
美 [ˈrerli]英 [ˈreə(r)li]
  • adv.很少;罕有;不常
  • 网络难得;很少地;罕见

rarely happen


1.罕有;很少;不常not very often


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新大纲四级 - xieyuchao670的日志 - 网易博客 ... rainy 下雨的,多雨的 rarely 不常,难得 rat 鼠 ...


大学英语三级词汇表下载 ... rare a. 稀有的,难得的 2.稀薄的,稀疏的 rarely ad. 很少,难得 2.非凡地,非常地 rat n. 老鼠 ...


MBA词汇电子版 - MBA智库文档 ... recognize 认出;承认 rarely 罕见,难得 recommend 推荐,介绍;劝告 ...


极少(Rarely)4. 如果您喜欢逛论坛,是出于何种原因 (Why do you like to go to BBS) * 可以享受自由的讨论氛围(To enjoy the at…


打电话/接电话实用英语大全 ... casually a. 偶然的,不注意的 rarely ad. 很少;罕有 style n. 文风;风格;时髦 ...

When her husband was elected, she agreed to live there. But she rarely saw anyone. One of her close friends took her place at public events. 当她丈夫当选总统后,她同意到华盛顿去,但她很少见任何人,她的一位最亲密的朋友代替她出席公务活动。
He lavished money and effort on education and health, rarely pausing long enough to see if the last lot had worked. 他(布莱尔)浪费大笔金钱在教育和医疗服务上,却很少暂停下来,用足够的时间想想这最后一张牌是否起效。
But she has rarely referred to the political drama sparked by his relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. 而希拉里则很少提起克林顿与白宫女实习生莫尼卡•莱温斯基的那段“性丑闻”。
Some only look at the surface presentation of the site and rarely delve deep within a site's depths to see all the pages and posts. 有的人只看看站点的表面布局,很少深入地看看网点所有的文章和网页。
The fact that "British" troops were rarely mentioned in any reports of the fighting gave color to the enemy's taunts. 在任何关于战事的报道中,很少提到“英国”军队,这一事实使敌人的嘲弄更加动听。
Assuming that others see what you see, feel what you feel, and think what you think, since that's rarely the case. 假设别人见你所见、感你所感、想你所想,因为事实很少会这样。
The ball was rarely passed to me, but I learned a bunch of new techniques and I learned to love basketball much more. 球很少传给我,但是我还是学会了一些新技术,我也越来越喜欢打篮球了。
Dr. Smith, a native of Maine who has traveled outside New England only rarely, conceded he did not know much about China. 史密斯博士,这个在缅因州土生土长的人,环游过新英格兰之外的世界。但是他也难得地极不情愿地肯承认,自己对中国所知甚少。
Excepting pocket money, cash of any kind is now rarely used; money as a tangible commodity has largely been replaced by credit. 除了零用钱,任何形式的现金现在都用的很少,钱作为一种有形的商品已经很大程度上被信用卡代替了。
And after 1872 she rarely left her house and yard. In the last years of her life she returned to a smaller circle of family and friends. 1872年后,她就很少离开她的家和院子了。在她生命中的最后几年中,她的生活圈子仅仅局限在家人和朋友。
No matter how much faculty of idle seeing a man has, the step from knowing to doing is rarely taken. 无论一个人观察能力有多强,从认知到行动这一步总是难以跨越。
No matter how much money I make in a trade, I am rarely ever satisfied and feel that I could have made more. 无论一笔交易赚了多少钱,我总是不满足,总以为自己可以赚的更多。
The simplest policy is to stay away, but that rarely benefits the locals and since business began it has gone where the money is. 最简单的策略是敬而远之,但这很少会让当地人受益,而且企业自存在以来,就以追逐金钱为目的。
He rarely switches on to hear any of the classical music he professes to be so keen on. 他很少收听他声称感兴趣的古典音乐。
The existence of such a girl, she can accept other people to talk to her, but rarely talk to others their own inner pain. 有这样一个女孩,她总能接受别人对她的倾诉,却极少向别人倾诉自己内心的痛苦。
Video does not reveal a certain result, so from beginning to end, the court extremely rarely the lens. 影片并非揭示某种结果,因此从头至尾,法庭的镜头极少无比。
But for the writer who sits in his cube all day and rarely sees the sun, let alone another person, does it really matter what he's wearing? 但对于整天都坐在办公隔间连阳光都很少见更别说人的一位作家来说,穿什么难道真有关系吗?
I think the power of this exercise is to ask important and insightful questions which we rarely examine, and to answer them honestly. 这个联系的作用就是问那些我们很少关注的重要的,关键的问题,并且诚实的回答。
Older men often date younger women in an attempt to recapture this lost state of youthful adventure, but it rarely, if ever, works. 老牛经常希望通过和嫩草的约会中去尝试找回已经丢失的年轻刺激的感觉,但是这对很少,极少数人,起作用。
New ventures rarely run smoothly, but one of her problems came from an unexpected quarter: some of the original Miss de Mode retailers. 新业务很少能顺利推进,但吴女士遇到一个出乎意料的问题:摩登小姐原有的一些零售商。
it ' s been extremely heartening to me in my gerontology career how rarely this argument has been used against me , even out of my hearing. 在我的老年学生涯中,极为激励我的是,这一点曾经及其罕见地被用来反对我,即使在背后也是这样。
Americans are very weight-conscious and rarely disclose how much they weigh. 美国人很关心体重,且极少披漏他们的体重。
The study of the victims is often focused on the right of the victims and is rarely focused on the faults of the victims. 法律界对被害人问题的研究热情往往集中在保障被害人权利,反观对被害人过错问题的关注却显不足。
Madoff treated him well, Nasi said, rarely if ever yelling at him, often coming to his desk to ask if everything was okay. 纳希说,马多夫对他很好,很少对他喊叫。还经常到他的办公桌旁,问他是否一切正常。
But they rarely do, since society assumes that because a mistress is in the wrong, she has nothing to say to a woman in the right. 因为社会普遍认为情妇是一种错误的存在,她在良家妇女面前没有发言权。
I hate to be a wet blanket here but statistics show that this practical approach rarely leads back to your passionate pursuit. 我不想扫大家的兴,但是统计显示很少有人通过这种这种方法真正实现了自己所追求梦想。
Only a few men, rarely endowed with a pure intelligence, are entrusted with this holy function of beholding heaven clearly. 仅有少数的人被赋予了完美的智能,被赋予了让天堂展现圣洁的神圣使命。
Dan explains that he enjoyed filming that scene with Rupert as they rarely got to film with just the two of them and a lot of dialogue. 丹解释说,他喜欢拍那场戏的场景和鲁伯作为他们很少得电影只有他们两个人,有很多对话。
The Vatican is divided into departments that rarely communicate with one another, out of a centuries-old culture of secrecy and autonomy. 教廷由不同的部门组成,几个世纪以来,保密、自主的文化传统使得部门之间鲜有交流。
Anthropologists looking at the matter were surprised to discover that the kids rarely send informative or detailed messages. 对此进行关注的人类学家们惊讶地发现,年轻人很少会发信息量大而详细的消息。