
美 [ˈkaʊns(ə)l]英 ['kaʊns(ə)l]
  • n.建议;法律顾问;律师
  • v.提供专业咨询;建议
  • 网络忠告;劝告;商议

复数:counsels 现在分词:counseling 现在分词:counselling 过去式:counseled 过去式:counselled



n. v.

1.(尤指年长者或专家的)劝告,忠告,建议advice, especially given by older people or experts; a piece of advice

2.法律顾问;律师a lawyer or group of lawyers representing sb in court


a counsel of despair

知难而退的建议advice not to try to do sth because it is too difficult

a counsel of perfection

听上去完美却难以实行的建议advice that is good but that is difficult or impossible to follow

keep your own counsel

将自己意见(或计划等)保密;不暴露自己的意图to keep your opinions, plans, etc. secret


英语六级听力高频词汇_百度文库 ... correspondence n. 通信;函件 counsel n. 忠告,劝告,律师 crucial a. 至关重要的 ...


英语六级听力高频词汇_百度文库 ... correspondence n. 通信;函件 counsel n. 忠告,劝告,律师 crucial a. 至关重要的 ...


雅思词汇表_百度文库 ... costume 服装 counsel 商议;劝告 covert 隐藏的 ...


雅思词汇表_百度文库 ... costume 服装 counsel 商议;劝告 covert 隐藏的 ...


法字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 法律〖 law;statute〗 法律顾问counsel〗 法盲〖 amanwithnolawknowledge〗 ...


read a humorous story each day ... company n. 连(队) counsel v. 建议;劝告 deplorable adj. 可悲的;可怜的 ...


原文字义 “知道”认识(指主观经历上的认识);“愿意”想,商量counsel);“指示”启示,显明。文意注解 “一切所有的,都是 …


[推荐]外贸常用英语[旺旺英语论坛] ... council 理事会,委员会 counsel 劝告,辩护律师 counsellor 顾问 ...

