
美 [ræŋk]英 [ræŋk]
  • n.等级;级别;军衔;排
  • v.排列;把…分等级;属于某等级;使排成行
  • adj.难闻的;恶臭的;(强调质量、状况等)极端的;疯长的
  • 网络排名;秩;矩阵的秩

第三人称单数:ranks 现在分词:ranking 过去式:ranked 比较级:ranker 最高级:rankest

high rank,top rank,military rank,rank test,low rank
reach rank,join rank,rank close,state rank,rank wordsworth


级别position in organization/army, etc.

1.[u][c](尤指较高的)地位,级别the position, especially a high position, that sb has in a particular organization, society, etc.

2.[c][u]军衔;军阶;警衔the position that sb has in the army, navy, police, etc.

3.[pl]普通士兵the position of ordinary soldiers rather than officers


4.[sing]等级;级别the degree to which sb/sth is of high quality

成员members of group

5.[pl](团体或组织的)成员the members of a particular group or organization


6.[c](警察、士兵等的)队列,行列a line or row of soldiers, police, etc. standing next to each other

7.[c]排;行;列a line or row of people or things


break ranks

掉队;未保持队形to fail to remain in line


排名(Rank) 书名(Title) 作者(Author) 出版商(Publisher) 年份(Year) 类型(Genre) 1 《追求卓越》(In Search of Excellence: Lesso…


等级rank)分别增加5点Sm. Guns(小型枪械)和Repair(修理)技能3)Intense Training(健身狂人):需要等级2每等 …

matlab函数大全 ... orth 值空间 rank rref 转换为行阶梯形 ...


露营_百度百科 ... campus security office 学校保卫办公室 ... rank 军衔 camp 宿营;露营 ...


九年级英语单词表 ... century 世纪;百年 rank 顺序;级别 active 活动的;积极的 ...


MATLAB函数大全 ... range 样本极差 rank 矩阵的秩 rats 有理输出 ...


英文字根_百度百科 ... 407、rage = mad 疯狂 408、range = rank 排列,顺序 411、rat = calculate 计算 ...

