
美 [spel]英 [spel]
  • n.(持续的)一段时间;(干某事或在某处工作的)一段时间;咒语;符咒
  • v.用字母拼;拼写;拼出;拼作
  • 网络拼字;法术;拼写检查

过去式:spelled 过去分词:spelt

spell name,spell word,cast spell,spell disaster,spell end
dry spell,cold spell,long spell,brief spell,warm spell


v. n.

1.[t]~ sth用字母拼;拼写to say or write the letters of a word in the correct order

2.[i][t]拼出,会拼(单词)to form words correctly from individual letters

3.[t]~ sth拼作;拼成to form words when they are put together in a particular order

4.[t]~ sth (for sb/sth)招致,意味着(通常指坏事)to have sth, usually sth bad, as a result; to mean sth, usually sth bad

5.[t](informal)~ sb(短时间)替换,顶替to replace for a short time sb who is doing a particular activity so that they can rest


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... do v. & aux. 做;干;构成否定句、疑问句的助动词 spell v. 拼写 baseball n. 棒球 ...


中级口译词汇 - 豆丁网 ... 符咒 charm 咒语 spell 苦行的 ascetic ...


人教版初一英语单词 ... ruler n 直尺 spell v 拼写;拼字 please. v 请 ...


法术spell)中的召唤物,排骨、排骨弓、魔刀是monster。老K:由于上述几种单位属于monster而不属于pet,玩家装备中的宠 …


请问cad2007中心线的快捷键是什么?_百度知道 ... SO,*SOLID; 二维填充 SP,*SPELL; 拼写检查 SPL,*SPLINE; 样条曲线 ...


2013全国小学生英语竞赛备考词汇(S)_奥数网 ... speak 说,说话,演说 spell 一段时间,符咒,魅力 sport 运动,游戏,娱乐 ...


大学英语精读单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... meantime n. &ad. 其间 spell n. 一段时间 strict a. 严厉的 ...


