
美 [kwɪk]英 [kwɪk]
  • adj.快的;迅速的;短暂的;敏捷的
  • adv.迅速地;快速地;…敏捷的;…迅速的
  • n.(指甲下的)活肉
  • 网络快克;快速的;快递惊魂

比较级:quicker 最高级:quickest

quick way,quick recovery,quick decision,quick change,quick succession


1.快的;迅速的;短暂的done with speed; taking or lasting a short time

2.敏捷的;迅速的moving or doing sth fast

3.[obn]迅速的;立竿见影的happening very soon or without delay


to have a quick temper

性子急;容易发脾气to become angry easily

quick and dirty

权宜处理;机动安排used to describe sth that is usually complicated, but is being done quickly and simply in this case


八年级上册英语单词 ... shower 淋浴 quick 快的 bicycle 自行车 ...


使用快速Quick)选项,可以处理填充图案,并快速地创建图案填充;使用高级(Advanced)选项,可以设置AutoCAD创建 …


向日岳人_百度百科 ... Prince( 王子) Quick迅速的) Red( 红色) ...


以上是供应快克(QUICK)焊台、烙铁、拔放台、吸烟仪、温度计的详细介绍,如果你想更详细地了解供应快克(QUICK)焊台、烙 …


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... queue n. 行列,长队 quick a. 快;敏捷的;急剧的 quiet a. 安静的;寂静的 ...


谷翼崎_百度百科 ... E——EXCELLENT 卓越的、非凡的 Q——QUICK 快速的、活力的 I——INDIVIDUAL 独特的、个性的 ...


【韩国】快递惊魂(Quick)2011 | 类型:动作/喜剧/惊悚 | 36人收藏 | 39330次点击 说明: 【韩国】危险的见面礼(Clash.of.the.Fa…

