
美 [rɪˈliv]英 [rɪˈliːv]
  • v.减轻;缓解;缓和;接替
  • 网络解除;救济;援救

第三人称单数:relieves 现在分词:relieving 过去式:relieved

relieve stress,relieve pressure,relieve tension,relieve burden,relieve distress



1.~ sth解除,减轻,缓和(不快或痛苦)to remove or reduce an unpleasant feeling or pain

2.~ sth减轻(问题的严重性);缓和;缓解to make a problem less serious

3.~ sth调剂;使有趣to make sth less boring, especially by introducing sth different

4.~ sb接替;给…换班to replace sb who is on duty

6.~ yourself(去厕所的一种委婉说法)方便,解手a polite way of referring to going to the toilet


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... (acro 高→ ) relieve v 减轻;解除 ) sublime a 崇高的 ...


解字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 解愁〖 dispelone'sdistress〗 解除〖 remove;relieve;free;getridof〗 解答〖 answer;explain〗 ...


护士用的日常单词 英语_百度知道 ... corridor n. 走道 relieve vt 缓解 fill the prescription 抓药 ...


济字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 帮助;救助〖 help;assist;salve〗 拯救;救济relieve〗 成就〖 achieve〗 ...


词汇课堂--新东方词汇完美文本 - 豆丁网 ... regulate 制定政策法规,调整 relieve 缓和,缓解 brief 简洁的 ...


形近单词解析 ... revenue 税收 relieve 援助,接替 reveal 透露,暴露 ...


英汉字典_爱问知识人 ... release 释放 免除 发布 relieve 解除 援救 换班 remove 移动 搬家 ...


大学英语四级词汇表 ... relief n. 减轻;救济;援救 relieve vt. 减轻,解除;救济 religion n. 宗教;宗教信仰 ...