The right to be heard would be, in many cases, of little avail if it did not comprehend the right to be heard by counsel. 受听案子的权利,如果不包括让律师听案的权利的话,在很多情况下没有什么意义。
That said, the possibility of such shocks should always be a counsel for caution when a government embarks on fiscal tightening. 有道是,当一个政府采取财政紧缩的时候,就应当时刻小心这类冲击的可能性。
So, as my son, Adam prepared to leave for college, I jotted down a few words of counsel and put them in a binder. 因此,在我的儿子亚当准备离家去上大学时,我零零星星写下一些忠告,放在一个活页夹里。
This seems to be his counsel, but don't see why he wants to do, and do what is good, for his movies are not explain clearly. 这此似乎都是他的计谋,但看不出他为什么要这样做,这样做了对他有什么好处,电影对此没有交待清楚。
Worrying about even 150, 000 TB deaths a year, compared with the millions who used to die, can thus sound like a counsel of perfection. 如今每年有15万人死于肺结核,但相比过去的成千上百万可谓是小巫见大巫,所以使用抗生素仍然是个完美的建议。
The bank has directed longtime outside legal counsel Herbert Smith LLP to investigate the matter. 瑞银已经指示长期担任其法律顾问的史密夫律师事务所(HerbertSmithLLP)调查此事。
Chrysler has hired Jones Day to provide legal counsel for a possible bankruptcy-court filing, according to people familiar with the matter. 据知情人士说,克莱斯勒已聘请JonesDay就可能提出破产保护申请向其提供法律咨询。
Berlusconi's counsel has said the prime minister would be available to testify if the court gave the go-ahead. 贝卢斯科尼的律师表示,如果法庭允许,总理可以出庭作证。
Don't follow any advice, no matter how good, until you feel as deeply in your spirit as you think in your mind that the counsel is wise. 任何劝告,不管有多好,除非你在精神上和思想上都可深刻感觉它的明智,否则不要听从。
and, to be silent and alone becoming soon her only wish, she readily agreed to her mother's next counsel of going early to bed. 不久,她心里唯一的希望是想独自清静一下,当母亲劝她早些休息的时候,她立刻答应了。
Enhance understanding, to further explore your legal consultancy services, familiar with legal counsel consultation contract, ready to sign. 增进了解,进一步探讨你的法律顾问事务,熟悉、协商法律顾问服务合同的内容,准备签约。
'Our legal counsel is still studying the matter and we're still trying to understand the details of the case, ' Mr. Cheng said. 郑慧明说,公司的法律顾问还在研究这件事,而且我们也在努力了解案件详情。
She was shrewd and diligent, so business kept coming in, and pretty soon she realized that she needed an in-house counsel. 她很精明和勤奋,所以业务总是蒸蒸日上,但是她很快意识到,她需要一个内部律师。
Counsel in the heart of man [is like] deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out. 人心怀藏谋略,好像深水。惟明哲人,才能汲引出来。
If it's not up to snuff, act quickly to counsel them and work out a plan for bringing performance up to acceptable levels. 如果这个方法不行,那就迅速采取行动,规劝他们,制定计划,把员工表现放到可接受的水平上。
Alexander Macgillivray, Twitter's general counsel, said, "From the beginning, Twitter has been a public and open service. " Twitter总法律顾问亚历山大·迈吉里弗雷(AlexanderMacgillivray)说:“从一开始,Twitter就是一个公共的开放式的服务。”
Mr Li Su is the general manager of an advisory company of Beijing, he ever gave counsel for a few enterprises, establish company image. 李肃先生是北京一家咨询公司的总经理,他曾为一些企业出谋划策,树立企业形象。
Bowing to the wishes of Hillary Clinton, who blocked him from his preferred field of foreign policy, Craig was made White House Counsel. 尽管克雷格首选外交政策领域,但被希拉里所阻,只得在后者的要求下成为了白宫顾问。
It was made out by his counsel that he was quite unaware that the money had been stolen. 据他的律师宣称,他完全不知道钱已被偷走。
You will guide me with Your counsel, And afterward receive me to glory. 你要以你的训言引导我,以后必接我到荣耀里。
" There's also an old Asian saying that I remind myself of frequently. It goes like this: " A wise man keeps his own counsel. 还有一个古老的亚洲谚语,我经常用它来提醒我自己,它的大意是“聪明的人会坚持己见”。
This fall, the company hired a new general counsel and chief compliance officer as part of a broader overhaul of its compliance system. 今年秋季,该公司雇请了新的法律顾问及首席执法长,这是对其遵纪守法体系进行全面改革的组成部分。
Then she spake, saying, They were wont to speak in old time, saying, They shall surely ask counsel at Abel: and so they ended the matter. 妇人说,古时有话说,当先在亚比拉求问,然后事就定妥。
Earlier this year, NHTSA Chief Counsel Kevin Vincent said the auto industry isn't certain about whether the vehicles are safe after a crash. 今年早些时候,NHTSA首席法律顾问文森特(KevinVincent)说,汽车行业不能肯定汽车在撞击后是否安全。
Well, don't you think your learned counsel found a very mild term for you when they described you as a mental and moral coward? 嗯,你这博学的律师把你说成一个心灵上,道德上懦怯的人,你觉得他们是不是替你选择了分量非常轻的字眼?
Grace Lei, HTC's general counsel, said the company continues to deny all of Apple's past and present claims. 宏达电的总法律顾问GraceLei表示,公司继续否认苹果以前及现在的所有指控。
The implication or allegation by opposing counsel would be that this constituted a wink and a nod to the interrogators. 控方律师会指控或者暗示这构成了一个对发问者眨眼或是点头的形势。
So far Barack Obama has kept his counsel on the kind of package he would like to see. 迄今为止,美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)对于自己希望看到哪种方案一直保持沉默。
Intel called the FTC suit "misguided" and General Counsel Douglas Melamed said the company would aggressively defend itself. 英特尔声称FTC的起诉是“被误导的”,且其法律总顾问DouglasMelamed表示,公司将积极辩护.他称,“英特尔并未违反法律。”
And I should have been failing in my duty as your godmother if I did not counsel against it. 作为你的教母我要是不加以阻挠那就太失职了