
美 [ruf]英 [ruːf]
  • n.屋顶;车顶;顶部;有…顶的
  • v.给…盖顶;盖上屋顶
  • 网络房顶;楼顶;屋脊

复数:roofs 复数:rooves 现在分词:roofing 过去式:roofed

same roof,flat roof,tin roof,metal roof,leaky roof
repair roof,cave roof


n. v.

1.顶部;屋顶;车顶the structure that covers or forms the top of a building or vehicle

2.有…顶的having the type of roof mentioned


go through the roof

飞涨;激增to rise or increase very quickly

have a roof over your head

有栖身之所to have somewhere to live

under one roof|under the same roof

在同一座建筑中;同在一个屋檐下in the same building or house

under your roof

在家里in your home


托福词汇表_百度文库 ... eave 屋檐 roof 屋顶 flex 弯曲 ...


九年级英语单词表 ... glue 粘贴;胶水 roof 屋顶;房顶;顶 discard 丢弃;抛弃 ...


英语选修7单词表 - 豆丁网 ... fortnight n. 两星期 roof n. 屋顶;车顶 muddy adj. 泥泞的;泥土般的 ...


顶字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 顶棒〖 buckingbar〗 顶部roof〗 某物的最上部〖 top〗 ...


新版新概念第二册 单词表--koflfy ... Welsh a.威尔士的 roof n.楼顶 block n.一座大楼 ...


相位膜主要用于屋脊(Roof)棱镜,因屋脊棱镜的外形特点,被两屋脊面反射的光相交会产生干涉,从而降低望远镜的分辨率和光 …


顶字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 顶班〖 takeoverother'sshiftwhileheisabsent;〗 顶板〖 ejectorplate;roof〗 顶棒〖 buckingbar〗 ...

