may 28th

may 28thmay 28th

may 28th

The Audi Urban Future Award, a project unveiled at a conference in London on May 28th, aims to help. 伦敦5月28日举行的会议公布了一个名为“奥迪城市未来奖”的项目,旨在为此提供帮助。
In the Czech Republic the likely winner in the general election on May 28th is a former Social Democratic prime minister, Jiri Paroubek. 捷克共和国6月28日的大选可能的获胜者是前社会民主党首相JiriParoubek。
On March 28th Theresa May, the home secretary, said that she would consider giving the police more powers for future protests. 3月28日,内政大臣TheresaMay说她想给警察更多的权力来应对未来的抗议活动。
The diplomatic pressure will increase as Wen Jiabao, China's premier, visits Seoul on May 28th to meet Messrs Lee and Hatoyama. 当本月28日中国总理温家宝访问首尔并会见李明博和鸠山时,其外交压力将会增加。
Over 90 Ahmadis, members of a religious minority, died in frenzied attacks during Friday prayers in Lahore on May 28th. 5月28日,在拉合尔做周五礼拜期间,有90多名阿玛迪派教徒—少数教派的成员—葬身于这次丧心病狂的袭击之中。
Then on May 28th they agreed to put off for another three months a much-delayed effort to write a new constitution. 接着在在5月28日,议员们又同意将本又严重延迟的新宪法的制订向后再推迟三个月。
On May 28th seven soldiers and civilians were killed, and dozens wounded, by a Tiger roadside bomb in Colombo. 5月28日,科伦坡的一颗路边炸弹造成七名士兵和平民丧生,几十个人受伤。
He will stay in this area of your chart most of the year, but will be visiting Aries and your first house from May 28th through August 13th. 他将留在这个图表在一年的大部分地区,但将访问白羊座和你的第1宫从5月28日至8月13日。
On 28th May, Chinese media were instructed not to give the affair big coverage. 5月28日,中国媒体得到指示:不准大肆报道此事。
May 28th saw the iPad on sale in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. 在5月28号,澳大利亚,加拿大,法国,德国,意大利,日本,西班牙,瑞士和英国ipad均开始销售。