We have had a quick & dirty implementation of the website in operation for more than a year. 我们已经有了一年多的运作中的网站快速和肮脏的执行情况。
The chemist gives him a quick taste of his latest potion, in that scene we get a quick glimpse of his hand with a WEDDING RING. 药剂师给了他一剂最新药让他快速尝试,在那个场景中我们看到他戴着婚戒的手快速的一闪。
He is quick and can hold the ball up well and he's got a great left foot - and that always makes things a little bit harder for his rivals. 他快速,可以很好的控球,他有着一个伟大的左脚,这些一直可以让他的对手感到艰难。
It wouldn't be a quick fix, but a pill that increased metabolism by 500 calories a day would speed weight loss by a pound a week. 这种药不是速效减肥药,不过一片药可以让机体每天多消耗500卡路里,每周可多减肥1磅。
The older man got to the light just as it was changing. You're free! Drive away quick, I thought. I looked over to my dad. 那个老人正好赶在了换灯的时候。你现在自由了!赶紧开走,我心里想。我看了看我爸爸。
Just a few days ago, I walked up to a counter at the airport to ask the gate agent a quick and simple question. 就在几天前,我去机场等人,想去前台问问登机口检票员一个很简单的问题。
In the wake of the news, both Kristen and Rupert were quick to make public statements saying that their tryst had been a mistake. 在偷情消息爆出后,克里斯汀和鲁伯特都很快就发表公开声明说他们的幽会一直是个错误。
Wife : Hey, honey, quick, come in here. You've got to see this. 妻子:嗨,亲爱的,快过来,你得看看这个节目。
in a moment, she was running down the side of the hill and was off through that sea of stubble, as light and quick as a young doe. 不一会儿,她跑下山坡,在残梗之海穿行,宛如一头轻盈敏捷的小母鹿。
A quick collapse of the feeling of that moment, I would choose to be a runaway princess, enjoy yourself to breathe. 一到感觉就快崩溃的那一刻,我就会选择做个出逃的公主,让自己尽情地呼吸。
The "quick fix" that many countries are trying to use to find their way out of trouble, will only be that with no long term solution. “快速修复”发生在许多的国家,它们尝试摆脱问题的影响,但是不会得到长久的解决方法。
He has the quick wit and comic timing to match Hermione in her verbal aggressiveness , to tease her, to play Benedict to her Beatrice. 他有急智,也会把握时机,足以和赫敏抗衡,还敢去逗惹她,他们俩是天生一对欢喜冤家。
McCain was quick to knock down the lie. "No, ma'am, " he said, "he's a decent family man, a citizen. " 麦卡恩立刻驳斥了这个谎言:“不,夫人,他是美国居民,还是个不错的居家男人。”
TWST: Could we start out with a quick overview and little history of U. S. Wireless, just to set the stage for our readers? 让我们从美国无线的发展概况谈起好吗?这样可以让读者对我们要谈的内容有一点准备。
You deserve a quick lie down with your yoga eye pillow, as you allow it to gently release tension, with its soft pressure and calming aroma. 你需要利用你的瑜珈护眼枕头迅速地躺下,因为你需要利用它柔软的挤压和使人镇静的香气来缓缓地释放你的紧张感。
These observations clicked into place in quick succession; I felt like a projector being loaded with slides of maleness, of male seeing. 这种观察接二连三的发生,我就像一部投影仪一样从男人们的视角去看来自他们的幻灯片。
Not that we would not like a quick victory; Everybody would be in favour of driving the "devils" out overnight. 我们也不是不喜欢速胜,谁也赞成明天一个早上就把“鬼子”赶出去。
She was amazingly quick with her needles. She could knit up a baby's coat in an afternoon. 她编结起来快得出奇。她一个下午就能编结好一件婴孩的紧身短上衣。
A lot of people are quick to say how much PowerShell looked to Unix for inspiration. 很多人很快就能说出PowerShell从Unix中获得了很多灵感。
With lunch meat, it's easy to throw together a quick sandwich to take to work, but is eating lunch meat too unhealthy? 用午餐肉可以非常方便地做一份简易三明治带去工作,但这种做法是不是非常不益身体健康呢?
"That's not horrible, " he said, though he was quick to add that the stock market had a mind of its own. 他说,“这并不糟糕。”不过他很快就补充道,股市走向何方只取决于它自己的意志。
In short, whatever the economy shed in terms of output during the downturn it is now making back in double-quick time. 总之,无论经济条件大棚产出的低迷而现正回双快时间。
A few days ago , after a quick rainstorm , I walked across Central Park near the lake and I thought I had never seen a city so lovely . 几星期前,在一场急促的暴风雨后,我从湖边穿过中央公园,我觉得自己从没有发现纽约如此明艳动人。
She wasn't as proud and quick-tempered as her mother, but she was used to getting what she wanted. 她不像她母亲那样孤傲和脾气暴躁,但也是习惯了要什么有什么。
But Epictetus gave up too many things, and I had been quick to observe that nothing was more dangerously easy for me than mere renunciation. 可是埃皮克提图放弃太多东西了,我很快断定对我来说,没有什么比仅仅放弃更容易也更危险的了。
In fact, you might combine the two and go on a short trip to see a friend, or to ask one to come along with you on a quick trip. 事实上,你可能结合了上述两种是短期停留,去看望一个朋友,或要求一来与你一起在短途旅行。
He made a quick recovery from his illness and was soon back at work. 他生病后康复得很快,不久就去上班了。
As I thought of what I had just swallowed - vegetables and who knew what else - I felt sick. "Quick, quick, the manager! " 想到刚刚吃进去的——有青菜,谁知还会有什么——我顿时恶心起来,“快,快把你们经理找来!”
The major governments of your world are busily putting together quick fixes with which they hope to continue delaying what is now underway. 世界上的首要当局在忙于聚在一路“快速修复”,他们仍旧进展继续的耽误立刻要实施的一切。
"I said I know nothing about this, " Pug reacted in a quick hard fashion. “我说过我对这种情况一无所知。”帕格做出迅速而强硬的反应。