
美 [send]英 [send]
  • v.发送;打发;派遣;邮寄
  • n.波浪的推(进)力;船的纵摇
  • 网络送出;传送;投

过去式:sent 第三人称单数:sends 现在分词:sending

send message,send letter,send telegram,send signal,send card



通过邮政╱无线电by mail/radio

1.邮寄;发送to make sth go or be taken to a place, especially by post/mail, email, radio, etc.


2.传达;转致;告知to tell sb sth by sending them a message

让某人前往某处sb somewhere

3.派遣;打发;安排去to tell sb to go somewhere or to do sth; to arrange for sb to go somewhere

使某物快速移动make sth move quickly

4.使快速(或猛然)移动to make sth/sb move quickly or suddenly

使某人作出反应make sb react

5.使作出(某种反应);使表现出(某种行为)to make sb behave or react in a particular way


人教版八年级上册英语单词_百度文库 ... away adv. 向远处 send v. 发送,寄 postcard n. 明信片 ...

人教版八年级上册英语单词_百度文库 ... away adv. 向远处 send v. 发送, postcard n. 明信片 ...


字典中 兴 字的解释 ... (12) 成功[ succeed] (14) 派遣;发动[ send;start] (15) 征发[ collect,recruit] ...


专业音频术语中英文对照 ... SEN sensor 传感器 Send 送出,发送,发射 SENS Sensitivity 灵敏度 ...


传送(Send)发送   自订搜寻 申请 Gmail如何登入 GMail设定版面配置英文画面语言设定撰写邮件阅读邮件回覆转寄下载附加档 …

英语单词词根记忆法_百度文库 ... agri=field 田地,农田 miss=send ,送,发 mini=**all,little 小 66, ...


打字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 打耳光〖 slapsb.intheface;boxsb.'sears〗 打发send;despatch〗 使离去〖 sendaway;dismiss …

