
美 [rɪd]英 [rɪd]
  • v.扫除
  • 网络摆脱;使去掉;除去

第三人称单数:rids 现在分词:ridding

rid country


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be rid of sb/sth

摆脱to be free of sb/sth that has been annoying you or that you do not want

get rid of sb/sth

摆脱;丢弃;扔掉to make yourself free of sb/sth that is annoying you or that you do not want; to throw sth away


新概念英语第三册词汇_百度文库 ... air-raid n. 空袭 rid n. 摆脱 liquid a. 液态的 ...


许国璋英语(第一册)单词表 - 豆丁网 ... lead vt. 领导 rid vt. 使…去掉 mud n. 烂泥 ...


高一英语必修4 各单元语言重点归纳[嘉兴英语网] ... 11. therefore adv. 因此,所以 12. rid vt 摆脱,除去 3.since then 从那时 …


rid 的过去式 和完成式_百度知道 ... set( 放) rid清除) cut( 切) ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... rich a. 富裕的,有钱的 rid vt. 使摆脱 riddle n. 谜(语) ...


妙句速记3000英语单词 - 豆丁网 ... lug 拖拉; rid 使摆脱,使去掉。 lid 盖子,美口>限制,眼睑; ...


更大的记录标识符RID)允许每个对象拥有更多数据页,系统中每页拥有更多记录,一方面为数据库管理员使用系统和用户的 …

But I doubt whether it will be that easy for Silicon Valley's investors to get rid of him. 但我怀疑硅谷的投资者能否那么容易地摆脱他。
The people gave him power simply for him to rid them of the Bourbons , and that was just why the people believed him to be a great man. 人民把政权交给他,目的仅仅是要他把人民从波旁王朝之下解救出来,因此人民才把他视为一位伟人。
If, God forbid, another Mao were to seize the reins, there would be no mechanism for getting rid of him. 如果,上帝保佑,另外一个毛泽东掌握了大局,那么就再也没有任何机制可以摆脱他了。
It's not easy to make the river clean again, but our government has made up its mind to get rid of the pollution completely. 使河流变清不是件容易的事,但我们的政府已经下定决心要清除污染。
Would she have sent me to the gas chamber if she hadn`t been able to leave me, but wanted to get rid of me? 如果她没法离开我却又想把我一脚踢开的话,也会把我送到毒气室里去吗?
Our dog had a litter of four puppies , and you know people say four puppies in a litter is bad luck, so I'm going to get rid of them now. 我们家的狗一窝生了四只小狗,你知道,人们常说一窝生了四只小狗是很倒霉的,我现在就把它们处理掉。
Prosecutors said he wanted to get rid of his wife to inherit her wealth and to be free to marry his mistress. 检察官说,他想杀死妻子,以获得她的财产,自由地与情妇结婚。
This is more like an air rage incident in which you land and get rid of the troublesome passengers and then continue on to your destination. 这更像是一起这样的劫机事件:着陆,然后摆脱制造麻烦的乘客,然后继续飞往目的地。
Might be a good way to get your Riptide in the back of the enemy base and be rid of one of their harvesters. 也许是一个让你的激流到敌军基地后方的好办法,顺便干掉它一个矿车。
He was a tall, soldierly -looking man, and I could not rid myself of the impression that somewhere or other I had seen him before. 他看起来很高,是很英武的男人,我不能摆脱在别的地方见过他的印象。
One of the biggest reasons I originally wanted to work at home was to get rid of my old alarm clock, I hate them. 我原先想在家上班的最大理由之一就是为了摆脱我那个旧闹钟。我讨厌闹钟。
After a time, King Mark, who felt jealous of Tristram and wanted to get rid of him, sent him to Ireland to ask for him the hand of Isoud. 过了一段时间,马克国王出于妒忌,派特利斯特拉姆去爱尔兰代他向伊索德求婚,想假他人之手除掉特利斯特拉姆。
The army's attempt to rid Bangladesh of its appalling leaders, or to shock them into better behaviour, has failed. 军队试图摆脱孟加拉国糟糕领导的尝试,或者希望引导其向良好行为发展的努力,已经失败了。
I suppose it's only fair to mention at this point, that not everyone liked our decisions to get rid of these "barnacles. " 我想,为公平起见,我现在也应该承认,并不是所有人都赞同我们摆脱这些“藤壶”的决定。
He said his whole life was dedicated to doing anything he could to get rid of those 12 hours a day when he didn't do anything at all. 他说他奉献整个人生竭尽全力就为摆脱每天那12个小时什么都不做的时间。
Well, I've got the right to ask you to stop procrastinating because I got rid of that habit myself a few days ago. 我有资格请您停止拖拉的习惯,因为前几天我刚摒弃了这个习惯。
They are trying to get rid of me. Yet here I am for my dinner, even a little earlier than they expected. 他们企图摆脱我,可我是到这儿来吃饭,只是比他们预期的早到了一会儿。
She was lovely. And, anyway, she got rid of him. 她挺可爱的。无论如何,是她甩的他。
Anyone who has ever had a kidney stone knows that trying to get rid of it can be one of life's more uncomfortable experiences. 曾经得过肾结石的人都了解去除肾结石的过程是人这一生中最难受的经历之一。
In future China will continue to get rid of its backwardness and shortcomings. And cults are no doubt the most backward and dirtiest stuffs. 今日中国仍有落后和黑暗,但邪教无疑就属于最落后和最黑暗的事物。
She shook her head as though to be rid of that, then tossed it back. 她摇摇头,仿佛想把这表情甩掉,随即头向后一昂。
"We need to take advantage of what we know to turn the tide together against this epidemic and get rid of it, " he said. “我们需要利用我们所掌握的一起扭转局面反抗这种流行病并最终摆脱它。”他说道。
He's gone, I'm glad to be rid of him. 他走了,我很高兴不再受他的纠缠。
On July 13th Mr Kan said he wants Japan to reduce nuclear power on safety grounds, if not to get rid of it altogether. 7月13日菅直人表示如果不是全部取消,他想日本在安全基础上减少使用核能。
Yahoo and Weiner parted ways when the company decided to get rid of some of its executives due to its proxy war with investor Carl Icahn. 由于投资人卡尔•伊卡恩(CarlIcahn)发动投票代理权之争,雅虎决定裁去部分高管,杰夫•韦纳在当时离开了雅虎。
Let me describe the nature of a [stock market] bubble: First a real bubble needs above all to get rid of the old fogies. 让我们首先观察下(股票)市场泡沫的本质:首先一个真正的泡沫需要摆脱上一个时代的记忆。
Also, reach out to family and friends who may be trying to get rid of their unwanted furniture. 同样,如果有家人或朋友正想扔掉他们不想要的家具,你可以看看。
Blood and tissue testing were done over a six month period to see how quickly each drug combination rid the body of active TB. 血样和组织试验也进行了六个月去观察每个药物组合可以多快地除去体内的活性肺结核。
She had rid herself of every remnant of that tonic wildness. 在她身上,那种健康的野性已荡然无存。
Or, not inconceivably getting rid of him. 或,不可思议地除掉他。