
美 [kwoʊt]英 [kwəʊt]
  • v.报价;引用;引述;举例说明
  • n.报价;引号;引文
  • 网络引用第;援引;引证

第三人称单数:quotes 现在分词:quoting 过去式:quoted

quote price,quote instance,quote source,quote report,quote example


v. n.

引述repeat exact words

1.[t][i]引用;引述to repeat the exact words that another person has said or written

举例give example

2.[t]~ (sb) sth举例说明to mention an example of sth to support what you are saying

报价give price

3.[t][i]~ (sb) (sth) (for sth/for doing sth)开价;出价;报价to tell a customer how much money you will charge them for a job, service or product

4.[t]~ sth (at sth)为(股票、黄金或外汇)报价to give a market price for shares, gold or foreign money

5.[t]~ sth为(企业的股份)上市,挂牌to give the prices for a business company's shares on a stock exchange


quote (… unquote)

(用于引文的开始和结尾)引文起(…引文止)used to show the beginning (and end) of a word, phrase, etc. that has been said or written by sb else


关于A酸,A醇,A醛用法和注意事项 ... 2. A醛 retinaldehyde 返回列表 回复 引用 QUOTE: 于 2006-11-9 08:36 发表 QUOTE: ...


TOEIC词汇汇总 ... payment 支付;付款 17. quote 报价 18. supply 供应品;供应物;库存 19. ...


美国2011年gdp总量 ... QUOTE: 引用第1楼 ...


GRE词汇精选(核心词汇) ... quota 定额,配额 quote 引用,引述 quotidian 每日的;平凡的 ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... quiver 颤抖,抖动 quote 引用,援引 race 比赛;赛跑 ...


新东方四级乱序_bigearlistening_新浪博客 ... drawer 抽屉 quote 引号,引用 depress 使压抑 ...


引字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 引着〖 ignite;kindle;light〗 引证quote;cite〗 引锥刺股〖 studydiligently〗 ...

She worked, to quote her daughter, "as if there was no tomorrow" . 用她女儿的话讲,她工作起来“好像没有明天似的”。
Please provide assistance and a quote for how much it would take to instruct me how to solve this issue. 请提供援助和为多少则需指导我如何解决这个问题的报价。
Please quote me with how much you can run a good campaign for. 请报上多少你可以运行一个良好的运动对我来说。
If you buy a farm, you calculate how much it will produce, you don't care about the quote you will get later. I would pick the third. 比如买个农场,你可以计算它将能产出多少,你不必在意之后得到的报价,我倾向选这一类。
I've taken that Robert Kennedy quote, and I've actually turned it into a new balance sheet for just a moment here. 我也曾经用过罗伯特肯尼迪的这句话,我也曾经把它转变成一种新的衡量收支平衡的办法。
President Leslie Moonies of CBS from the United States, who attended the meeting with his wife Nancy, said, and I quote: . . . 美国CBS电台的总裁莱斯利·莫尼斯偕同妻子南希参加了本次会议,我引用他的话说……
He was directing at least part of that quote to reporters pestering him about same-sex marriage. 他被记者纠缠着问他关于同性婚姻的问题时,他至少说了这部分的话。
The foreign friends talk, began to ask price, and I quote 300 yuan (empty barrels). 外国朋友说话了,开始询问价格,我报300元人民币(空桶)。
Situation: Helen, the company's marketing manager, talks with him and gives him a quote. 情境:该公司的行销经理海伦正在跟哈洛德交谈并向他报价。
The British are in an anti-politics mood: no MP would dare quote Burke, even if they agreed with him. 英国正处于一个反政情绪之中:没有议员胆敢提起伯克,即使赞同他的观点。
It would not be easy to quote comparable passages from Marshall's later work or from Edgeworth or Professor Pigou. 从马歇尔后期著作,或从艾其伟斯或皮古教授著作中不容易找出类似文句。
And I'm going to finish up with a quote, maybe a little cheap shot, at the director of the NIH, who's a very charming man. 我将引用一段话来结束我的讲话,可能有点儿不上台面,是关于NIH(美国国家卫生研究院)的负责人,很有魅力的一个人。
If you think you can help, contact me with a full quote and any other information or terms and conditions I may need to know. 如果你认为你能帮助,请与全面报价和其他信息或条款及条件,我可能需要了解我。
If I asked you about love, you'd probably quote me a sonnet, but you've never looked at a woman and been totally vulnerable. 问你爱情,你会背首十四行诗,可是你从没看着一个女人,感到完全无法抗拒。
So whole-grain breads historically have had sort of this onus of being health-food breads, and people don't like to eat quote, healthfood. 因此,全麦面包历来被视为一种健康但人们却不喜欢吃的面包所谓的健康食品。
First of all, I got a lot of personal advice. Let me quote a few of the typical comments that I wrote down. 首先,我得到了很多私人的建议。让我列举一些我已经写下的典型意见。
Here, I want to warn that journalist to be careful with his way of raising questions and not to quote people's remarks out of context. 所以,在此我想提醒这位记者注意提问的方式,更不应再来这里反问中国政府的立场。
Initially we reported Mr McDonald's quote as, "Well, fuck it. I don't care what you think. I'm trying to do the right thing. " 起初我们是这样报道麦当劳先生说的话:“屌,我才不在乎你怎么看,我在努力做正确的事。”
Now this'd be fine, if journalists were willing or able to call upon expert sources to verify claims, and then to quote their responses. 如果记者愿意或者能够找到有效的(资料)来源来验证他们的观点并且声明为此负责的话那将再好不过。
And one of the things he gave us was a quote that I love. 他留给我们的其中一样东西,是一句精彩的话,我很喜欢。
Quote: I laughed at him. I was actually insulted that he would challenge me, a pro, to a game of horse with his left hand. 事实上,我不断嘲笑他,就凭他,用一只左手也敢向我挑战。
It's not enough that you can beat the other guy to the pitch, you have to be able to quote fast as well. 你能把别人击败还不够,你还必须能够快速地给出报价。
Create a username and be able to save the garment and submit to the company for a quote (they only do bulk orders primarily for schools). 创建一个用户名,并能够保存的服装,并提交报价(他们主要是为学校只能做批量订单)给该公司。
More to the question of man's competitiveness: let me give a further quote. 为进一步说明人类的竞争天性,我再引用些东西。
Please provide a quote for the scope of work listed and separately how much it will cost to add additional chapters and minor edits. 请提供一个上市的工作范围,并分别报价多少会增加额外成本的章节和小修改。
Quote: He went so far as to remark that, if he had it to do over again, he would stay out of the "dirty game" of politics altogether. 其实,我看反映他真实心境的倒是这么一段话:如果我可以再来一遍,我一定会远离政治这种“肮脏的游戏”。
Find vendors for the type of policy you need and get a cost quote (you may be a bit shocked by what you find! ). 寻找你所需的供应商类型的情况,并且获得一个成本的报价。(当你找到他时,你可能会有一些震惊)
Evolution, to quote a T-shirt sent me by an anonymous well-wisher, is the greatest show on earth, the only game in town. 引用一位匿名祝福者送给我的T恤上的话,进化,是地球上最伟大的表演,是唯一的选择。
It was funny, cause one of the guys said in a very enthusiastic manner and I quote "No Macyeen, yes Bahama" Bahama? 这群人其中之一以相当热忱的方式告诉我,让我觉得这十分有趣,而我引述他的说法「不要麦肯扬,要巴哈马」巴哈马?
Memorable Quote: "I'm going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed - or worse, expelled. " 经典台词:在你们任何一人又想出了让我们被杀掉或者开除的“聪明”点子前,我要睡觉去了。