
美 [ˈsoʊbər]英 [ˈsəʊbə(r)]
  • adj.未醉;持重的;冷静的;素净的
  • v.变得冷静
  • 网络清醒的;严肃的;醒酒

比较级:soberer 最高级:soberest 第三人称单数:sobers 现在分词:sobering 过去式:sobered

sober tone,sober view


1.[nubn]未醉not drunk (= not affected by alcohol)

2.持重的;冷静的serious and sensible

3.素净的;淡素的plain and not bright


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... sob 呜咽 sober 清醒的 soccer 足球 ...


松松:3天背完GRE难词 ... compunction n. 良心的谴责, 后悔, 悔恨 35。 sober adj. 冷静的 36。 despondent adj. 沮丧的 37。 ...


雅思词汇词根+联想记忆法 ... soar vi. 剧增;高飞;高涨;屹立 sober a. 未醉的;严肃的;素淡的; sociable a. 友好的,喜好交际的 ...


星尘的天空 - 博客园 ... 87:merits n 优点,价值 88:sober vt 醒酒;清醒 89:bookcase n 书架,书柜 ...


GRE逆序_馆档网 ... slumber 睡眠,安睡 sober 清醒的,庄重的 tuber 块茎,球根 ...


CalmSky的学习笔记[旺旺英语论坛] ... sob v. / n. 哭泣,呜咽 sober a. 清醒的;认真的,冷静的,适度的 so-called a. 所谓的, …

I've brought up the subject a few times, but he just waves away my concerns. I'd love to have sober sex, but how do I persuade him? 我曾经说起这个几次,但是他只是挥挥手让我不要担心。我实在是喜欢清醒的性爱,但是我要怎么样才能说服他?
enough to sober her spirits even under the prospect of a ball given principally for her gratification. 尽管舞会主要是为她举办的,她也打不起精神。
The compartment seems to be the only one of her sober, Shaanxi narrow corridors to and fro a. 车厢内似乎只有她一人清醒的,陕窄的走道内来回晃荡着。
After their frothy first films together, Lee went into a dark patch, beginning with the sober domestic drama "The Ice Storm. " 首次电影合作后,李安首先是清醒的家庭影片“冰风暴”。
Then in the morning, when Nabal was sober, his wife told him all these things, and his heart failed him and he became like a stone. 到了早晨,拿八醒了酒,他的妻将这些事都告诉他,他就魂不附体,身僵如石头一般。
Justice in these countries tends to be a sober affair, insulated as far as possible from external tumult. 司法在这些国家往往是慎审的事务,离外部的骚动越远越好。
But she said she did not believe some of Parliament's many bars should be shut down in a bid to make them more sober. 但她说,她坚信议会的许多酒吧根本不用关门停业,仅仅为了使它们更加清醒。
5 To be of a sober mind, pure, workers at home, good, subject to their own husbands, that the word of God would not be blasphemed. 多二5清明自守,贞洁,料理家务,良善,服从自己的丈夫,免得神的话被毁谤。
He assured me again and again that it was the last thing in the world he would dream of doing in a sober moment. 他几次对我表示,要是在清醒的时候,他断乎不会梦想干这营生的。
sometimes for a day or two he would be almost sober and attend to his work at least passably . 他偶尔也会清醒一两天,勉强将自己分内的活干得像回事。
She went, with her neat figure, and her sober womanly step, down the dark street. 她顺着黑暗的街道走去,显出利落匀称的身材,迈着端庄的女人的步子。
The text in this book, as always sober, but less used to the kind of indifference straightforward. 这本书中的文字,一如既往的清醒,只是少了从前那种冷漠直白。
He has poured quite a lot of his life into me by just bringing me up in a very sober way and taking care of me. 他投入了我只要把我在非常清醒的方式,照顾我很多很多,他的生活。
To which Mr. Sikes replied, he was joking; as, if he had been sober, there would have been strong reason to suppose he was. 赛克斯先生回答说对方是在开玩笑,因为,除非是他喝醉了,他有的是理由去证明自己是在说笑话。
If a man has a bit of conscience, it always takes him when he's sober; and then it makes him low-spirited . 人哪怕是有一点点良知,他神智清醒的时候这良知就总是占据他,让他情绪低落。
I had made an acquaintance with a sober, good sort of a woman. 我认识一个很端庄的好女人。
He kept himself sober for the purpose--tolerably sober: not going to bed mad at six o'clock and getting up drunk at twelve. 他还特意让自己保持清醒——相当清醒;不像往常那样到六点钟才疯疯癫癫地上床,十二点才醉醺醺地起来。
I address you directly Antony. Please listen, as if you were sober and intelligent, and not a drink-sodden, sex- addled wreck. 恕我直言,安东尼,请听好了,以你的冷静与智慧,似乎不是一个嗜酒成性,纵欲无度的痴呆。
Something of a cottage industry is emerging to try to answer this latest and most sober of international mysteries. 某个家庭手工业者站出来,回答这个最新的、最严肃的国际问题。
The company had come to a halt, more sober men, as you may guess, than when they started. 这帮人勒住了马,可以猜想得到,他们现在比出发时清醒多了。
His wife was a little sharp-faced woman, who bullied her husband when he was sober. 他的老婆是个面相尖刻的小个子妇人。男人清醒时,她便呼么喝六。
said the man with black hair, Eron, who was standing at the door with sober smiles in his black eyes. 伊伦站在门口,黑发黑瞳里还是清醒的笑意:“就等你呢,莱娜。”
And yet I find a visit to the Champagne region is often one of the most profound and sober experiences. 但我发现,香槟产区之旅往往是极度深邃和沉静的一种体验。
I love the night like this, sober and tranquil. All on my ears are the slightly quivering breath and mild heartbeat from my own body. 我喜欢这样的夜晚,深沉,宁静,耳畔只有自己颤颤的呼吸和微微的心跳。
This may be self-deception, but it really happened, took place in a very clear it of men, very sober, but no way to self-salvation. 这或许是自欺欺人,但是这确实发生了,发生在一个很清楚它的人身上,很清醒,却没办法自我救赎。
Now two years later, I am sober. If I ever feel like a drink, I just think of my girls and remember how good it feels to hug them again. 两年后,我戒了酒。现在如果我想喝酒,我就会想到我的女儿,以及能够再度拥抱她们是多棒的感觉。
He tried to look AS sober AS he could, but the police could immdiately tell he wAS lying! 他尽量装的镇定,但是警察一眼就发现他在撒谎。
For all the sober and sensible recommendations of the Iraq Study Group, getting out of Iraq is going to prove a lot harder than getting in. 从伊拉克问题调查研究小组总结的条分缕析的建议来看,想从伊拉克危机中金盆洗手比跃跃欲试参与其中要困难地多。
At this point Newt Gingrich is what passes for a sober, reasonable elder statesman of the G. 在这一点上,金里奇先生可以称为共和党内头脑清醒、行为理智的元老。
This feeling of the divine startled him. It shocked him from his dreams to sober thought. 这种神圣感令他吃惊,让地从梦幻中恢复了清醒的头脑。