red light

  • n.红灯(示意车辆停下的信号)
  • 网络红光;危险信号;红色圆形标志牌

复数:red lights

red lightred light

red light


1.红灯(示意车辆停下的信号)a signal telling the driver of a vehicle to stop


红的组词_百度知道 ... 红得发紫[ very influential] 红灯[ red light] 红豆[ jequirity;love pea] ...


光电英语词汇(R1)_专业词汇_英文阅读网 ... red end 红端(光谱) red light 红光 red light laser 红光激光器 ...


The Red的资料_百度知道 ... to see red, 发火,愤怒 red light危险信号 red meat 牛肉,羊肉(不是红肉)。 ...


汽车英语2 - 乔木的日志 - 网易博客 ... traffic lights 红绿灯,交通指挥灯 red light 红色圆形标志牌 flashing amber 闪光指示器 ...


爱思英语论坛 - Powered by Discuz! Board ... automatic traffic signal light 7. 红灯 red light 8. 绿灯 green light 9. 黄灯 ...


充电时,红灯亮(Red Light),当连续充电3~4小时,电池充满,红绿灯常亮。前三次使用时,请将产品电池用完再充电,并每次保 …


商业图库图片列表 - 图蛙 ... 垃圾图片 Garbage 红灯图片 red light 词图片 words 5 ...


2008-09 | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... traffic ticket: 罚单 red light: 交通红灯 pitch pipe: 调音管 ...

The red light, one of hundreds of lines to various exchanges, brokers and offices around the world, began to blink. I picked it up. 在连接交易所、券商和全球交易机构的几百条通讯线路中,有一条线路的电话开始闪亮红灯,我接起电话。
Yesterday he stopped at a red light, and a man came up behind him on another bicycle. 昨天他停车等红灯时,一个人骑自行车从后面到他跟前。
Here and there a bit of green or red light is used to highlight some spots, but they don't offend the eye. 四处点缀着一些绿色和红色的灯光,但它们都不刺眼。
In advertising, red is often used to evoke erotic feelings (red lips, red nails, red-light districts, 'Lady in Red', etc). 在广告中,红色经常用于唤起情欲(红唇、红指甲、红灯区、“红衣女郎”等等)。
Today, I was sitting at a red light when a homeless man began to walk up to my car. 今天我停在红灯前,一个要饭的向我走过来。
At the beginning, I knew only about a young teenage girl imprisoned on the third floor of a brothel in a red-light district here in Kolkata. 事件一开始,我所知道的仅仅是在加尔各答红灯区某座妓院的三楼房间里囚禁着一位年幼的少女。
To some extent, the elder might have saved one's life while this guy trying to go through the red light, for he might be hit by other cars. 或许就因为老人的一块砖还救了闯红灯者的一条命呢,因为说不定他闯过去的下一秒就会被其他车撞。
Who was really behind the small plane, red light flashing, that warned the kidnappers not to kill him on that day in 1973, is still obscure. 1973年那天,究竟是谁藏身幕后,指派那架闪烁著红光的小小直升机紧急空降而来,警告那些绑匪刀下留人,仍然无从知晓。
I look up just in time to see a black car speeding directly at me through the red light. 我抬头只看见一辆黑色轿车闯红灯,朝我的方向全速开来。
I realise not all cyclists are bad; just a few months ago, I saw one stop at a red light. 我知道,不是所有的骑车人都不好。就在几个月前,我还看见一位骑车人在红灯处停了下来。
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan used their lightsabers to break through the door. Immediately, a red light began to pulse. 魁刚和欧比万用光剑强行打开大门,一道红色的光线开始闪烁。
Impatience is often a precursor to self-punishment, so stop way before the red light hits. 焦躁通常是自我惩罚的前兆,因此,你得赶快在红灯亮起之前停下来。
Imagine the poor guy on the ground, sitting there at a red light, as a flaming five car pile-up is hurdling down towards him from the sky. 想像一下在地上的那位可怜的哥们儿,正等着红灯呢,就眼看着五辆燃着大火的车从天上向他砸过来。
The absorption isn't very strong so that this is no accentuated reflection of red light at the surface. 吸收并不是很强,因此在表面上没有红光的强烈反射。
The only light in her room is coming from a piece of medical equipment, which is flashing its red light as if in warning. 她屋里惟一的光线来自一件医疗设备,它闪着红光,似乎在发出警告。
If riding at night or in poor visibility you must switch on your cycle lamps, a white light to the front and a red light to the rear. 如在夜间或能见度低时骑单车,必须亮起单车灯:车头亮白灯,车尾亮红灯。
If you approach a red light and a traffic officer directs you to go through the intersection without stopping, what should you do? 如果在红灯时交通警指示你穿过十字路口,你应如何?
"We had a red light on doing business with him. There was no transparency. " “我们对跟他做生意亮了红灯。他的公司没有透明度。”
I would go out to that lawn on summer nights and reach up to the red light of Mars and say, "Take me home! " 我总在夏日的夜晚,跑到那个草坪,举手触摸火星的红色光芒,说:“带我回家!”
He then set out to make a new type of semiconductor crystal that would be able to emit visible, red light. 之后他就开始着手研制一种新型的可以发出可见红光的晶态半导体。
Red Light | Green Light determines the extent to which a computer has been used to access pornography-based Internet web sites. 红灯|大开绿灯,决定在何种程度上的计算机已被用来获取色情基于互联网的网站。
Vice-chairman Agata stands with his friend Xiao Mu Lee, owner of a successful restaurant in the heart of Tokyo's red-light district. 阿形充规和他的朋友李小牧站在一起,李小牧的餐厅开在东京红灯区的中心地段。
Sometimes all the cars stopped at a red light, and he went past them to the front because his bicycle was small. He was very happy. 有时所有的汽车因红灯停车时,因为自行车小,霍兰先生骑车超到汽车前面,他非常高兴。
As he was descending, he saw a red light and then a green light attached to the back of a large black cloud moving down the road. 正当他下坡的时候,他看到一堆又大又黑的黑云上系了一个红灯和一个绿灯,正在路上走着。
As you blaze through the yellowlight you glance in your rearview to see all the cars behind you stopping atthe red light. Yes! 当你在亮黄灯时呼啸而过,扫一眼后视镜看到身后所有的车因红灯亮起而停在那里。是的!
Fortunately, the team that won the Nobel prize was able to provide Dr Maitland with a version of the protein that emits red light. 幸运的是,荣获诺贝尔奖的团队能够为梅特兰博士提供发出红光的蛋白质。
More than one out of three drivers did not know that a blinking red light means a full stop. 超过三中有一个驾驶员没有知道一个眨眼红灯意谓一个终止。
Red-light district is definitely a must-see place in Amsterdam. It's a special product of the liberal & open society in Netherlands. 红灯区绝对是阿姆斯特丹一个必去的景点。它是荷兰自由开放社会的一个特殊产物。
Poured out of a deep gully of red light at my face you wantonly spread. 冲涌出的沟壑深深浅浅的在你我的脸上肆意漫延。
In each direction, from time to time the pre-set time, the direction of a green, yellow light, red light in a different direction. 每个方向的定时时间可以预设,一个方向绿灯、黄灯亮时,另一个方向红灯亮。