
美 [ˈriz(ə)n]英 [ˈriːz(ə)n]
  • n.原因;理由;理性;道理
  • v.推理;思考;推断;推论

复数:reasons 现在分词:reasoning 过去式:reasoned

good reason,main reason,same reason,real reason,obvious reason
give reason,know reason,see reason,find reason,tell reason


n. v.

1.[c]原因;理由;解释a cause or an explanation for sth that has happened or that sb has done

2.[u]正当理由;道理;情理a fact that makes it right or fair to do sth

3.[u]思考力;理解力;理性the power of the mind to think in a logical way, to understand and have opinions, etc.

4.[u]道理;情理;明智what is possible, practical or right


it stands to reason

这是人人都清楚的;这是明摆着的it must be clear to any sensible person who thinks about it

Lily, I have to tell you that I don't want to be an Adonis. This is the reason why I refused to go with you. 莉莉,我只好明白地跟你说,我不愿意吃软饭,因此,只能拒绝你的邀请。
The couple was backed by the County Administrative Court in Goteborg, which ruled on March 13 that there was no reason to block the name. 哥德堡地方行政法院对这对夫妇给予了支持,并于3月13日做出裁决:税务局没有理由拒绝注册这个名字。
The reason is often that the pressure from their parents allows them almost no time for other activities. 其原因往往是来自家长的压力使他们几乎没有时间来进行自己的活动。
I believe that one reason so many people are in financial trouble is that they do not know how much they are spending. 我认为很多人陷于经济困难的一个原因是他们不知道他们花费了多少。
So, there's never a reason for you to be wallowing around in a problem for more than about a second? 所以,永远不会有什么理由让你陷入问题中超过一秒钟的,不是吗?
Forward, toward the front, have no reason to regret it tomorrow to meet the brilliant life and create the life of the fiery red. 迈进,向着前方,无悔地去迎接明天那生命的辉煌,创造那生命的火红。
Standing out of numerous contestants and being here now, I feel lucky enough, and I have every reason to be confident enough as well. 能够走到今天,我觉得自己足够幸运,也相信自己有理由足够自信。
For this reason, Secret Service agents protecting the president are not allowed to carry even pagers, let alone smartphones. 由于这个原因,保护总统的情报局特工甚至不允许携带纸张,更别提智能手机了。
"When both parents are working there is no reason why children should not earn money by doing work around the house, " she said. “儿童储蓄网”创办人斯彭金博士也认为:“当父母双方都在上班,孩子完全应该做家务来赚零花钱。”
The main reason for delay seems to be the inexperience or ineptitude of local officials. 而建设步伐的延误的主要原因似乎是地方行事官员的经验不足或不称职。
The proctor demanded (of him) his reason FOR his conduct. 学监要他说出他的行为的理由。
But for you to be successful with your quest you have to show him that you have dealt with the reason that lead to the break up. 但是如果你想达成心愿的话,你必须让他知道,你已经解决了当初导致分手的原因。
Stop trying to please everyone. There will always be people who you don't get along with or that do not like you for some reason. 停止取悦每个人。总会有人和你相处不来,或由于某种原因不喜欢你。
That's one reason Amazon is in the best position to turn the tablet battle into a two combatant war. 这就是亚马逊能够处于绝佳的位置将平板电脑之战转换成两个对手间的战斗的原因之一。
For this reason, therefore, I shall publish a sheet full of thoughts every morning, for the benefit of my contemporaries. 有鉴于此,我打算每天上午发表一整张随感文字,以飨时人。
The main reason for this reluctance to allow external financiers access seems to be control aversion (Cressy, 1995). 此不愿允许访问外部融资的主要原因似乎是控制厌恶(克雷西,1995年)。
But I think the reason you hate LeBron James the most is that he just doesn't seem to suffer his failures as much as you'd like him to. 不过,我认为你们讨厌勒布朗的真正原因是他没有像你们想象的那样遭受失败后有太多的负面情绪。
One reason was that she had been caught catching forty winks at the office. 其中一个原因就是她曾被抓到白天在办公室睡觉。
The end of love is not the end of life. It should be the beginning of understanding that love ends for a reason and leaves with a lesson. 爱的终结并不是生活的终止。它让人开始懂得爱总会为某个原因结束,留下教训。
That God has called us for a purpose and for a reason and that we are called to be able to give praise and thanksgiving to Him. 主呼召我们必有因由,我们被呼召,就要称颂和感谢祂。
By sharing your quest with other people, you give them a reason to cheer for you, to listen to you, or to join you in changing the world. 通过和别人分享你的探寻经历,让他们为你高兴,倾听你,甚至加入你改变世界的行动中。
When a state fears its enemies will develop nuclear weapons, it has a reason to get ahead by launching a programme of its own. 一个国家害怕他的敌人发展核武器时,会找理由抢先一步启动自己的核武计划。
The reason was that Ancient China was a feudalistic society and natural economy with the agriculture predominated everything. 究其原因,这一切变化都与中国封建农业生产的社会性质密不可分。
Thanks for your mail, I will really like to have a good relationship with you, and i have a special reason why i decided to contact you. 感谢您的邮件,我真的想和你关系很好,我有一个特殊的原因,我决定联系你。
For this reason, a scene which has no formal links always has at least one link in it, though this link has a ref value of "null" . 因此,没有正式链接的场面也要包含至少一个链接,这个链接的ref值是“null”。
This flag means that this order was not completed. This almost always means that the credit card was not valid for some particular reason. 该标记表明订单没有完成,通常是指由于某种原因信用卡无效。
Fortunately, there's no reason you can't keep the best of both environments to produce a rich, cohesive application. 幸运的是,您完全可以利用两种环境的优点来生成丰富、集成的应用程序。
This was a reason why she wanted to follow her husband, even though she had to leave her beloved family in her home country. 这是一个原因,她希望以她的丈夫,尽管她不得不离开她的祖国在她心爱的家人。
For this reason, the next great global crisis is just as likely to originate in the developing world as it is in New York or London. 有鉴于此,下一次大型全球危机很有可能从发展中国家开始爆发,正如现在的危机从伦敦或者纽约爆发一样。
Yes, it's still good to be the center of attention, but for some reason the best place to get noticed in a bar is in the corner. 是的,这仍然是最引人注目的好,但由于某些原因要注意的最佳地点是在酒吧的角落。