the kiss

  • 网络吻;接吻;亲吻

the kissthe kiss

the kiss

The Kiss) 1912 年 石雕,高 58.4 x 宽 34 x 深 25.4 cm 收藏于Philadelphia Museum of Art(Torso of a Young Man I) 19…


国家影片登记部 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... 金刚 King Kong 接吻 The Kiss 淑女夏娃 The Lady Eve ...


伊丽莎·杜什库 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... 杰西·伯林盖姆 Jessie Burlingame 亲吻 The Kiss 梅根 Megan ...


网络日志--星际浪子 ... ?* —Band Aid 援非联合乐团 ? —The Kiss 吻合唱团 —Pet Shop Boys 宠物店男孩合唱团 ...


妖兽之吻 (The Kiss) 导演:Pen Densham 演员:Joanna Pacula、Meredith Salenger、Mimi Kuzyk、Nicholas Kilbertus 片种…


...哈里森(Kathry Harrison)的回忆录《罪之吻》(The Kiss )中,她试图通过“选择性的自我麻木”来压抑自己和父亲的关系中 …


《哈利波特与凤凰社》13款全新幕后花絮! -... ... Wands( 魔杖) The Kiss哈利与张秋之吻) Sirius Black( 小天狼星) ...


...价值远比世俗的性感更迷人,最著名的当然是男女裸体相吻的石像(The Kiss),这是一座男女恋人私奔外遇的写实景象,罗丹 …

You know, " I said. " Like a kiss feels. It felt nice. The kiss felt very, very nice. “你知道的,就跟所有的吻一样。感觉很好,非常,非常好。”我说。
Kiss me, with the kiss of a lover, like no one's ever kissed me since the day that I was born. 吻我,一个情人的吻,像从来没有人吻我我出生的那一天。
Jane looked at the prince and remembered the kiss as if it were a dream. "I wish he loved me, " she said softly to herself. 简看着王子,回想着刚才的吻,仿佛身在梦中。她轻声地自语道:“我多么希望他能爱上我啊。”
Fallen into your world~If the kiss is what you want, then my hearts beat for you as well. . . 沉陷入你的世界之中~如果说这个吻是你也想要的,那我的心脏就是为了你而跳的…
In many areas, you re likely to hear the KISS mantra - "Keep it simple, stupid! " This applies just as well to security as anywhere else. 在许多领域,您可能听到KISS咒语“简单些,蠢货!”与其它场合一样,这同样适用于安全性。
It was foolish of him to go jogging so soon after his operation. That was the kiss of death. 他太愚蠢了,刚做完手术就去练跑步,结果把命也搭上了。
Brown was no doubt aiming for a casual kiss on Merkel's cheek, but the kiss instead appeared to fall on the German leader's nose. 毫无疑问,布朗当时只是想在默尔克的脸颊上行“亲吻礼”,但却竟然到了德国领导人的鼻子上。
I ask, I crave, I implore, let him kiss me with the kiss of his mouth. 我需要,我渴求,我乞求,让他用口与我亲嘴吧。
In 1903, Rodin himself paid a visit to the town to see where it would be located, then a year later he dispatched The Kiss itself. 1903年,罗丹亲自来到刘易斯考察雕像将被摆放的位置,并于一年后把雕塑《吻》运了过去。
I cannot rest until he kisses me with the kiss of his mouth. 我无法平静直到他用口与我亲嘴。
I thank him, too, for the kiss of the hand, but if he has genuine regard for me, let him kiss me with the kiss of his mouth. 我也感谢他亲吻我的手,但如果他对我有真情,就让他用口与我亲嘴吧。
If you think she's ready for the kiss test, lean over to her and play with her hair a little bit. 如果你觉得她已经准备好了,那么靠向她,拨弄她的头发。
She offered her cool cheek to him, but her eyes rested on a distant tree as if the kiss had nothing to do with her. 她向他仰起了冰凉的脸颊,目光却停留在远处的一棵树上,仿佛这亲吻跟她丝毫不相干似的。
Her eyes were bright and tender with a smile as they glanced up into his; and her lips looked hungry for the kiss which they invited. 她的眼睛微笑着光明和投标,因为他们看了看他,她的嘴唇寻找他们的吻饿了邀请。
Move in slowly to plant the kiss and let your lips linger on her skin for a second or two. 慢慢地把你的嘴唇移到她的额头,把你的嘴唇放在她的皮肤上留恋一两秒。
"My heart is like the golden casket of the kiss" , said the sunset cloud to the sun. 晚霞对落日说:“被你亲吻后,我的心好像那黄金宝箱。”
it would be the kiss of death for the company if it could be proved that the food was unsafe. 如果能够证明那食品是不安全的话,这将给公司以致命的一击。
Many mornings, she would wake up to the kiss of a stranger, unable to remember what had happened the night before. 每天早上,她都会在一个陌生人的亲吻下醒来,却记不起发生了什么事。
Dick Button, a two-time Olympic champion and longtime skating commentator, said the kiss-and-cry was made for unscripted moments like those. 两届奥运会冠军、资深花样滑冰运动解说员迪克-巴顿说”又哭又吻“的表现是为了那些电视脚本之外的时刻而设计的。
One of those polite lukewarm reviews that are the kiss of death for a commercial film. 措辞温和有礼而其实是扼杀一营利影片的评论。
Answer: For many job seekers, a simple job-description statement is the kiss of death: "Three years of relevant experience required. " 在许多求职者看来,一项简单的职位描述成了他们的“死亡通知书”:“需要三年相关经验”。
Fist kissing should be with human being. As to the kiss with the little dog, come on, is nothing, little punk. 初吻只是和人而已..和那条小狗狗的不算啦!小笨蛋``!
It was the happy hour of assault and the kiss. The hour of the spell that blazed like a lighthouse. 充满纠缠和亲吻的欢乐时光恍魅如迷离的燈塔闪亮。
The general rule of thumb is one IOI per minute. If you've achieved this "IOI Rate" , she's primed and ready for the Kiss Test! 经验之谈是如果你到了每分钟就能收到一个暗示的阶段,那说明她已经准备好了,你可以去尝试亲吻她了!
"I guess if there's one thing people will be coming to see the film for, it will be the kiss, " he told the Daily Mail in Britain. 丹尼尔在接受英国《每日邮报》的采访时说:“我相信很多人都会冲着这个吻来看这部电影。”
A great way to have some romantic eye contact during kissing is to slow down to the point of almost stopping the kiss. 在接吻中,一种浪漫的眼神交流的好方法是慢下来,慢到几乎要停止接吻的边缘。
Back then, in that unenlightened age, this was the kiss of death for his political ambitions. 于那个无知的时代,这是一个他政治野心的死亡之吻。
Then she had conceded that the fact of the kiss would be nothing. 跟着她又表示让步,说接吻本身本来没有什么关系。
At least 342 others were injured, some seriously, and many police and ambulance personnel were seen giving the kiss of life to victims. 至少另有342人受伤,其中一部分为重伤者,当时数名警察及医护人员穿梭在现场,为伤者进行人工呼吸。
However, the kiss doesn't break the spell, but instead turns Tiana into a frog as well. 然而,姑娘的吻并没能破解魔咒,相反,把Tiana也变成了一只青蛙。