周到了。
Additionally, there are inherent problems with the point in time nature of the current interoperability testing. 另外,当前互操作性测试的时间点特性中还存在一些固有问题。
A modern scholar gets caught up in time travel, body- swapping, swashbuckling, and sorcery in London, circa 1810. 一位现代学者实现了时间旅行,变更了身份、神气活现并且享受着1810年伦敦的魅力。
We did not finish the task in time and he was so angry that he said he would wash his hands of the matter. 我们没有及时完成那项任务,他十分气愤,说他绝不会对此事负责。
Second place went to "at this moment in time, " and third to the constant use of "like, " as if it were a form of punctuation. 排在第二位的是短语“此时此刻”,列第三位的是像标点符号一样被不停使用的单词“像……一样”。
It was on the tip of my tongue to call him a liar, but I stopped myself just in time. 我差一点叫他为撒谎鬼,但我及时制止了自己。
roared Hagrid, and Harry looked up just in time to see Hagrid slamming a thick finger into a green button near the fuel gauge. 海格咆哮道,哈利一抬头,正好看见海格用粗粗的手指使劲一摁燃料表旁边的一个绿色按钮。
Did not the men and women have to be braver in the war times than in time of peace? 有人可能会问:是否战争年代的男女们要比处于和平年代的人更勇敢?
There are, at any point in time, a number of possible futures, each, as it were, a state of partial equilibrium. 无论何时,都存在着大量可能的未来,其中的每一个都会趋向一种平衡的状态。
Trying to catch their breath, the two men looked back in time to see the old car suddenly spin 180 degrees and disappear beneath the water. 他们两人一边喘气一边回头,正好看到水中那辆车突然转体180度,消失在水中。
With online backup, there is a means to roll forward the logs to any specific point in time or to the end of the logs. 利用在线备份,就可以将日志前滚到任何特定的时间点或日志的末尾。
Up to this point in time, the U. S. has shown no flexibility on this point. 到目前为止,美国在这点上的态度丝毫看不出有任何弹性。
The rollforward to a specific point in time or to the end of logs can only be possible if there aren't "gaps" between these logs. 只有在这些日志之间没有“中断”的情况下,才可能前滚到任何特定的时间点或日志的末尾。
Going back in time, the British philosopher John Stuart Mill said he could read faster than he could turn pages. 以前,英国哲学家约翰斯图尔特米勒说,他可以读得比翻书还快。
Please remind me when he said he was going. I may be in time to see him off. 当他说要走时请提醒我。这样我才能即使为他送行。
He took a taxi in order that he might arrive in time. 为了能及时赶到,他乘了出租车。
In time however the true nature of your link to your space brothers will also be revealed to you all dear ones. 然而亲爱的,我们也将即时向你们所有人揭露你们与星际兄弟的真实联系。
Returns a name value pair collection of statistics at the point in time the method is called. 调用该方法时,将返回统计信息的名称值对集合。
Then Alberto sends her a video that shows him in present day Athens and somehow he seems to go back in time to ancient Athens. 然后阿尔贝托寄给她的视频,显示他在雅典和当今不知他似乎回到了古代雅典的时间。
It is possible, and even probable, that there will be, in time, other resources of energy opened up, of which we have no knowledge now. 有可能,甚至很可能,在不久的将来,我们现在还不知道的其它能源会被发现。
Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. 你们从前算不得子民,现在却作了神的子民。从前未曾蒙怜恤,现在却蒙了怜恤。
To be identified with your mind is to be trapped in time, the compulsion to live almost exclusively through memory and anticipation. 当你与心智认同时,就被时间束缚,然后你会强迫性地几乎完全经有记忆和期望而活。
He seemed busy with his new clientele and when I asked him about Yolardis he said he had not seen her, but in time he would find out. 他似乎因为新客户的出现而显得有些忙碌。当我问及尤拉迪丝时,他说没有看到她,但是,他表示会尽快弄清楚是怎么一回事。
In time, such a demon will learn to drain energy from the psyche of those it encounters, just as it did in the Fade. 随着时间的变化,这样的恶魔学会了从它所接触到的灵魂吸取能量的方法,就像它在暗物质界中作的那样。
"Our models of this ring let us sort of look back in time to when the solar system was young, " said Marc Kuchner. “尘埃环模型让我们有机会一睹太阳系在诞生初期时的面貌,”库切纳说。
If I didn't stop him in time, these palm leaves would be boiled into pieces. 我要不及时制止,这贝叶早就被煮烂了。
He was ready for and expectant of any queer shift in an individual's attitude, particularly in time of panic. 对于个人态度的任何乖巧的变迁,特别是在紧急关头,他早有准备,是能够料想得到的。
He made it a task to finish the homework in time. 他把及时完成家庭作业作为一项任务。
Approaching drivers cannot see that it is stationary until they are too close to it to he able to stop in time to prevent an accident . 紧跟在后面的驾驶者,不能发现前车停车,等发觉时距离已经很近,来不及防止车祸了.。
Danielle: That's right. Pretty soon you'll forget all about this. In time I'm sure you'll see that this is for the best. 丹妮拉:没错。很快地你就会忘记这一切。我相信,总有一天你会发现这样做是最好不过的。