


It takes a simple encounter with a child in pain for Dr Weston to realise how much she misses her own child. 对Weston医生而言,只要遇到一个病痛中的儿童,她就会意识到自己是多么想念自己的孩子。
Did it push you closer towards the iPhone or did it make you realise just how much you loved the stubby little swine? 你是更加坚定了转投iPhone的决心,还是猛然意识到原来自己如此深爱着这个粗苯的小机器?
If you take the long term view then you realise that sustainable development that respects the environment is the only responsible path. 如果以长远规划,你就会发觉到尊重环境而采取持续性的发展是唯一负责的选择。
Consumers may not realise that it's a bit of a wild west out there, with doctors working out the kinks, as it were, as they go . 消费者可能没有意识到这有点类似狂野的西部,医生出去做一件事,好像在那里,他们就去。
Hargreaves recalled: "After my first season, I had a bit of a tendon problem, which I did not realise the magnitude of. " 哈格回忆说:“第一个赛季后,我的肌腱出了点小问题,当时我没有注意到其重要性。”
Massu said the power shortage had made him realise how much electricity is wasted and that we need to save power in general. 大包说电的短缺让他认识到了平常用电有多浪费,大家都应该减少用电。
It is time for the British government to realise that it is not its job to be the champion of the aviation industry. 到了英国政府明白其不应该是航空产业最大赢家的时候了。
The thing is, if I can remember at least some part of the idea, it may be a relieve to realise it wasn't such a great idea anyway. 事实是,如果我哪怕只是记得其中的一点点而已,它就会让我相信也许那个想法并不是那么精彩。
It just took time for people to realise how much had changed. 要人们认识到发生了多大变化,只是时间问题。
Once you realise the Truth of that you begin to confront your old beliefs about what power is and where one can find it. 一旦你了解了这样的真相,你开始面质自己对于“力量是什么”以及“我们可以在哪里找到它”所怀抱的古老信念。
What viewers did not always realise was that Mr Freud wanted to shock himself. 一直以来,观众没有意识到的是,弗洛伊德是想使他自己震惊。
Mrs Merkel is clever enough to realise this and dislike it, but she has not been brave enough to stop it. 默克尔非常明智地认识到了这一点,但并不想这样,并且她并没有足够的勇气来阻止这一切。
Not until then did I really realise how much you devote to me on my English. 直到那个时候我才知道你为我的英语学习做出怎样的贡献。
Wenger added: "You don't realise how much a player needs his arms and shoulders to play football. " 温格说:“你意识不到一个球员在踢球时是多么需要他们的手臂和肩膀。”
That may have distracted American investors briefly; once they realise how much is at stake in Italy, it will not help. 这会暂时分散美国投资者的注意力,但是一旦他们意识到意大利这边的风险有多少的时候,一切都于事无补了。
The point of this is for you to realise, AFTER it's been done, that the task wasn't as huge as you IMAGINED it. Huh? 关键要点是要让你明白,在完成了一件事后,这项任务并没有你想象中的那样艰巨,难道不是吗?
Second, they did not realise that the HKSAR Government was far from the sitting duck they thought we were, he said. 第二,它们并不知道香港特别行政区政府并非如它们所想的,这么容易便上钓。
He did not realise that they would be silhouetted against the lights and therefore make easy targets. 库罗帕金不知道,士兵背后的灯光,使他们成为一个个黑影,可以轻易瞄准射击。
You are beginning to realise that much of what you have become to accept as real, is in fact of your own creation and is an illusion. 你们开始明白许多事情,所有你们刚开始接受的都是真实不虚的,都是来自你们自身的创造,基于幻象的创造。
If you realise that you are running late - let me know ASAP - tell me how much is done and when you expect the rest to be 100% finished. 如果你意识到你是迟到了-让我知道尽快-告诉我多少钱,当你完成其余的预期为100%完成。
That made me feel a bit upset because I didn't realise how much sorrow I caused him when I would refuse to answer his calls. 我感到不安因为曾经没有意识到当我拒绝接他电话时他会多么难过。
It is essential to realise, at this point, that C and D are, as it were, inseparable. To appoint C alone would have been impossible. 我们有必要意识到到目前(描述的)这个阶段,C和D是不可分割的,只找一个C作副手是绝对行不通的。
However, most people do not realise that the implications of tighter economic links between the two could be even more profound. 然而,大多数人没有意识到两国之间加强经济联系的意义可能更为深远。
By now you're probably beginning to realise that even the most disruptive of problems holds the potential for a value exchange of ideas. 到目前为止你可能已经意识到,即使是最有分裂性的问题也有能交换好主意的潜力。
But "Zhong Tian Qi" these three words help me realise all my dreams, as long as as you need me, I'll stay with you forever. 可是“仲天骐”这三个字,帮我实现所有的梦,只要你需要我,我会永远陪在你身边
What the British did not realise was that Washington simply did not have the gunpowder required to fire the cannons. 英国人不知道的是,华盛顿根本没有火药发炮。
But I did not realise how much I needed a break until I was taking it. 但休完假后,我才意识到自己是多么地需要休整一下。
was part of the collection of an amateur who did not realise the significance of what he had found. 讨论中的这枚鹦鹉螺化石是一个业余收藏家的收藏部分,这位收藏家没有意识到它的重大意义。
Only on doing so did the woman, who has not been identified for legal reasons, realise that she was calling a brothel. 仅仅刚刚拨打那个雇主的电话,由于法律原因还未对其身份进行确认,她就意识到她正在给一家妓院打电话。
Fifth, it is often said Ms Merkel fails to realise that saving the euro is profoundly in Germany's own interests. 第五,人们常说,默克尔未能认识到拯救欧元完全符合德国本国利益。