but , as she was a wise woman , she demanded " a bit of writing " to relieve herself of all responsibility. 可是,她是个机灵的女人,她要求一张可解除她一切责任的“一纸书面依据”。
Pops: 50's. A World War One veteran who loves to make corny jokes. He joined the army to relieve his youth and get away from his wife. 波普:50岁左右。一战老兵,热爱创作低俗笑话。为重温年轻时光和躲避老婆而参军。
Ginkgo has been used to relieve tension and anxiety and improve mental alertness, elevate mood and restore energy. 银杏已应用于舒缓紧张和精神过敏,提高情绪,恢复体力。
Prince Andrey, who obviously wished to relieve the awkwardness of Pierre's position, got up to go, and made a sign to his wife. 显然,安德烈公爵想冲淡一下皮埃尔说的尴尬话,他欠起身来,向妻子做了个手势,打算走了。
In this point of view to say, Ma Yongqiang's art is undoubtedly a way of his self-librating to relieve life contradictions and difficulties. 在此角度上说,马永强的艺术无疑也是他自我解脱人生矛盾和困境的一种方式。
Victory brought up the question of what the United States should do to help relieve the difficulties of the war-torn peoples abroad. 胜利带来一个问题:美国应如何帮助国外饱受战祸的人解除困苦。
It is through practice that you will be able to relieve a bit of the anxiety and fear that accompanies public speaking. 通过练习你能解除伴随公开演讲而来的那一点点焦虑和害怕。
The kick usually has no intended receiver and is usually done to relieve pressure in the goal area. 反撞力通常没有意欲的接收器和通常做解除压力在目标区域。
More to the point, the gambit failed to relieve the pressure on America in Indochina, which was one of its chief purposes. 更重要的是,这次对话并未能达成其首要目标之一-减轻美国在印度支那遭遇到的压力。
Otherwise, I will be growing too old, and I can no longer drive a carriage for you, and no more can I relieve your fatigue along the way. 不然我老了,再也不能给你驾马车,再也给你洗不了一路风尘。
Also, tucking the scrotum as well as the shaft inside a ring seems to relieve compression on the penis and reduce injuries. 将环和阴囊也套一部分在一起,这样做似乎也可以减小对阴茎的压力并减少伤害。
Analysts yesterday said it was not clear whether the moves by Lehman would be enough to relieve the pressure on Dick Fuld, chief executive. 分析师们昨日表示,目前尚不清楚,雷曼上述举措是否足以消除首席执行官迪克-富尔德(DickFuld)所面临的压力。
the bath towel folded behind the knee, his hands to " relieve the fist" to draw a circle along the knee bone contour massage method. 将浴巾折叠放在膝盖后方,双手握成“舒解拳”以画圆方法沿著膝盖骨的轮廓按摩。
Eye exercises are useful for some problems, but they do not seem to relieve myopia or dyslexia. 眼球运动对一些问题是有用的,但是好象并不能缓解近视和诵读困难。
He took me by the hand and shoved me through a door. 'Go in and relieve yourself! ' 他抓住我的手,把我朝一扇门推去,“进去吧,放松下你自己。”
Late on Sunday, he said he had accepted an offer from Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to send in troops to relieve overstretched emergency crews. 他表示,上周日他已经接受陆克文总理派出军队协助救援的提议。
Most of us choose this profession out of a desire to help, to heal, to care, to relieve suffering. 我们大多数人选择这个职业是希望能够帮助、医治、护理和减轻痛苦。
Special overnight trains to relieve the backlog of would-be passengers which built up in both Paris and London were cancelled. 在伦敦和巴黎两地,用来运送滞留旅客的夜间特殊列车也被取消了。
Isn't it sort of silly to ask God to relieve our trivial aches and pains? 求神除去我们的小病痛,是不是有点小题大作?
The sort of loss of "well integrity" that would lead to such a leak would in its turn relieve the pressure exerted by the cap. “油井完整性”缺失可能引起这场泄漏,反过来,这会缓减阀门盖释放的压力。
And don't worry; you don't have to run five miles to reach the "happy place. " Instead, sign up for a Yoga class to relieve stress. 不用担心,不是非得跑个五英里才能产生这种令人愉快的物质,通过上瑜伽课就可以达到缓解压力的目的了。
To relieve the stress of making vast sums of money, he said, there is nothing like zipping around in a copter. 他谈到,为了释放赚大钱的压力,没有什么比乘直升机在天上翱翔更有效果了。
He said that chiropractic adjustments usually relieve the pain, which he thinks could also be related to day-to-day baseball activities. 脊椎的调整将让疼痛缓和,也相信这跟每一天上场打球有关。
The downside of application engines is the fact that they seem to relieve the programmer from worrying about the security of the token. 应用程序引擎的下面反应了这样的事实:他们看起来是把程序员从标识安全性问题的担忧中释放出来。
Accordingly, strikes occurring at a Distributor's operations should not relieve the Distributor from its offtake obligations to the Company. 因此,在经销商处发生的罢工不得解除其对项目公司负有的购买义务。
He came to see me and in generous and emotional fashion offered to resign his commission so as to relieve me of any embarrassment. 他前来见我,神情激动,却不失大度地请求解除其职务,以免使我为难。
Many herbal remedies have saw palmetto as an ingredient, as it is thought to be able to reduce prostate swelling and relieve symptoms. 很多草药配方包含天然草药前列通(SawPalmetto)成分,因为它被认为能够控制前列腺肥大并减轻由前列腺肥大引起的各种症状。
I would imagine it would be a bit of a task to stress relieve a coker wheel. 我会想象这将是一个任务,强调解除焦化轮位。
Measures have been taken to relieve the city of its traffic jam, but the problem is not likely to be solved in a short time. 为缓解交通阻塞已采取了不少措施,然而这个问题并非马上能解决。
Conclusion The xizang might be a beat choice drug to treat CHD that might have good effect and relieve angina well. 结论欣康对冠心病有良好的治疗作用,能有效控制心绞痛,可作为治疗冠心病的首选药物。