so that

  • conj.因此;以便
  • 网络为了;以致;以便于

so thatso that

so that


大学英语四级常用词组 ... so much as that 到这样程度以致… so that 以便;结果是;以致 so...that 如此…以致于 ...


仁爱英语八年级下册词组汇集 ... out of sight 看不见, 在视野之外 so that 以便,为了(引导目的状语从句) each other 互相 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... so much as that 到这样程度以致… so that 以便;结果是;以致 so...that 如此…以致于 ...


四级真题词汇 - 豆丁网 ... so much as 甚至 so that 因此 than 比 ...


新概念英语第二册学习笔记(2) ... train sb to do 训练某人做某事 so that以便于,为了(表达目的) so that 引导目的状语 …


SO翻译成中文是什么意思_百度知道 ... adv. 如此,这么;确是如此 so that 以便;所以;结果是;以致 so dim 浑沌 ...


词语的固定搭配_百度文库 ... to 结果是;如此……以至于 第五十六组 so that 以便,为的是;结果是 so...that 如此……以至于 ...


大学英语三级考试常考词组和固定搭配 - 豆丁网 ... or so 大约,左右 so that 以便,为使;所以,因此 so…that 如此…以致 ...

I remembered that when I had the cotton removed from a wicker sofa so that it could be re-fluffed, it had turned out to be completely dark. 我记得,我曾让人把棉花从一只柳条编织的沙发中抽出来,好拿去让人重新弹一下,结果拿出来一看,竟完全是黑的。呃,不!
He was caught in the snowstorm, so that his clothes were soaked, He made his way home. 他遭遇了暴风雪,结果他的衣服都浸湿了。
"I've got to stay alive so that the children are OK, " she recalls thinking. 妮基回忆起她那时的念头:“我必须活下去,这样孩子们才会没事”。
But darkness is there to help the light to shine in darkness so that you know it. 黑暗在那里是为了让光明把黑暗照亮,从而让我们了解光明。
When he again drowsily awoke, he felt a strong light, so that he could not open his eyes. 待他再次迷迷糊糊地醒来,他感觉到有很强的光线,使他双眼睁不开。
Carefully review all of the WebLogic proprietary settings so that you know in advance which extensions have been applied to the application. 仔细检查所有WebLogic专有扩展以便事先知道哪些扩展适用于该应用程序。
So, that's what we call our first five employees during the tea break, you know, in here. As I said, they were adventurous people. 这就是我们首批五名雇员在茶歇的时候。如我所言,他们都是爱冒险的家伙。
He decided to ask his father to practice with him so that both of them could transform their energy. 他决定要爸爸和他一起练习禅修,这样他们两个就都能转化负面的能量了。
The general said the virginity checks were done so that the women wouldn't later claim they had been raped by Egyptian authorities. 将军称之所以进行处女检查是为了防止以后那些示威的女性诬赖埃及官方曾经强奸了她们。
In particular, important events are often broadcast live so that the audience feel as if they were participating. 特别的之处在于,很多重要的事件时常是用生动的广播形式以便让听众感觉好像他们身临其境。
Our company is ready to decorate your dwelling house so that it will appear to Be a warm and comfortaBle world. 本公司愿为您装饰一个充满舒适与温馨的世界。
One thing, SRP seems to be an idea of breaking things into molecular parts so that it becomes reusable and can be managed centrally. SRP看起来是把事物分离成分子部分,以便于能被复用和集中管理。
One teacher said she never speaks English in front of her children, so that they get used to only hearing Mandarin from her. 一位老师表示,为了辅助教学,她从来不在孩子面前说英语,他们因此习惯了只听她说普通话。
Step two would be to produce a budget for top pay, so that if one executive merited exceptional rewards, others would have to take less. 第二步措施应该是制定高管薪酬预算,从而在一名高管应得到超额奖励时,其他高管将不得不少拿报酬。
Michael had brought Kay to the wedding so that she would slowly and perhaps without too much of a shock, absorb the truth about his father. 迈克尔把凯带到了婚礼,这样,她会慢慢地,也许没有太多的震惊,接受关于他父亲的事实。
The Spirit of the LORD came upon him in power so that he tore the lion apart with his bare hands as he might have torn a young goat. 耶和华的灵大大感动参孙,他虽然手无器械,却将狮子撕裂,如同撕裂山羊羔一样。
Wes sticks it to the front of the fridge with a magnet so that I am reminded of his unrealized toy lust every time I reach for the milk. 维斯用磁铁把它粘在冰箱门上,以便我每次去拿牛奶时都会提醒我他尚未实现的玩具梦。
I make it a point of honour to proceed along very classical lines so that I do not displease our great politicians and wise leaders. 我很重视按照标准的方法办事,以免得罪我们伟大的政治家和英明的领袖们。
You can specify references qualifiers so that they apply to all the references of a service component or to standalone references. 您可以指定引用限定符,以便它们应用于服务组件的所有引用或者只应用于独立引用。
Pick a topic that you know about so that you will be able to inject a little charisma into your speech. 挑选一个你了熟悉的话题,这样你的演讲就有了稍稍的吸引力。
So that I know you read this entire post PM me with replies with the word "ATTN" included in a proper english sentence. 这样我才知道你读了整篇文章下午与用“联系人”包括我在内的答复在适当的英语句子。
So that's my first experience getting involved in that and getting up and standing up in front the company and saying we've done is lay off. 那是我第一次体会这种感觉:站在全公司人面前告诉他们我们要裁员了。
The protector is locatable over the structural member so that at least a portion of that member is received within the channel. 保护器可设置在结构构件上,从而构件的至少一部分被接收在通道中。
Then say to him, 'The Lord, the God of the Hebrews, has sent me to say to you: Let my people go, so that they may worship me in the desert. 对他说:‘耶和华希伯来人的上帝打发我来见你,说:容我的百姓去,好在旷野事奉我。
What was it about their interactions that helped you feel understood so that you could express what you were experiencing? 他们在和你的交互中是那些方面让你感到自己被理解了从而你能表达你的感受?
You've got to think about big things while you're doing small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction. 你在做小事时要想着大事,这样小事才能走向正确的方向。
In other words, every craft project is one big problem to be solved so that it results in a real sense of achievement. 换句话说,每一件手工品都是一个问题的解决,并带来真正意义上的成就。
my god , grant me that in his presence i may see more clearly my own vileness and act so that it may be profitable to him too. 我的天啊,让我在他面前更多地看见我的行为,这样做,目的是要他从中获得裨益。
The aim is to retain a "competitive balance" so that fans do not lose interest in the game, thinking that their club has no shot at victory. 目的在于维持“竞争平衡”,这样球迷们才不会认为自己的俱乐部毫无赢球的指望,而失去对比赛的兴趣。
And two, the natural interface, the natural form of the interface, so that it's more intuitive for you to interact with the robot. 另一个是自然的界面,接口原本应有的样子,所以你跟机器人互动是更直观的。