
美 [ræmp]英 [ræmp]
  • n.匝道;斜坡;坡道;(装车或上下飞机的)活动梯
  • v.诈骗;【纹章】(狮子等)用后脚直立;作恫吓姿势;猛扑
  • 网络跳板;渐变;斜面

第三人称单数:ramps 现在分词:ramping 过去式:ramped



n. v.

1.斜坡;坡道a slope that joins two parts of a road, path, building, etc. when one is higher than the other

2.(进出高速公路等的)支路,引路,匝道a road used for driving onto or off a major road such as a motorway or interstate

3.(装车或上下飞机的)活动梯,活动坡道a slope or set of steps that can be moved, used for loading a vehicle or getting on or off a plane


舞台英文术语 ... revolving stage 旋转舞台 ramp 坡道 adjustable proscenium 可调镜框 ...


关于汽车专业的英语单词_百度知道 ... radially 径向地 ramp 斜面,斜坡 ratio 比,比率 ...


物流行业术语的英文翻译 ... Quote 报价 Ramp 跳板 Rate of freight 运费率 ...


成长.流年 | 青春终结,爱无止境 ... PULSE_SC — 脉冲发生器 RAMP匝道 RAND_m — 随机生成器 ...


AE中英文对照 ... Radio Waves → 电波 Ramp渐变 Scribble → 涂鸦 ...


关于汽车专业的英语单词_百度知道 ... radially 径向地 ramp 斜面,斜坡 ratio 比,比率 ...


工程类用语 您所需要的一切尽在 中国机械CAD论坛 ... ram 柱塞;桩锤;压实 ramp 斜路;坡道 random coring 混凝土钻探抽样 …


建筑词汇英语翻译(O-T) ... ramming 打夯 ramp 斜坡道 ramp bridge 坡桥 ...

