
美 [reɪt]英 [reɪt]
  • n.率;速度;比率;价格
  • v.评价;评估;估价;值得
  • 网络速率;费率;费用

复数:rates 现在分词:rating 过去式:rated

high rate,annual rate,low rate,current rate,same rate
increase rate,raise rate,reduce rate,cut rate,set rate


n. v.

1.[c]速度;进度a measurement of the speed at which sth happens

2.[c]比率;率a measurement of the number of times sth happens or exists during a particular period

3.[c]价格;费用a fixed amount of money that is charged or paid for sth


at any rate

(强调事情的真实性)无论如何,不管怎样used to say that a particular fact is true despite what has happened in the past or what may happen in the future

at a rate of knots

飞快地;迅速地very quickly

at this/that rate

照此情形;如此下去used to say what will happen if a particular situation continues to develop in the same way


舞台英文术语 ... stop back 停止返回 rate 比率 stop 停止 ...


2012年六级高频词汇(1)_百度文库 ... prospect n. 前景,可能性 rate n. 速度 ration n. 比率 ...


有关速度的英语单词_百度知道 ... tempo 音乐中速度,拍子 rate 速率 pace 步速 ...


五星级酒店英语大全!_百度文库 ... of course 当然 rate 价格,费用 tax extra 另加税金 ...


四级短语大全 大学英语四级短语 - 豆丁网 ... airmail 航空信 rate 费率 overweight 超重 ...


五星级酒店英语大全!_百度文库 ... of course 当然 rate 价格,费用 tax extra 另加税金 ...


新视野大学英语1-4册单词 - 豆丁网 ... appearance n. 外表,出现,出场 321 rate n. 比率,等级,价格; pitch n. 程度,投掷,音高; ...

'We're a very local business, ' he said. 'We're not being impacted by that exchange rate. . . We're not impacted like a typical exporter. ' 他说,我们是十分本土化的企业,我们没有受到汇率的冲击,我们不像典型出口商那样受到影响。
The result, shown in the chart, is a strong inverse correlation between the deployment of Prozac and the suicide rate. 图表结果显示Prozac的使用度与自杀率成强负相关性。
Their suicide rate is triple that of their younger comrades, possibly because they face many existing stressors prior to entry, he said. 恰瑞利说,他们的自杀率是同龄人的三倍,可能是因为他们面对了许多入伍之前没有遇到的压力。
He said the AIDS virus, also known as HIV, has been so difficult to stop because it mutates at a dizzying rate. 他表示,艾滋病毒,即人体免疫缺陷病毒非常难以防控,因为它的突变速度快得惊人。
Variation in mtDNA is often assumed to conform to a constant mutation rate equilibrium neutral model. 线粒体DNA进化通常被认为遵循一种稳定的突变速率平衡中性模型,但有证据表明该假设可能并不可靠。
Innovations now seem to appear at a rate that increase geometrically, without respect to geographical limits or political systems. 现在技术创新的速度似乎以几何级别在增长,远远超出了地理和政治的限定。
In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Geithner said the world sorely needs to agree on guidelines for exchange-rate policy. 盖特纳接受《华尔街日报》采访时说,全世界迫切需要在汇率政策的指导原则上达成一致。
The rate for an urgent call is twice that of an ordinary call. But the supplementary charge is not doubled. 加急电话的资费是普通电话的两倍,但是附加费不加倍。
The low exchange rate in addition to high tariffs have doubled the company's expenses and challenged its profitability, " said the report. " 但是,低汇率再加上高关税,导致麦当劳所需食材的成本翻倍,利润大幅降低。
In the United States, an estimated two million subprime adjustable-rate mortgages are expected to reset higher in the next two years. 在美国,据统计有两百万次等可调整利率按揭贷款预计会在接下来的两年内调至更高。
However, it is restricted by the imperfect investment climate and system. The rate of folk investment tends to become slow in these years. 然而,由于投融资体制和政策环境的不完善,近年来民间投资的增长出现了一系列的结构失衡,投资增长速度相对趋缓。
Risk discount rate method is often used in risk decision analysis. 风险贴现率法是风险决策分析中常用的方法。
Experts are now going back through their records to see if the rate of population increase is indeed the fastest since records began. 专家们现在正查阅历史资料以了解现在的人口增速是否真的是有史以来最快的。
How much will our air make the lung cancer rate keep increasing? 我们的空气会让癌症发病率再增加多少?
Scirpus pumilus had no reaction to any factor or combination and its seed germination rate was all zero. 矮草对任何因子或组合都无反应,其种子萌发率均为0。
To get a sense of the likely rate of change of the next three-to-five years, think back over the same period. 要想了解未来三五年内发生变革的可能,先回顾下过去的几年。
Cutting the rate to 25 percent would seem to cost the Treasury about $100 billion a year. 将公司营业税缴税比例降低到25%将使国库每年损失1000亿美元。
There was no significant difference in the pregnancy rate between primary and secondary infertility, single and double unobstructed oviduct. 原发或继发不孕、单侧或双侧输卵管通畅间,妊娠率无统计学差异。
There was no significant difference in the rate of serious side effects, including heart attacks and strokes, between the two groups. 而两组在副作用方面没有明显的不同,包括心脏病发作和中风的发生。
Now over 50 pubs are closing every week, almost double the rate of a year ago, says the British Beer & Pub Association, a trade group. 英国啤酒与酒吧协会这一贸易团体表示,现在每周都有超过50家酒吧关闭,几乎是上一年关闭速率的一倍。
Ms Liu at Foxconn can now save at double the rate used to, and plans to marry a year earlier. 如今,富士康员工刘丽萍每月存的钱是以往的两倍,并计划提前一年结婚。
But having a strong steerage with my paddle, I went at a great rate, directly for the wreck, and in LESS than two hours I came up to it. 我以桨代舵,使劲掌握航向,朝那失事的大船飞驶过去。不到两小时,我就到了破船跟前。
Buffett caused an uproar in August when he said the wealthy should be subject to a higher rate of tax. 巴菲特今年8月称,富人应按更高税率纳税,此言引发轩然大波。
As for limitations, "if the heart rate is too fast, we don't get enough data for multi segmental reconstruction, " he said. 至于其局限性,他说,“如果心率太快的话,我们不会得到足够的多段图象重建。”
The results revealed that the corrosion rate of steel being used for pharmaceutical machine had been reduced in a very big degree. 结果表明:制药机械用钢材的腐蚀率大大降低。
But a million iPhones in 74 days works out to a little less than 5 million iPhones per year--if you're selling them at a consistent rate. 但是从在74天内卖掉100万台来开,如果以固定速度销售,算起来,一年也只能卖出不到500万台。
China's exchange rate is not the significant factor in the bilateral trade balance many make it out to be. 中国的汇率不是双边贸易平衡的重要因素,大家已经很清楚此事。
Such an accelerated rate of evolution might be due to factors other than natural selection, in particular GC-biased gene conversion. 这种加速进化可能是由于自然因素以外的其他选择,特别是气相色谱偏向基因转换。
Only a week earlier the U. S. Commerce Department said that the rate of new home construction fell more in May than it had in a year. 仅在一周前,美国商务部表示,房地产项目全年开工率5月下行趋势更为明显。
Mr. Lin gnawed his lips. He vowed he would raise his prices the next day. He would charge first grade prices for second-rate merchandise. 那时候,林先生便咬一下嘴唇,决定明天无论如何要把货码提高,要把次等货标上头等货的价格。