the kids

  • 网络小孩;孩子;孩子乐队

the kidsthe kids

the kids


  德普从十二岁起开始学吉他,上中学时还组建过一支名叫“小孩”(The Kids)的乐队。“二十岁以前,我对表演完全没有兴趣。”德 …


...珍·哈德菲德(Jen Hadfield)凭借诗作《孩子》(The Kids)赢得冠军,并获得5000英镑的奖金。


...东南亚海啸后,德普曾担任募捐热线的接线员;他曾与“孩子乐队”(the kids)的队员们重聚 进行慈善义演;2011年日本地震 …


奠Funeral - 中国网 ... 郑维 Zheng Wei 孩子们 The Kids 布面油画 oil on canvas ...


Taiwan Skim School_TSS | 专业冲沙板... ... The Crew( 教练群) The kids( 学员们) Teaching part( 教学时间) ...



Jules and Jim 夏日之恋... ... 1955 访客(短片) Une Visite 1957 顽童们(短片) The Kids 1960 枪杀钢琴师 Shoot The Pianist ...

If I were you, I wouldn't have the heart to leave the kids at home uncared for. 如果我是你,我可不忍心把孩子们就在家里没人照看。
Think back a year or two. Picture yourself at a cocktail party or maybe picking up the kids from soccer. 想想前两年,设想你正参加一个鸡尾酒舞会亦或接你踢完足球的孩子回家。
Shortly before Christmas, there was a non-league match against a team sponsored by an inner city church. The kids were mostly black. 圣诞节前有一场并非联赛的摔跤比赛,对阵市内教堂赞助的一支队伍,大部分都是黑人小孩。
We bought the kids wooden swords that would get quite a workout over the next few days. 我们给孩子买了几把木头作的剑,这些剑后来可派了大用场。
He told me to tell you you could have everything you want and do everything you want as long as you take good care of the kids. “不是,”他说,“他要我告诉你的是只要你照顾好孩子,你想要什么都行,你想干什么也都行。”
A great percentage of the kids that ate the marshmallow, they were in trouble. They did not make it to university. They had bad grades. 而吃了棉花糖的小孩中有很大一部份,都有些问题。
Mom smiled, and said that I said was the truth, because the kids like to play the best and told me to play Chu Mingtang have a happy. 妈妈笑了,说我说的是心里话,因为小孩最喜欢玩了,并告诉我玩出名堂就有了幸福。
German said: "The kids play on the football can become adults, adults play on the football can be a gentleman. " 德国人说:“小孩踢上足球可以成为大人,大人踢上足球可以成为绅士”。
These stories can be seriously funny, especially if one of the kids happens to be in a silly mood. 这些故事可以非常有趣,特别是其中一个孩子正处在一个无聊的情绪中时。
The kids and I are having a wonderful time learning English in class. For this week, we were all about Seasons and Weather. . . 孩子们和我英语课上学习得很愉快。这周,我们学习了季节和气候。
out of hell and into the phone - box I thought his wife of one of the kids must have taken ill or something. 我看见他飞快地从大门跑出来冲进电话亭,心想他老婆或者孩子准是病了什么的。
The kids told me Clifford was a very special dog. I was so proud of him. 那些孩子们告诉我他们觉得Clifford是条痕特别的狗狗。我以他为豪呢!
I helped him to look for his glasses and said, "The kids with bad manners should be punished. " 我帮他寻找他的眼镜,说:“与不文明的举止,孩子们应该受到惩罚。”
Yes, I spend most of my time in the office and can't go on vacation with you and the kids. 是的,我把大多数时间都化在办公室里,也不能跟你和孩子们一起出去休假旅行。
Granted a lot of what I've mentioned here will change as the kids grow but the general sentiment will certainly be the same. 虽然我在此所说大部分会随着孩子的长大而改变,但初衷必定不会变。
Is the person worried about work, money, the kids? Try to ask open-ended questions so you can really get a sense of what is going on. 他在担心工作、钱或者孩子的事情吗?尽量问那种开放式的问题,你可以真正了解到症结的所在。
Realizing from the newly-bought TV set that ping-pong ball is "national ball" , the kids decided to return the ball to the state. 后来从电视里他们知道了乒乓球是国球,于是孩子们决定出走将乒乓球去“还给国家”。
The video was just a tad longer than our class period, and I know for a fact that nearly all the kids went home and watched the end. 视频比一节课的时间稍长,据我所知几乎所有的学生回家后都从头至尾看完了。
The man often leaves the ball and chain at home when he goes out with the kids. 那人带孩子出去玩时,常把老婆丢在家里。
You put the kids to bed, you've done all of the things that you had to do and you don't feel like it. 当你把孩子们放到床上时,你做完了一天中必须做的所有事情,那时你不想要性了。
After the kids go out with the other three, said: "The teacher let you eat french fries Do not even think about smoking and to eat that! " 小孩出去后,跟另外三个说:“老师让你们吃薯条,千万别想抽烟那样吃!”
It's a real pleasure to see that my involvement and my knowledge are useful for the kids (the happiness can be seen in their eyes). 看到我所做的工作和我的知识对孩子们有所帮助,真的是让我太高兴了,他们的眼睛里洋溢着喜悦之情。
Anthropologists looking at the matter were surprised to discover that the kids rarely send informative or detailed messages. 对此进行关注的人类学家们惊讶地发现,年轻人很少会发信息量大而详细的消息。
After they put the kids to bed, he often disappears into his basement office until the wee hours of the morning. 哄孩子上床后,他常常会消失在地下室办公室,直到第二天凌晨。
I also like playing with the kids, but I am happy, my life is in the laughter in the past has never been sorry to leave. 我也跟孩子们一样爱玩,但我是幸福的,我的一生都是在欢声笑语中走过的,从未留下过遗憾。
The money did not come from part-time jobs. The kids earned the money by getting high scores on math and reading tests. 这些钱不是打临工挣来的,而是这些孩子在数学和阅读考试中取得高分的奖励。
It seems all the kids have to go through this period, recently Michelle began to ask question about death too. 好像所有的孩子都得过这一段吧,最近,雯馨也开始问我关于死亡的问题。
A third of the kids also carried a backpack fitted with an air-sampling device and a GPS to pair up readings and precise locations. 其中三分之一的儿童还随身携带一个背包,内置空气取样器和GPS,以便将取样器的显示数据和确切位置相匹配。
"If I'd thought the building was unsafe, there's no way I would have let the kids stay there, " she said. “我要是知道学校的楼不安全,怎么也不会把孩子留在这上学的。”她说。
I was out with the family and my wife just happened to suggest me to take here to Primark Store as she wants to buy some stuff for the kids. 我和家人一起出去,妻子刚建议从这去商店,因为她想为孩子们买些吃的。