In the first two years after discharge, the risk seems to increase in the men with short length of service, and those of inferior rank. 服役期较短的低衔职青年军人在退役后头两年的自杀风险似乎有增加。
The students were asked to look at figures of obese children and figures of other peers, and rank how much they liked them. 学生们被要求观看一些肥胖儿童和正常儿童的图片,并对这些图片的喜欢程度进行排序。
I have to say that complexity of the metamodel would not rank at the top of my list of complaints about BPDM. 我必须要说在我对BPDM的一长串抱怨当中,元模型的复杂性并不是首要的。
CBC-Companies, one of the financial service companies in the front rank in the United States, was established in 1948. 美国CBC团体公司成立于1948年,为美国著名的金融服务公司之一。
So the system may not rank a "hot" investment as highly as you might have thought. 因此,「热门」投资在系统的排名,或许比您所想得要低。
If you want a page to rank highly on MSN, you'll optimize it a bit differently than you would for Google. 如果你想有一个高度的MSN网页排名,你会优化它有点不同于你的谷歌会的。
What often damages automatic transmission? In this case, overheating seems to be sitting in the top rank. 自动变速器往往损害?在这种情况下,过热似乎坐在最高级。
A quantity of our products rank forefront, yet as a whole lying the bottom of the global industrial chain. 中国若干重要产品的产量位居世界前列,但总体上仍处于全球产业链的低端;
Had all of his recommendations for promotion gone through he would have had not only his commission, but probably the rank of captain. 如果举荐他提升的信件都能递上去,那么他本来不仅会受了军衔,而且可能是上尉的头衔。
New Jersey would rank near the bottom in life satisfaction (47th) but with one of the lowest adjusted suicide risks (also 47th). 新泽西州的生活满意度几乎排到最后(第47),但自杀率也是最低的州之一(也是第47)。
In 2010, we still rank as the world's fattest developed nation, with an obesity rate more than double that of many European nations. 2010年,因为肥胖率比许多欧洲国家高一倍,我们仍然被列为最胖的发达国家。
Ranking : Till now I still don't know how high a rank the heroes can reach . I prefer to see some of my heroes reach the top rank . 我至今不知道这些英雄们最高可以升几级。我比较喜欢我的一些英雄升到最高级。
Looking at him, I imagined that whatever his rank in the Japanese army had been (possibly an officer), he had performed his duties well. 我想,像他这样的人不管他在日本军队里是什么头衔(可能是个军官吧),他肯定会做得非常出色。
He was soon given the rank of arch druid due to his great knowledge and power, and the group chose him to be their leader. 随后由于他的渊博和强大他被授予了大德鲁伊的称号,众人选取他为领袖。
To what rank does Helena Cain promote Kara Thrace for her pictures of the Resurrection Ship? 海伦娜·该隐因为卡拉·瑟瑞斯拍得的复活船照片而将她晋升为什么?
But she paid too little heed to the rank and file, and failed to campaign for him energetically enough once the decision had been made. 但是她很少注意基层人员,也没有在决定出来后给予足够的支持。
Song is often the officer civil and military officials of high rank who were doctors, the lower official name of Lang. 宋朝文武阶官往往是官高者名大夫,官低者名郎。
At a short remove upon the same temporary platform was an officer in the uniform of his rank, armed. He was a captain. 隔着不远,这临时搭就的平台上还有一位身着军阶制服的军官,他不但全副武装且他是一个上尉。
Foreign card companies are likely already trying to work out where they rank on Beijing's list of naughty and nice. 有可能这些外国公司已经开始试图搞清楚自己在这份名单上的名次了。
A host of senior officials and thousands of PUK rank-and-file have followed Mr Mustafa; many have been expelled for sympathising with him. 许多高级官员及成千上万的库尔迪斯爱国联盟民众追随了Mustafa,还有许多人因为同情他而被驱逐。
After scoring and sorting results the system tends to rank these documents very high while returning few search results. 在评分和评分结果后系统趋向把这些文档评为很高的等级,同时返回很少的结果集。
That said, at least one member of this species had ascended to the rank of Jedi Knight during the waning days of the Republic. 尽管如此,在共和国衰落期,至少一名这个种族的成员登上了绝地武士的高位。
Steinbeck was a prolific and popular writer, but few consider him to be an American writer of the absolute first rank. 斯坦贝克是一位多产作家和流行,但很少有人认为他是一个美国作家的绝对第一排名。
He has, as he is the best at doing, worked himself and his Top Rank Promotions into a win-win situation in the public's eye. 无论如何,像他擅长做的一样,他已经使他自己和他的顶级推广在公众眼中达到双赢的位置。
Frenzied Regeneration: This ability is no longer noted as Rank 1 (it has no subsequent ranks). 狂暴回复:这个技能不再标记为等级1(它没有更高的技能等级了)。
Thanks to her rank, Ms. Wozniacki entered Thursday's match as a favorite, but Ms. Li was in the form of her life. 由于她的排名,沃兹尼亚奇直接进入周四的半决赛,但李娜则是全力打拼才得以进入。
All those things, of which another woman of her rank would never even have been conscious, tortured her and made her angry. 这些情形,如果不是她而是她那个阶层的另一个妇人的话,可能连理会都没有理会到,但给她的痛苦即很大并且使她气愤填胸。
Macaulay had wealth and fame, rank and power, and yet he tells us in his biography that he owed the happiest hours of his life to books. 麦考利享有财富、名声、地位和权力,而他在自传中却告诉我们他一生最幸福的时刻是从书中获得的。
Each of two or more names of the same rank used to denote the same taxonomic taxon. 用以指示同层级的同一分类学分类单元的两个或多个名称的每一个。
Ally Bank and Bank of America rank last with a little over one percent of the total amount of phishing messages. 针对Ally银行和美国银行的网络钓鱼信息仅占所有总数的百分之一点几。