The concept was that computer chips could be put everywhere and send information in a smart network that would make ordinary life simpler. 其概念是电脑芯片可以随处安装并通过一个奇妙网络发送信息,使日常生活简单化。
Used to whitelist sender addresses which send mail that is often tagged (incorrectly) as spam. 它用于指定通常被误判为发送的垃圾邮件的发信地址。
We found a briefcase leaving behind in Guangzhou, will send up to Philippine next flight. 我们发现一个公文包留下在广州。下次航班将送回菲律宾。
Pandas eat when the body is often straight to sit down cross-legged, forepaw grasp the fresh bamboo to send to the mouth. 熊猫吃东西的时候,常常直着身子盘腿坐下,前爪抓住鲜嫩的竹子往嘴里送。
Do not send form letters. Tailor each letter to the company, department and, if possible, specific position. The extra effort pays off. 不要发通用信件。为每一家公司、部门、如果可能的话为要申请的职位度身打造每一封信,付出是会有回报的。
An Airblue spokesman said the plane had no known technical issues and the pilots did not send any emergency signals. 蓝色航空公司一名发言人说,该飞机没有任何已知技术问题,飞行员也没有发送过任何紧急求救信号。
If I thought it would not tempt her to go out in sharp winds, and grow coarse, I would send her a new hat and pelisse. 我本想送给她一顶新遮阳帽和一件皮制新外衣,可是又怕她冒着刺骨的寒风往外跑,把皮肤吹粗糙了。
Like the cold of snow in time of harvest Is a faithful messenger to those who send him, For he refreshes the soul of his masters. 忠信的使者叫差他的人心里舒畅,就如在收割时有冰雪的凉气。
Otherwise one relies on childcare or, if the children are old enough, you send them out to work. 人们也可以选择把孩子交给幼托。如果孩子们年龄较大,就可以让他们出去工作。
There was danger that the wave would rebound off the other side of the bank and send the dish plunging into the water again. 当波浪从河对岸折回来时,就有再次把盘子拖进水里的危险。
Mr Obama has pledged to ease limits on Cuban-Americans' visits to the island and how much money they can send home to relatives. 奥巴马已保证减缓美裔古巴人探访该岛和给家中亲人寄钱的限制。
Using the DOM isn't a good option, as there aren't good, simple ways to turn a DOM object into a string that you can send as a request. 使用DOM不是一种好的选择,因为没有简单易行的办法将DOM对象转化成在请求中发送的字符串。
Then she [persuaded] leaders in her rural village to help center (send her) to college in the United States. 然后她劝说她的农镇里的领导们帮把她送到美国的大学
When a man send costless jewellery to a woman, maybe he would like something what returned back to him were many. 当一个男人送给一个女人昂贵的珠宝,也许他想要的能回报他的东西有很多。
"Oh, I know Bill loves me, " she said, "but he has never been one to say he loves me, or send cards to me. " “唉,我知道比尔爱我,”她说道,“可是他从来不说他爱我,也不给我寄贺卡。”
Simply send in an array of data (or even a simple string) to json_encode, and a JSON object will emerge (as shown in Listing 1). 只要将一组数据(或者甚至一个简单字符串)发送到json_encode,一个JSON对象将出现(如清单1所示)。
Spread in the brain any voice that reach, just up and down the Han bone send out of the collision voice is still so irritating to the ear. 脑海中传来阿凡达的声音,只是上下颌骨发出的碰撞声依然那么刺耳。
DataPower can be used to ensure this cap is not exceeded or to send notifications to ensure that any overage is appropriately billed. 可以使用DataPower来确保不会超过此上限,或发送通知来确保恰当地收取超限事务量的费用。
When he learned that I have no umbrella, he pulled my hands just went to his car, said he would send me home. 当他得知我没有打伞时,他拉起我的手就向他的汽车走去,说他要送我回家。
didn ' t he send me to the men sitting on the wall who will have to eat their own excrement and drink their own urine with you ? 不也是对这些坐在城上、要和你们一同吃自己粪喝自己尿的人说的么?
Features like these make it easy to send Dictionary files to third-party translators, who can use their own software to edit the data. 这些特性使得将Dictionary文件发送到第三方翻译器变得容易,第三方翻译器可以使用自己的软件来编辑数据。
No matter which machine a user happens to BE using, she can read mail from her mailbox and send mail to users in the group and elsewhere . 无论用户用的是哪一台机器,均可以从自己的邮箱中读取邮件并发送邮件给其他地方的用户。
It is a common practice for Britons to send cards to keep in touch with people that they do not know well or they do not see very often. 英国人习惯用卡片来与那些不是很熟或者不常见面的人保持联系。
The day after tomorrow is still someone's birthday , I send my blessing to him in advance . 那天以后的那天是某人的生日,我提前寄出了我的祝福。
There have been the moment to feel the affection and love, can be used for life time, to send him away. 已经有过一刹那,感受到的深情和宠爱,可以用一辈子的时间,送他离开。
I need stamps to send eight post cards. How much are they? 我需要一些邮票寄这八张明信片、请问要贴多少钱邮票?
When the Lord chose His twelve disciples, it was "that they should be with Him, and that He might send them forth to preach" (Mark Hi. 14). 耶稣拣选十二个门徒,就是「要他们常和自己同在,也要差他们去传道。」(可三14);
If the e-mail server is down, you would send some sort of SMTP checked exception indicating that the message cannot be sent. 如果电子邮件服务器关闭,您将发送某种形式的SMTP受控异常,表示邮件无法发送。
To put for $4 billion in contexts that's enough to send about 80, 000 students to Princeton for a year. 给大家打个比方,40亿美元足够让80,000名学生去普林斯顿大学读书一年。
Send your spouse a card to their work address now and then, reminding them how much they mean to you. 不时的给你的配偶送去一张卡片,提醒他们,他们对你是多么的重要。