Not every company is ready to let social networks under its roof. 不是每家企业都是做好准备让社交网络公司内部有立足之地。
The latest deaths include a six-year-old girl, hit by a sniper on Wednesday on the roof of her parents' apartment, he said. 他还说,最近死于冲突的人里面还有一名6岁的小女孩,星期三的时候她被她父母所住公寓楼顶上的一名狙击手击中。
It was a terrible scene, and Anzheluo uplink walk on the roof, but as it sets, jumped out of the death to light tones, bright and calm. 那是一副可怕的景象,而安哲罗在屋顶上行走着,却如同这死亡的布景里跳出的亮色,耀眼而平静。
He would rather have a woman love him for his charm than for the roof he puts over her head. 小张还希望女人爱他是因为他的魅力而不是房子。
The 21-year-old girl told Du she was standing at the edge of a dorm roof and if he did not show up in five minuets she would jump off. 这位21岁的女孩说,她站在杜的边缘,如果他宿舍屋顶上并没有出现在五分钟内,她会跳下车。
At the time Mr Edano said the blast had "destroyed the roof of the outer building but the reactor containment vessel did not explode" . 当时,枝野幸男称爆炸“摧毁了反应堆外部建筑的屋顶,但反应堆容器没有爆炸。”
Suddenly, Harry burst through the door and told Tom there was a leak on the roof that needed immediate attention. 突然,哈里从门口冲进来,告诉汤姆屋顶有个漏洞,需要赶快修理。
Their house was a great cube of old brick with a dormered roof, a fine specimen of the prosperous early farmhouses of the region. RudtadUrdie。)他们的房子是一个方方的开着顶窗的老式砖屋,是这一带早期曾经繁盛过的农舍的极好的标本。
There it blows black and white over the roof or falls gently as if from heaven, and forms beautiful arches over the sitting-room window. 那儿的屋顶坠带着深棕色和白色,缓缓的就像来自天堂,起居室的窗都是美丽的拱形。
It's a shame not to be able to tell a story as good as how he escaped death on the roof of his own house. 太可惜了,这么好的故事竟然不能跟人说——说他如何从自家屋顶上死里逃生。
Alternatively, or to be used in conjunction with special end sections, peaked roof conversion kits may be used on all "A" framed structures. 此外,或将要使用的特殊路段配合年底达到高峰,屋顶转换装置,可在所有“A”的框架结构中使用。
A dark thin curving roof cantilevers over the main body of the building, adopting the appearance of the wing of a military aircraft. 一个黑色的薄薄的弯曲的屋顶从建筑向外伸展,就像战斗机的翅膀一样。
But she had taken them up to the roof and hidden them under the stalks of flax she had laid out on the roof . 先是女人领二人上了房顶,将他们藏在那里所摆的麻秸中。
So when you step-up to that big-screen HDTV, you need to make sure that it's not going to send your electric bill through the roof. 因此,当你安装了一台大屏幕的高清晰电视,你就必须相信这个不是从屋顶上给你增加的电费帐单。
And he disappears, and he starts coming out with trousers, jeans, t-shirts, jackets, and I see my credit card going out of the roof! 然后他消失了,随后他开始拿出长裤、牛仔裤、汗衫、夹克,我看到我的信用卡账单快飞出了房顶!
I put a roof over her head. And I never lied to her face. 我给了她住的地方从来没当面对她撒谎
I dreamed I had come into an immense underground temple with lofty arched roof. It was filled with a sort of underground uniform light. 我梦见我到了一个有着巍峨的拱型屋顶,巨大的地下神殿。它充满一种地下的一成不变的光。
Norton drops his cigarette. Crushes it out with the toe of his shoe. Glances up toward the plate shop roof as. 诺顿扔掉香烟,用鞋尖碾碎,然后朝车牌厂的房顶看了一眼。
In front of it was a portico, and in front of that were pillars and an overhanging roof. 在这廊前又有廊子,廊外有柱子和台阶。
If I keep her in the dark I'm guaranteed to have a roof over my head for the two remaining years. 如果对她隐瞒情感,我可以确保自己在接下来的两年内有栖身之处。
We worked in Bushwick, Brooklyn, far from the train, in an office whose tiny reception area had a door that opened onto a poured tar roof. 我们在布鲁克林的布什威客工作,离火车很远的一间办公室,接待区很小,门开在涂满沥青的屋顶上。
The fifth grade teacher's primary school in Vietnam's northern mountains region used to have no lights, no fans and a leaky tiled roof. 这位五年级教师教书的小学校位于越南的北部山区。那里曾经没有电灯,没有电扇,瓦片铺就的屋顶是漏水的。
How much did you give to have the roof mended? 你请人修补屋顶付了多少钱?
It was scarcely noon, and I conceived that I might as well pass the night under my own roof as in an inn. 那时还不到中午,我想我不妨在自己的屋子里过夜,反正和在旅店里过是一样的。
For some, living on a roof is at least better than sleeping on the street. 对于某些人来说,住在顶楼远比睡在路边好过。
To hear them made Ace feel so sure inside that from the pack pinched between the car roof and the sun shield he plucked a cigarette. 听到他们的演唱使埃斯感到心里十分踏实,他从塞在车顶和遮阳板中间的烟盒中抽出一根烟。
We were at work, got a phone call that you better get out to your house, the roof's gone off of it. 我们正在上班,突然接到电话说,你们最好快点回家看看,屋顶没有了。
The 50 foot length of the fuselage has been used to make the roof of an art studio. 与此同时,50英尺长的机身也并没有闲着。它被建成了屋顶的艺术工作室。
When the moon roof, and I do not know where's the blue smoke enveloped over. A moment later, the earth also being immersed in obscurity. 月亮当顶了,不知哪来的青烟笼罩过来。不一会儿,大地又沉浸在朦胧之中。
More recently, President and Missis Clinton had a small garden, but . But it was planted in containers on the roof oof of the White House. 最近以来,克林顿总统及夫人也有一块小园地,但是它是计划在白宫的屋顶上的。