攻击魔法(Spell)-各种攻击法术 混乱(Chaos)-特殊单位 普通(Normal)-近战攻击 飞弹(Missile)-武器飞到目标的位置时,目标 …

It seems basic, but when I spell it out to myself like this, it forces me to continually try to add new points to the discussion. 这看起来很初级,但当我亲口对自己这样说,就能迫使我自己不断地尝试为当前的讨论加点料。
Jack reports to the Italian countryside, where he holes up in a small town and relishes being away from death for a spell. 他到意大利的一个乡村小镇汇报任务,顺便享受暂时远离死亡的时光。
If you don't know how to spell the word, why don't you look it up in a dictionary? 如果你不知道这个词如何拼写,为什么不查一下字典呢?
Kids have always been exposed to their own spelling mistakes, she said, and that never hindered their ability to ultimately spell correctly. 孩子们经常显现出他们的拼写错误,她说,但这不会阻碍他们正确地使用语言的能力。
Never thought of becoming a poet, for neither I can spell nor write well; but I have things to tell and I wish you could hear them all. 没有想过可以做一个诗人,因为连简单的字都经常写错,造句总也不怎么通顺,但又的确有一些话想讲,更希望你能够听得见。
Simultaneously, we got to watch Olivia fall under the spell of Fauxlivia's carefree life and the joy it brought to her for a time. 同时我们也看到在一段时间内,Olivia甲也为Olivia乙那无忧无虑的生活及其带给她的快乐深深着迷。
For instance, we were able to see the warlock class, which is a spell casting profession that resembles the necromancer class of EverQuest. 例如,我们见到术士,类似于无尽的任务中亡灵巫师的施法职业。
Lilith is a about a mysterious young woman in an elite sanitarium in New England, who seems to weave a magical spell all around her. (片名)进述的是在新英格兰一家高级疗养院的一位神秘女郎,她看似在自己周围编造一种魔咒。
User story: As a User I wan to be able to edit text and images and have the system spell and grammar check the result before submitting it. 用户故事:作为一个用户,我湾能够编辑的文本和图像,并有拼写和语法检查系统在提交前的结果。
he said offhandedly, watching as the Elf quickly stopped trying to get to her spell components. 他一说完,就看见精灵马上停下了取法术物品的动作。
I tried to do a spell, " I say, conscious of my bloody hands. My face feels scraped too. " To see my family. “我试着施一个魔法,”我说,意识到我流血的手。我的脸感到也擦伤了。“去见我的家人。”
However, for Hong, the dry spell is not the only culprit to blame for her fish-less lake. 然而,对洪而言,旱情并非是洞庭湖无鱼可捕的唯一祸首。
She was anxious the next day when he was sullen again, but the next night, and on each succeeding night, the dusk worked its spell . 第二天当他又变得郁郁寡欢时,他很着急。但第三天以及随后的每天傍晚,暮色发挥了神奇的力量。
He tripped when trying to spell the word "through" . 他在拼写“through”这个词的时候拼写错了。
Singapore -- Ever since the invention of the spell checker, people have tried to get computers to help them write better. 自从拼写纠错软件发明以来,人们就一直在尝试借助电脑来改进自己的书面表达。
A year-and-a-half later, after a short-lived spell in coalition with Fatah, Hamas violently took over the Gaza Strip. 一年半后,哈马斯暴力接管了加沙地带,打破了与法塔赫的短暂联盟。
For years I forced her to spell words in the bathtub with foam letters, to do worksheets, to memorize phonemes and take practice tests. 接下来的几年当中,我强迫她在浴缸里用泡沫塑料字母拼单词,强迫她做习题、背音标、进行各种诵读练习。
Benefit: Choose one daily wizard attack spell of every level you know. Add this spell to your spellbook. 好处:在你所知的法术里,选择每级一个日常法师攻击法术,加到你的魔法书里。
All this time, as if spell were on him, he was motionless and powerless, except to watch her. 在这整个一段时间以内,他始终象是着了魔,除了注意她以外,他浑身瘫软,动弹不得。
Initially, the only way I could communicate was to spell out words, one letter at a time, on the palm of my girlfriend's hand. 最初,我所能和外界交流的方式就是一个字母一个字母地在女友的手掌心里拼出单词。
Rhett: I mean it as a compliment. . . and I hope to see more of you when you're free of the spell of the thin-blooded Mr. Wilkes. 瑞特:我原本是想夸赞你…你从那个缺少激情的韦尔克斯先生的魔力中解脱后,我还真希望能和你多见面。
This buoyancy also grants it a permanent feather fall effect (as the spell) with personal range. 同时也给予它们永久性的羽落术效果(如同名法术),范围为自己。
Rhett: I meant it as a compliment and I hope to see more of you when you are free of the spell of this elegant Mr. 瑞德:我只是想赞赏你,如果你能摆脱对那高贵的阿希礼先生的迷恋,我希望能多了解你一些。
A member of the nobility claims to have been affected by an enchantment spell when closing a particularly disastrous trade agreement. 贵族的成员声称在其签订某个特别灾难性的贸易协定时受到法术影响。
He was woken up for a brief spell on Monday and was able to speak to medical staff and his family. 第二天,他醒了过来并能和医务人员和他的家人谈话。
A sweetly innocent, and yet familiar, voice called from below. Causing Asuka to break out of his semi-nostalgic spell. 一个甜甜的,天真的,却又熟悉的声音在楼下叫他,令飞鸟从他半怀旧的梦中惊醒。
They mostly do not spell out how much public disclosure there should be of big pay packages, other than those for board members. 他们大多数情况下除了对董事会成员的薪酬进行限制以外,都未明确高额薪酬福利的公开程度为多少。
Changing the amount of bonus healing you have during the duration of the periodic spell will have no impact on how much it heals for. 改变相当数量奖金愈合您不要有在周期性咒语的期间期间将有对多少的冲击它愈合为。
Kathleen: Oh, Matt, you know what. I have to ask you another thing. Can you spell cat? 噢,麦特,你知道我要问你另外一件事。你会拼写cat吗?
Spell out exactly what you need in advance and how much time it will take, says event planner Patty Sachs. 活动策划人PattySachs说,清晰地说出你提前需要什么,将要花多少时间。