
美 [ˈrumˌmeɪt]英 [ˈruːmˌmeɪt]
  • n.室友;同住一室的人




You know it irks me to no end. . . when your roommate accidentally goes into hibernation on the couch in the den. 你知道让我无尽苦恼的是…你的室友偶然在窝里的沙发上进入冬眠。
Today i accompany my roommate to interview , i was waiting for her, and want around , imagined a boss asking me for an interview also. 今天我陪我的室友去面试,我边等她边走来走去,想象这个时候一个老板出来也让我去面试。
You know my roommate Charles? Well he wants to come with me to the party tonight. 你认识我的室友Charles吗?他今天晚上想和我一起去参加晚会。
You may disagree with someone with whom you hired to help you with your space, or with a roommate, tenant, landlord, or family member. 你可以不同意去与你雇用帮助您的空间,或与室友,租客,业主,或家庭成员你。
One night in prison, he got into a fight with his roommate, and with a knife, he uncontrollably felt impelled to kill him. 有一天晚上,他在狱中与室友发生打斗,当时他手上有一把刀,他不由自主地有杀害对方的冲动。
About a week ago I stopped over at her apartment and directly and confidently asked her out for dinner -- in front of her roommate no less! 大约一周前,我经过她的公寓,很直接很自信地邀请她出去吃饭——还是当着她室友的面!
Your photo albums. Your roommate let me in and said I could make myself comfortable while I waited for you. 你的相册。你室友让我进来的,他说我在等你时可以随意一点。
His roommate was allowed to sit up in bed because some medical instruments would take some liquid out of his lung every afternoon. 同室病友在治疗中,每天下午,将有仪器从他肺中抽取液体,因此,他被允许坐在床上。
A 36-year-old man took revenge on his roommate after she refused to have sex with him by allegedly urinating on her dog, police said. 一名36岁的男子,在女室友拒绝与其发生性关系后,把尿撒在女室友的狗身上,作为报复。
What I didn't know was that his roommate is a wrestling coach and a former state champion. 原来这位爷是摔角教练兼前国家级冠军。
By the end of the summer I had my answer: I needed to leave him, even if it meant getting a --gasp --roommate. 在夏末,我有了答案:我得离开他,就算要有一个--啊--室友。当他回来时,我们好好地谈论了一番。
Three days earlier, his roommate had secretly used a webcam to broadcast live images of him in a sexual encounter with another man. 3天前,他的室友使用一个隐蔽摄像头,散布他和另一位男子性接触时的视频。
But when Tom did finally work up the nerve to call Sara, her roommate told him she was in Santa Fe for the weekend. 但是,当汤姆最后鼓起勇气,给萨拉打了电话,她的室友告诉他,她正在圣达菲过周末。
Today, my roommate thought it would be funny to take pictures of my morning wood and put it up on facebook for everyone to see. 今天,我室友认为把我早上的睡相拍下来放到开心网上面让所有人看一定会挺好玩的。
My last roommate was a drama queen. Every time I forgot to take my shoes off, she got really mad and made a big deal out of it. 我上一个室友特喜欢小题大做。每次我进门忘了脱鞋,她就特生气,唠叨半天。
I will probably wear socks with sandals at least once. If it bothers you, I'll make sure not to tell people I'm your roommate. 我可能会连着袜子穿凉鞋,起码穿一次,你要是介意的话,我保证不告诉别人我们俩的室友关系。
From time to time suggest roommate who wanted to tell her to see a doctor. 我们不时暗示那位舍友,想告诉她要去看医生了。
Be a kid for as long as you can, even if it means living with a roommate in a crappy apartment and riding your bike around town. 尽可能延长和享受你的青春吧,即使这意味着你要和室友共享一个公寓,并且在镇上骑着自行车乱逛。
Zilin reminded me that she did not have a Chinese flag. Miss Singapore, her roommate, has a Singapore flag. 因为紫琳告诉我,她的室友新加坡小姐有一面新加坡国旗,所以她想要一面中国国旗。
Rip : Well, I think my roommate is going to boot me out, so I've decided to beat him to the punch and move out. 雷普:唔,我觉得我室友想把我一脚踢开,所以我决定先发制人自己搬出去。
The next day he appeared with the letter and asked my roommate out on a date. 第二天,他拿着那封信出现了,并约我室友出去。
you strangle your roommate because he said he stayed up late studying. 你掐死你室友是因为他说他昨晚读书读到很晚。
Most of his colleagues steer clear of him, except his roommate, Charles, who tries to lighten him up. 除了试图使他放松一点儿的室友查尔斯之外,他的大部分同事都躲着他。
My roommate in college was a real earlybird. By the time I got up each morning, she would have already eaten breakfast and be busy studying. 我大学时的室友实在是个早起的人。当我每天早上起床时,她已经吃完早点,正忙着读书了。
My roommate said this girl had told him she wouldn't mind going out with me. 我的室友说这个女孩告诉他,她不介意与我约会。
You don't have to be best friends with your roommate in order to be able to enjoy a very satisfying, positive roommate relationship. 只为了享有一种非常满意,积极的室友关系的话你不用非要和他(她)成为最好的朋友。
My daughter's first roommate was Chinese, literally had come the day before from Beijing. She had never set foot in the United States. 我女儿的第一个室友是中国人,她前一天才从北京来,而之前她从没到过美国。
My roommate was interested in a young man in her English-literature class, but she was too shy to let him know. 我的室友对她英国文学课上的一个年轻人有意思,但又不好意思让他知道。
Dan would be right to stand by his roommate and not turn him in. 丹站在他的室友一边不告发他,是正确的。
Ben had it out with his roommate about coming back home so late and making a lot of noise. 是有深夜迟归引起一连串噪音,班因而与他起了口角。