Policy makers are likely to ramp up the program by extending the length of the loans, perhaps to a year. 欧洲央行的决策者们现在有可能加大这一项目的力度,比如将贷款期限延长至一年。
Excellent weekend symposiums like the No Fluff, Just Stuff series can help you ramp up without too much time away from the office. 完美的周末讨论会,比如NoFluff,JustStuff系列,可以帮助您稳步提高,而无需占用太多办公时间。
Crews will slowly ramp up how much it siphons over the next few days. 在接下来的几天中,船员们将逐渐增加虹吸的量。
Sounds like a call to India's politicians for a ramp-up in defense preparations. 这多少听上去象是在呼吁印度的政治家们为军事恫吓而进行国防战备。
That extra day a week allowed me to spend more time on the blog and helped ramp up my efforts to increase my income. 在每个星期一天的休息日能让我花更多的时间在博客上,并让我为了更高收入更加努力。
Gates came in and helped fund studies to add to the clinical file and to ramp up the company's production processes. 盖茨在这时候参与进来并资助研究,以增加临床文件并壮大公司的生产工艺。
s usually easier to place down ramps or other large doodads first, and build up the terrain around the ramp to your liking. 通常先放置斜坡或者其他大体积的装饰,然后再根据你的喜好设置比较好。
She gripped it tightly in her little fist, and with a solemn look, but still with that odd glint in her eye, marched down the boarding ramp. 女儿用小拳头紧紧地抓住这个硬币,表情严肃,眼睛里还闪烁着那种奇怪的光芒。
Al-Ani's last moments were captured by an outdoor camera overlooking a ramp leading up to the police station. 阿尔安尼的最后一刻,被一只俯瞰一条通向警局的斜坡的户外摄像头抓拍到。
Then you will know how much safety margin you have and when you need to ramp up capacity for your super-popular applications. 于是,您将知道您的安全幅度有多大以及什么时候需要为非常流行的应用程序进行扩容。
JDO's pure object-oriented approach and simplicity-by-design lend it a faster ramp-up time than the other two persistence technologies. JDO的纯面向对象方法和设计的简单性使掌握它所需的适应期比其它两种持久性技术都短。
Max, Norm, and a few of the avatars hold AR's as the personnel of Hell's Gate file up the cargo ramp of the remaining shuttle. 麦克斯、诺姆和少数几个阿凡达手握AR型自动步枪,看着地狱之门的员工们登上航天飞机的舷梯。
One of the photographs revealed a minute aircraft close to an inclined ramp. 有一幅照片显示出一架微型的飞机靠近一个斜坡。
I generally start with a lower resolution and ramp it up later when I'm detailing the illustration, enabling me to work faster and smoother. 我通常从低分辨率开始画,直到后期添加细节的时候才将它放大,这样能提高效率,使过程更流畅。
When used in a cloud environment, you use the flexible nature of Gearman to ramp up the available workers when you need them. 在云环境中使用时,您利用Gearman的灵活特点来运行可用的工人。
At the on-ramp to the expressway leading to the city center was a burnt-out tank, with people crawling in and out of its turret hatch. 在通往市中心的高速公入口处,一辆烧尽的坦克里,人们从炮塔舱盖爬进爬出。
The boat's wake acts as a ramp. The rider can use the wake to perform thrilling tricks, like the jumps and flips of a snowboarder. 汽艇的尾波充当斜坡,玩家可以用尾波表演精彩刺激的特技,像是滑雪板的跳跃和翻滚。
We continue up the ramp and out to the surface. The driver is waiting. 我们继续沿着斜坡网上走,走到了地面,司机正在在等我们。
Instead, a robed figure stood there, at the top of a ramp extended like an impudent tongue from the side of the Sentinels' ship. 一段斜坡伸展出来,就好像哨兵之船的侧面冒冒失失地吐出一根舌头。坡顶上站着一个身穿长袍的身影。
Lie Yang West Ramp, the sky dimming, reflecting the white light of the earth are slowly faded out of the original Lingling angle corner. 烈阳西斜,天色渐暗,反射着白光的大地也慢慢褪出了原来的菱菱角角。
South Indian Actress Illeana recently walked on a ramp. She looked like an Angel from the heaven. Enjoy the photos taken during the event. 南印度女演员Illeana最近斜坡上行走。她看上去就像从天上来的使者。享受活动期间拍摄的照片。
Girls brave enough to stand at the top of a tower (ramp), mount a galloping horse, and plummet fifty feet into a pool of water. 女孩勇敢地站在塔顶部(坡道),装入一个奔马,暴跌到五十英尺的水池。
Another key aspect was the potential to ramp up the scalability as the number of concurrent users started to increase. 另一个关键因素是,随着并发用户数量的增加,可能需要很高的可伸缩性。
Modeling is a product did not look distorted sense of the East West ramp. 造型正是指产品看上去没有东斜西歪的感觉。
The car slowed, and turned down a ramp into a cavernous basement garage in which several patrol cars and a ambulance were parked. 汽车减速了。转弯顺着一个斜坡进入了一个洞穴状的地下车库。里面停着几辆巡逻车和一辆救护车。
a civil engineer must design a wheelchair accessible ramp next to a set of steps leading up to a building. 一名土木工程师必须设计一个轮椅坡道进入下一个步骤,一套的领导,一幢楼宇。
With its big order book, Yangzijiang will be under pressure to handle a steep ramp-up in deliveries. 在积压大量订单的情况下,扬子江船厂将面临赶工交货的压力。
Beijing has given clear indications that it intends to ramp up the use of renewables, and particularly solar power, over the next few years. 中国政府已发出明确信号,计划在未来几年加大对可再生能源的使用,尤其是太阳能。
Every spring, he would move the herd down a long ramp, through a wooden gate and into a holding pen for inspection. 每年春,他会将牛群赶下一个长斜坡,通过一个木门,进入一个圈中进行检验…
But it's difficult to see how Korean exporters could ramp up production enough to counteract this. 不过,现在很难看出韩国出口商怎样才能把生产扩大到足以抵消这种影响的水平。